Intrepid Homoludens

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Everything posted by Intrepid Homoludens

  1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

    My mum only changes my diapers. Get yer own mum!
  2. OI! That's mir sword!

    I remember when they first opened, and there all these coupons flying around for a free burrito. I would collect them to redeem. I didn't like the food, but hey! it's a free lunch, and I couldn't even finish one in one sitting.
  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

    Someone needs his diaper changed, guys.
  4. OI! That's mir sword!

    You like Chipotle? EIW! That's shit's not kosher! It may be healthy but I think it tastes....I dunno, WRONG. The various ingredients don't seem to gel with each other flavourwise. Me, I prefer to go to a REAL neighbourhood tacqueria (owned and run by real Mexicans). Mmmmmm, nothing like a big hot freshly made burrrrrrrrito packed with spicy chorizo and a beer at 2 in the morning. :9~
  5. Random Gibberish

  6. OI! That's mir sword!

  7. Random Gibberish

    Dunkin' Krispy Kreme Donuts.
  8. Grounded

    So now will you have your mom accompany you to school so you can watch her bitch slap Miss Turtle Bitch?
  9. It's actually not raining

    Who? Me? I think it's hot, raunch, pr0n tart Yuf Yuf you want.
  10. Random Gibberish

    I ain't wearing any underwear.
  11. It's actually not raining

    No, I think your brother is.
  12. OI! That's mir sword!

    You just TRY to kill me, bitch. I hid ALL your hentai games and only I know where they are.
  13. Christopher Walken

    So Yuftser, do you want to date Christopher Walken?
  14. Go Team Xbox

    You whore!!
  15. Time for a new Psychonauts thread

    Um ... ... okay.
  16. OI! That's mir sword!

    We're a fucked up bunch, aren't we?
  17. Grounded

    Oh man, you just wait til you're in college. Memory is not enough, you actually have to THINK. Well, if you had a case where you absolutely must be heard, it's definitely in your best interest to act as mature as possible.
  18. Psychonauts gets its first review

    Then where does it lie? I'm not necessarily arguing, I just want to know what the designer's intent is and if that intent was successfully manifested.
  19. Psychonauts gets its first review

    I actually wasn't even giving those number scores any relevance. The actual writing was far more informative and offered me a bit of insight into the nuances of the gameplay and general experience.
  20. Go Team Xbox

    Fable KoTOR KoToR II: The Sith Lords Project Gotham Racing That's all I've actually played so far. I've played Silent Hill 2 and 3, and Beyond Good & Evil on PC, they are excellent. They come on Xbox as well.
  21. Grounded

    Do YOU think you could do better in math? Do you WANT to get into it? There is a crucial link that determines the difference between being interested in any subject and wanting to get into it, and not at all giving a damn about it and not making any effort and just wanting a passing grade to get it off your back. That crucial link is the teacher. Even if you're ultimately not into math (or any given subject for that matter) it still does matter that you get something out of it that you can use later somehow. A good teacher will see to that. IMO, unless you have a severe learning disability (which you obviously do not) or something is vitally wrong in your life there is no way you could and should flunk any class. Who knows how many bright students this Miss Turtle Bitch has flunked in the past because she truly is a shitty teacher. And who knows how many more. Okay, frankly that's just being mean. You may be just a student, but if you keep an attitude like this it would be no surprise that people of authority (like a guidance counselor) don't take you seriously. You're a student, but you can definitely get people to notice you as far more than that if you made your point as clearly, professionally, and maturely as possible. You are an honour roll student, one of the brightest. You deserve to be taken seriously. Right?
  22. Grounded

    One disgruntled student, even an honors student, may not make much of a difference, but many more could. Don't let your lack of authority stop you. It's possible to report a shitty teacher if more students (especially those who have good reputation and grades) AND their parents come forward and demand satisfaction.
  23. Sony faces $90.7m patent damages

    Do you realize how frightening that could sound to a woman?
  24. Sony faces $90.7m patent damages

    Shit. Where can I get me one?
  25. Sony faces $90.7m patent damages

    I don't think so. The patent is specifically for vibration technology as applied to video games.