
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Oath

  1. Yeah, it's a bit creepy, but man, those tears really gave an emotional impact. They do need to work on improving the facial animation, connecting it all together a bit more.

    Since I watched this the first time I've played a bit of Dreamfall, and now more than ever I'm getting really pissed of at the poor level of animation in that game. It has a bit of uncanny valley feel to it too, so maybe that's why I think that this isn't all that bad. If every game featured actors like this, I wouldn't complain very much, since it's leaps and bounds better than most content featured in today's games.

    HL2 got it all right in terms of animation, in my book. No creepy feelings or "wow, that looks so fake"-moments anywhere. They all need to get some pointers from Valve, I guess.

  2. Yeah. His blog actually motivated me to buy a bunch of marketing books, including "Positioning" where he gets most of his stuff from.

    That book seems very interesting, but tell me, is it very abstract?

    I was at a seminar at which a guy called Andy Chen, who works at a media strategy group in London called Carat, spoke and while his talk was very interesting, it was also very abstract for someone who's never looked into marketing at all before (the subject was "The Changing Communication Paradigm", which hurts just writing down).

    Sort of semi-related: At the same seminar Nicole Lazzaro also spoke, about games in particular. Probably my favorite part of the day, as she talked about "The 4 Fun Keys: Designing Player Emotions in Games". I think everyone really should check out her company's page, as it is very informative. It's game design theory, and if you were at GDC 2004 you've probably seen it already, but still very interesting for really anyone.

  3. I'm cautiously positive towards Hellgate.

    I really hope it turns out well, but I'm just desperate for a good persistent or semi-persistent online shooter or action game in general. Huxley might be just what I need, but so might this, so I'm keeping my options open.

  4. On this topic, I'd always seen him as similar to Mark Rein. These guys are very used to reskinning and rereleasing the same straightforward game - lots of shooting and lots of explosions. They are the ultimate same-gameplay+better-graphics developers.

    That's hard to say, since 3D Realms haven't really released anything in a while.

    What I meant to say was more along the lines of what Marek posted. He's just clamoring for attention at this point, trying to remind folks about 3DR and DNF. When I say he's trolling, it's because of that; his statements are designed to provoke a counter-reaction, by him claiming a negative view just for the sake of it.

  5. I stole all of the good china off the Duke of Somethings table months ago. The food is just sitting on the table... and no one ever resets it.

    These people can't live without china forever!


    The cold war of dinnerware has begun.

  6. Fun. I :knoweverything:

    Speaking of smileys, when I click on the [More] link on the smileys toolbar, I get a window of all the smileys which is cool, except that the windows is usuallly small, at least on Windows Firefox. Would you guys be nice and increase the size of that window to at least twice as wide, please? :violin:

    For me, it's already resizable.

  7. I watched an interview Gamepot held on the floor (literally) with Perrin Kaplan, and she stated that the Wii's price will be something that 'everyone will like' and can afford. Now to me, that sounds more like 200 than 250. But I guess we'll just see, and everything else is speculation.

    $200 would be a fantastic launch price, even though that might mean there will be little to no pack-ins. I'd really like if they bundled two controllers and perhaps even a game, but that perhaps isn't too viable these days. Seeing as how $199 has been the cost of every Nintendo (non-portable) console since the SNES (maybe even the NES?) at launch, it wouldn't be that much of a shock.

    It'll be an expensive launch for me either way. So many great games...

  8. Do you really think something like that could give a balanced and entertaining game if you can pull it off at any time? If it was a one-shot thing, now that's a different matter!

    What, blocking? Yeah, that totally ruins the balance of a fighting game.

  9. He was supposed to do the voice of a vorgonaut in Half-Life 2 but wasn't able to for whatever reason.

    Vortigaunt. And Lou Gosset Jr. did superbly in that part, so William's performance wasn't missed in the slightest.

    As for performances in games, IMDB only lists one; the Genie in Aladdin's Math Quest from 1998. Truly a benchmark in voice-acting.

  10. If I had known you were going to steal it, I would have watermarked my screenshot!

    I really can't wait to see what else they cram in this game. What fun is that it'll be great, whatever they decide on!

    I'm personally hoping for Phoenix Wright, with "Take That!" and "Hold It!" popping up during his specials.

  11. Aye, but you DO learn the techniques, which would in theory make the transition to real swordfight (which would eventually be the ultimate goal of course, Highlander in the real) easier. You just have to adjust to the weight of a sword and your timing, but you know the moves and the rules of engagement. Am I making sense?

    Yeah, I guess so. I'm not sure about how useful those techniques could ever be when your brain has no way of knowing how to compensate for the weight. That's something that really needs training.

    I just thought how great it would be if they made a Bushido Blade title for the Wii, as that'd be a good blend of realism and fun. It's paced pretty much just right for a console like this.

  12. The thing that makes virtual swordsmanship a whole lot easier than real life is that there is no weight.

    Exactly. You can stop your strikes at any moment and easily twirl the blade around using your wrist, with little difficulty. It's pretty much just a removal of all the downsides of trying to wield a sword.