
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by ThunderPeel2001

  1. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    What if it turns out that *I* was in the Cube all along?
  2. GTA V

    Well as long as we cleared that up :-P Let's just say that I don't believe that the facial expression of the woman being arrested wasn't something given a great deal of thought to. She's pouting for the camera, and that's no accident. It's not the end of the world though, it's just a little... really?
  3. Life

    I bought them, but I never delivered them because I care about your health! Congrats on your job.
  4. Movie/TV recommendations

    *bring bring* Hello Rodi, this is ThunderPeel2001. I hear you're confused as to how anyone could enjoy John Carter. All I can say is, I didn't think it was terrible. I enjoyed the consistency of the characters and the world, even if I wasn't gripped. I found it to be perfectly adequate and solidly made, and never annoying. I hope that explains everything. Okthxbye. *click*
  5. Broken Age - Double Fine Adventure!

    Episode 7 is finally here! My recommendation: Don't read Tim's note until AFTER you've watched the video. I felt like he spoiled a lot of the drama for me. Ignore me. So far it's been fine. Don't ignore me, I wish hadn't read Tim's message!
  6. Life

    Don't push that! Hello? Hello? Great, now everyone's been disconnected.
  7. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    Anyone able to beat my score yet? That's the only fun I've had with the game: Trying to get a x 20 multiplier. 52,873 All in one go, without breaking!
  8. Life

    Yes! Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Hellooooo?
  9. Life

    Nach and I are also getting married late 2013. You're all invited!
  10. Obligatory Comical YouTube Thread II: The Fall of YouTube

    This isn't funny, but it is awesome. Real journalism! Holy shit!
  11. Far Cry 3

    I asked this before, but I only got one reply, and now many more people are echoing the same thing: Everyone keeps saying that the story is terrible. Can someone explain why the STORY is so bad? (I haven't played it.) People are stating it so matter of factly, that surely someone can go into some detail?
  12. Plug your shit

    I'd be interested, but what type of feedback do you want?
  13. Life

    Yeah, but THIS time they might be right!
  14. Darksiders & Darksiders II

    The last post in that thread seemed particularly relevant.
  15. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Huh, waitaminute... I was just reading through this thread and there are people who DIDN'T love everything about Half-Life besides me? Where have you been?
  16. Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube?

    You can only buy upgrades like that with cubelets... And even then they only last for a few minutes.
  17. Steam Linux

    Wow, Linux sounds even more fun than Windows!
  18. Sick HD watch trailers

    Is it just me being unable to sleep, or does what he say make no sense? Edit: Ah! He says "unsure if you have a claim" not "I'm sure" You know, I just looked at their website and they seem like an awesome company. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation talking, but they operate totally free to the claimant - recuperating all costs from the companies they successfully sue, and never taking anything from the awarded damages. Gawdbless ya Real Life Butterfield. Also, nice one for sharing that, I'd never seen it!
  19. Life

    I'm sorry if I sounded flippant, but clearly I didn't do a good job of explaining myself. If I recall correctly, and I'm on my phone, so forgive me for not checking, but you started this discussion suggesting you might not say anything AT ALL. When people, like myself, advised that you broach the subject with her, however tactfully, you remained tepid, going so far as to announce that most people you'd asked advised the complete opposite. I'm presuming you wouldn't ask our advice without providing all the pertinent information, so assuming there are no unusual circumstances, like your friend suffering from acute anxiety, or something like that, then this boils down to doing the Right Thing. The right thing is making sure that your friend is not being taken advantage of. The right thing is ensuring she's not putting her trust in those who are untrustworthy. The right thing is making sure that she's aware that this idiot is the type of person who's capable of bad-mouthing her every time she leaves the room. What possible GOOD could come out of doing otherwise? This isn't some acquaintance, this is someone she spends eight hours a day with, and for all you know, talks about her behind her back at every opportunity - in her workplace! To her colleagues. To her superiors. To people she's just met, like clients. They certainly didn't hesitate to bad mouth her to people she knows! If withholding this information didn't put your friend in a vulnerable position, like if it was someone they weren't going to see again, then I could totally understand what you're saying. But it's not. It's someone she WORKS with. I'm sorry if what I said upset you, but think about the worst possible thing that could happen from you withholding this information. Then think about the worst possible thing that could happen from telling her. Are they really as bad as each other, or is one worse than the other?
  20. Plug your shit

    Very nice indeed!
  21. Life

    Then most people you've asked are not very good friends. It's a normal natural instinct it to tell her, but you're trying to rationalize not telling her. Why? Be honest with yourself. Seriously. Why? Are you really trying to "protect" her? (If so, who placed you in a position to know what's best for her?) Or, as a lot of people do, are you just trying to avoid stress in your own life? You don't have to heartless about this. Be as gentle and humane as possible, but she deserves to know. You can ease into the topic, gauge her reaction, and tell a calm version of events from your perspective -- but she still deserves to know what someone is saying about her behind her back. I personally wouldn't consider you a friend if you'd withheld something like this from me, and if the roles were reversed, I think you'd agree that knowing is better than not knowing. Even if it means a bad patch in the short-term. This is a no brainer. Seriously.
  22. BioShock Infinite

    Your face!
  23. Obligatory Comical YouTube Thread II: The Fall of YouTube

    I think it's a fake, but it's very well done...
  24. Life

    You should totally tell her! My goodness, I can't believe you're even hesitating. Are you seriously thinking of not telling her because you MIGHT make her unhappy in work? If you're right, and he's as untrustworthy/slimy as you think he is, then a) She needs to know in order to protect herself in the long run, or She will already know. Your account of how someone was rude to you is only yours... He may be a completely different person to her (for all you know, you really rub him up the wrong way), but withholding information like that isn't cool. Honesty, David! Honesty! Don't try and play god and assume you know what's best for other people! Just be honest!
  25. GOTY

    I guess we'll all have to re-vote in the New Year... I hadn't played Hotline Miami last time I voted, and things like that.