
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Oath

  1. No problem.

    Animal Crossing is ok I guess, but it takes a lot of time and isn't very intense. It depends on what type of game you're looking to play on a handheld. If it's action and quick kicks, then Animal Crossing isn't really well suited (Meteos on the other hand is perfect). If you know you don't mind spreading a game out over the course of weeks and months then it's all good.

  2. In no particular order:

    • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    • Meteos
    • Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
    • Advance Wars: Dual Strike

    There are of course others, but those are pretty much the best. Phoenix Wright is a great adventure game, Meteos is better than Tetris, Castlevania is just Castlevania and Advance Wars is a solid strategy game.

  3. tree-hugger

    Yes, caring about things other than ourselves and our present status is a terrible idea. Live in the now, man!

    Thinking about the environment makes me sad.

    It's not out yet, but Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth seems to be very interesting, if this interview about the film is anything to go by. The May issue of Wired also has some coverage about Gore's work, as well as a technological view on it.

  4. I've played about 2 and a bit hours now and am just a little ways into Chapter 4 (of 5. Saddened by how quickly this will end...) Sin was fun and all, but this should have come out sooner. If you're going to be the first Episodic game, it may as well be the best one. Shorter than Sin, but a much MUCH richer experience. (Not that Sin was bad, it just wasn't HL2)

    If you're getting through the game that quickly, maybe you should consider the scenic route? I like just looking around after I clear some areas, viewing the small details that Valve place everywhere. I think it took me about 4½ hours on normal because of this. Also dying a few times helps.

  5. Actually... the archives are the "cooked" files used for seek-free loading which is required for better loading speeds on consoles. Because of this re-used content is included in every archive (scene) instead of just once. I think that the game would be at least half te size if they didn't use the cooked files for the PC.

    I could pretend I knew that and that's what I meant by "poor compression", but I'll suppress that urge for now.

  6. Remember to watch the episode two teaser that is unlocked when you finish the game. Cliffhangers ahoy!

    I'll replay episode one tomorrow with the commentary, most likely. Really great game, with everything I wanted (more HL2 content). Probably the most stunning scenes I've ever witnessed, mostly thanks to some great uses of shaders and fantastic art direction yet again.

    I hope they release another book in the vein of Raising the Bar, when all three episodes are done.

  7. Did anyone else notice that the hard drive space is HUGE for the amount of actual game you end up with?

    A combination of poor compression and a lot of unique content that only shows up once.

  8. I just got New SMB today and frankly it's a slight disapointment. I still really like it and I've had some fun with it, but it's not as good as I was hoping. There are mainly two things that I feel take away from the game: the gravity based Mario feels pretty bad in combination with the dashing and the saving is too limited for a portable game.

    I really like the walljumping and the new power-ups, but it could have been better in my opinion, if they had only tweaked it a bit more. I wish you could have dashing on the shoulder buttons instead too.

  9. How sad -a forum where socially handicapped little brats BRAG about their trolling of other forums.

    Ah, finally, a good use for this... :violin:

    Besides, all the trolling so far has been pretty weak. We should have a big flame war some day!

  10. Usually any new thing that Rockstar comes up with ends up in GTA.

    I'm trying to figure out if this is an exception.

    It'll probably be on the same renderer or at least the same graphical level. Perhaps a tennis minigame would fit? You know, being able to buy sport courts for you mansion or something, seeing as how there was a basketball minigame in SA, they could build on that.