
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Moosferatu

  1. I finished it today. It was fun. I enjoyed the animations and the feel of flying the head the most. For how little story there was, I had a hard time following it. I'm still not sure what exactly happened, and why I did it.


    Did anyone actually fight using the lasers? I fought every encounter by immediately detaching my head, and sucking off all of the enemies heads, which makes most of the skill upgrades worthless.

  2. I was noticing as Chris was playing RimWorld that all of his rooms have doors. Is this actually encouraged by the game? Most houses don't have doors on every room, and if they do, they're rarely ever closed. For that matter, do you need to even have rooms? Why not just have a large open space?


    Also, do they not need a restroom? Are they using a latrine or something?

  3. Added. At least they are not kicking them anymore (my robot sympathies have been revealed now).


    Ha!  Excellent.


    Just make sure to line all the entrances to your home with banana peels and you should be safe.

  4. There's a mod that adds a button to put all remaining soldiers on overwatch, and it's basically all I ever wanted.




    It also really bothers me how the game keeps selecting characters who I've already moved once, but am waiting to put in overwatch till I've moved everyone.  It makes it more annoying than it needs to be to find the characters I haven't moved yet.

  5. One more annoyance I have with the game is that besides the boat, everything that moves moves at a really glacial pace. There's even a few + puzzles where this is used, but fuck that.


    Yeah... and some of them require you to be moving to solve.  I'm not sure if I'll ever have the patience for it.

  6. Yeah, the sounds started to drive me crazy today too.  The one that gets me the most is the high pitch noise that starts up when you start to solve a puzzle.  I used to leave puzzles active while I thought about them, but I can't take it anymore.  Perhaps they are trying to encourage you to think about the puzzles in your head rather than probing them out visually?  Whatever the case, it's annoying.

  7. I just finished the game. Yes there is a point of no return, but when I went back into the game there was a save in the load menu right before the break happens.




    Does anyone know if there's a "bibliography" anywhere for the various audio/visual content?