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Posts posted by Moosferatu

  1. Anyone seen it? Does it suck, as I suspect it might? How is it with regards to Monkey Island?

    I'll probably see it one of these days, but I'm by no means going to run out to see it thus contributing to the sinful amounts of money it's currently pulling in. I had actually hoped to see A Scanner Darkly this weekend, but it was released in like ten theaters nation wide. Oh well, I'll be able to see it on the 14th in Ann Arbor at least, and I can't wait. A Scanner Darkly, Snakes on a Plane, and Little Miss Sunshine are the only summer movies that really interest me.

  2. Dreamfall could have been a book or a TV miniseries or whatever and nearly every thread on the internet about it would be exactly the same.

    hmm... now that I think about it some more you've got a point. I still really enjoyed the game my first time through (my second was a little boring), but maybe Ragnar should try to get into the tv industry. I doubt he will, but, you're right, at present his games would probably work better as miniseries. Hopefully there will be more game to his next game.

  3. I've watched Serial Experiments Lain, Planetes, and Samurai Champloo now. All of them were quite different from each other and quite excellent. I think I agree with Twilo, and enjoyed Samurai Champloo more than Cowboy Bebop. The second half of the show is especially good.

    What's up with the way they sell anime? I'd consider buying some of these shows if they didn't charge such exorberant prices for everything. Can they really only fit four episodes per dvd? For 26 twenty episodes of a tv show I wouldn't expect to have to pay much more than $40 if I were to pick it up off the shelf brand new. Instead, they charge you $20-$30 (new) per dvd with only four or five episodes on it. What the hell?

  4. Yes it does, except I don't like that Rhythmbox now closes when I press the close button. Previously it used to minimize to tray. And actually, there doesn't even seem to be a minimize to tray option at all.

    I don't know why, but it looks like you actually have to go to File->Close if you want it to minimize to the tray instead of entirely closing the program. It appears as if they have the 'X' defaulting to quit instead of close for some odd reason. I have no idea if there's a way you can change its behavior.

  5. I don't see Full Throttle...

    Seeing as he appears to have arranged them in chronological order, I'm guessing it's behind his head between Sam & Max and The Dig. hmm... for some reason I thought The Dig came out first though. It's been a while. I envy your boxed copies.

  6. I'm surprised that they're giving you shit about what you buy. Every time I go to the ebgames near me there's at least one person there buying shit in a box in one form or another. I'd think that they'd be used to people asinine games to the point of not caring anymore (not that the games you bought are stupid). I was in there once and some guy was going on about how great the 50 Cent game (winner of numerous dubious honors) is, and the employee, who clearly thought the game sucked, just made up some crap about liking the music instead of telling the guy he needs his head examined. Actually, I guess they've got some pretty good employees there though. There's a guy there who I usually talk to about Double Fine and who seems to be on the up and up on what games are actually good.

  7. Noir is not just a camera angle and slow ponderous discourse in front of extreme lighting. It is not just style. There is something sinister and psychological about it, there are fleshed out characters, there is hubris, guile and decadence, and Cowboy Bebop has none of it. It is just a wankery of superficial aspects of all that is perceived as noir and then it takes itself a tad too seriously for the rabid superficiality that it espouses. Or somesuch.

    I don't think Cowboy Bebop is the greatest show ever, but to be fair to it it does have more noir elements besides some visual style. This is probably best seen in the disappointingly underdeveloped Spike backstory (5 episodes in a 26 episode run?), what with the regret, betrayal, femme fatale, and the what not. Yeah, it probably could have been a lot better done, but it's still there. Whether or not the show took itself too seriously, I don't know. I don't think I ever took it that seriously. I enjoyed watching it for the style and action more than anything else. Especially since most of the stand alone plots were the same and predictable. In most shows it's a forgone conclusion that the good guy is always going to win in the end. In Cowboy Bebop its a forgone conclusion that they're always going to lose yet in some lame way win. They actually get, what, one maybe two bounties in the entire series. Again, I did enjoy it despite this.

  8. Cowboy Bebop (the movie) barely had a plot. It's stylish and has a nice soundtrack, but... nothing memorable.

    What's wrong with that? Style counts for something. Does anyone here watch Samurai Jack for its riveting plots, witty dialogue, and deep characters?

  9. Thanks for the suggestions. Some of them look promising. Are there any good noir-ish ones? I'm a sucker for noir style stuff. Cowboy Bebop often has some good film noir elements which is quite enjoyable.

  10. I've just recently started watching a little anime. For some reason I was prejudice against it in the past, but I recently gave it a shot discovered that some of it is really really good. Anyone have any suggestions on good stuff? I really haven't watched much of anything so far. As far as I can remember, I've just watched Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and I'm on the last dvd of Cowboy Bebop. I've been checking some stuff out on youtube to see what I think. I just watched the first episode of Serial Experiments Lain, and was quite taken by it. I'll probably get it next from Netflix. The art direction is absolutely amazing. A friend of mine recommended Ghost in the Shell, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. um... I've also watched the first episode of Heavy Metal Alchemist and part of the first episode of Trigun. I didn't like Trigun at all, and wasn't sure about the other. I think that's about it.

  11. I just went back to listen to the commentaries for the first few episodes of the first season. I was surprised to discover that not only was Helo's survival not originally planned (I already knew this), but having Sharon show up was a spur of the moment decision and that it wasn't till a couple episodes down the road that they really figured out what to do with it. It's so surprising because that one sub-plot became one of the central pieces of the series in the second season, and it's certain to carry on into the third. It makes me wonder what the show would have been like if Helo had died or Sharon hadn't come for him, like it was originally intended.

    Man, I really love this show. I'm actually starting the second season on my second time through, this time watching it with my brother, and I'm still not tired of it. I'm really looking forward to the third season, especially because there is supposed to be a sustained Cylon POV storyline. mmmm, more Dean Stockwell. :clap:

  12. Yep, EMI was fun. I still remember when those first screenshots came out...

    I just replayed SMI and MI2 for the first time in, I don't really know, maybe four years. Previously I'd always thought that SMI was better, but I think I've finally come to see the light. LeChuck's Revenge really is the superior game. I still miss the insult sword fighting though.

  13. meh. The only reason that I'd ever consider getting a Lite (which will probably never happen) is for the better screen. I don't think it really looks all that much better than the original DS. I'm not particularly crazy about the iPodization of everything. Sure, everything looks "sleek and sexy" but there's hardly any character to it. Having said that, no, I don't really have a better design in mind. heh, though a retro Battlestar Galactica-ish DS would be awesome, but possibly a bit clunky.

  14. I just finished playing through SMI on my DS. I completely charged the battery before starting and only played SMI on it with the volume on max. I was worried that it might eat the battery, but I finished it without even the red warning light turning on. I'm not certain how many hours I played. I'm guessing that games like DotT or Sam & Max are a bit harder on the battery though.