Intrepid Homoludens

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Posts posted by Intrepid Homoludens

  1. :grin: Heh, heh, I'm such a whore. I love watching this major pissing match between the giant console lords:

    Sony Considers 2005 PS3 Release

    A company rep hints at the possibility of a release this year.

    May 12, 2005 - In a surprising twist on the next generation hardware race, a Sony representative has stated that a year 2005 release for the next generation PlayStation is a possibility. Responding to questions from Jiji news service, Sony Chief Financial Officer Takao Yuhara states, "For the year end sales season, simultaneously building up both the PlayStation Portable system in America and Europe as well as the next generation PlayStation is one option that we have."

    Most industry speculation calls for a next generation PlayStation release in 2006. Sony's third party developers have backed this assumption up with a strong list of PlayStation 2 titles planned for the rest of the year and early next.

    The state of the next generation PlayStation software shown at next week's E3 show should reveal if a 2005 release is a possibility for the new system, or if Yuhara's comments were designed to take some steam out of Microsoft's Xbox 360 unveiling later today.

  2. Will Xbox 360 be backwards compatible?

    The problem with backwards compatibility is that the original Xbox ran on an nVIDIA graphics processor. When software makes calls to a chipset to produce visuals it uses code specific to that hardware. Xbox 360 runs on an ATI graphics chip meaning that code from last generation games will need to be recompiled or emulated in order to work on the system. Does this mean that consumers will have to chuck their beloved Xbox libraries? Not necessarily. There is a chance that Xbox 360 will have the ability to emulate the old system, though nothing has been announced as of yet. FAQ

    From what I've read you have to spend extra for it. This is because of licensing conflicts involving some hardware parts in the current Xbox, making it problematic to run current games on the 360. I already own an Xbox so it's not an issue for me, except to start saving money for the 360 now.

  3. Also, remember that Microsoft is going out of their way to make it as easy as possible for game developers to code their games for Xbox 360, they are offering devs as many incentives as possible, including extensive consultation and technical backup. I bet this also includes top quality marketing and advertising for games. From what I've read they're being extremely generous, apparently a plan to snag as many developers as possible. If they truly follow up on this, the Japanese would really need to re-assess how they deal with developers. (I wonder how that multimillion dollar lawsuit against Sony for its copyright breach of their PS and PS2 controller vibration function is pending)

    Combine all that with wealth of customization the 360 promises, such as online purchasing of in-game accessories, an existing strong hardcore online community, and other goodies.

  4. I'm sure millions of twelve year olds are holding their mouths agape this instant, waiting for Microsoft to mince up to them and shit in their mouths with derivative sequels until their tiny food bags can hold no more.

    But the rest of us are waiting to see good games, not shiny plastic.

    Aside from your I'm-older-thus-I-am-better-than-them dismissiveness, that's rather true.

    I will start putting money aside for this baby right away. :buyme: