
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Moosferatu

  1. I met Tim Schafer one time. He thanked me for starting the Tim Fandango website.

    asshole :(

    (Thanks for hosting my crap site that hasn't been updated in ages.)

  2. Ron finally updated his blog a couple weeks back. I'm really looking forward to the third season, but I couldn't help but mutter "ah, shit" when I got to this bit, "Her episode this year is 'The Passage' (originally Ep 9) and deals with a harrowing voyage of the rag-tag fleet and focuses on Kat." Kat is without question the absolute worst character on the show, and yet Ron seems to love her. It makes no sense. She's irritating beyond belief and Scar was pure shit. There better not be another Scar this season.

    Oh yeah, and nice avatar, Redwall. I wonder if he's going to get a cool pirate eye-patch.

  3. Just watched The Mighty Boosh s2 (which Nick showed at Spaff's like half a year ago now I think?) and it's really good if you enjoy surreal humor.

    s1 seems to be utter shit so far though. ;(

    Yeah, I was going to ask about that. I read that it was supposed to be good, but I wasn't particularly crazy about the first episode. Anyone watched Jam? The first episode was bizarre, to say the least.

    It's funny, the thing that struck me the most when I watched the first episode of Father Ted was a painting that was hanging on one of the walls. It was of a girl in a red cape, she looks a little like an oriental little red riding hood, holding a flower. Nothing special, but my brother bought the exact same painting at a garage sale last summer and currently has it hanging up in his apartment above his desk. Weird. It's not a well known painting or anything, is it?

  4. Ha! The first episode of Black Book is fantastic. I also just watched the first episode of Nathan Barley. I accidentally watched the second episode first last night, and didn't think it was all that great. But, having seen the first episode now, I think I'll watch the rest of the show. Quite funny.

  5. Has anyone here watched Monster? I hear that it's supposed to be quite good, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting through it. I think I'm around episode 20 currently. It's interesting and all, but why does it have to be dragged out for 74 episodes. I hear that a couple of movies based on it are in the works and they're being written by the guy who wrote the script for A History of Violence. That sounds quite promising. I think a distilled version of the story would be quite nice.

  6. Yeah, I thought it was exceedingly boring as well. Also, the plot was largely uninteresting and unfunny (wouldn't have been an issue if it hadn't supposed to be). But, I'm glad you, and most everyone else, really enjoy it. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.

  7. I finished HL2: Episode One last night and as the credits were scrolling by one name jumped out at me -- Erik Wolpaw. Does anyone know if he has left Double Fine to work for Vavle? Shame if he has. Not that Valve wouldn't make use of his talents, but certainly not to the same extent as Double Fine. Half-Life has solid writing and all, but there's no comparison when it comes to something like Psychonauts or Grim (yes, I know he didn't work on it).

  8. I just watched the first couple of episodes of The 4400 because I'd never seen it before and I wanted to be able to justly say that it sucks. To my complete surprise, it ended up not sucking. I'm still a bit skeptical as to whether or not the show can keep it up though. Has anyone here watched the second season? How is it?

  9. The first Half-Life is superior to the sequel in many ways. The Xen bits are kinda awful, but everything up to then is the shit.

    So I hear, but I didn't have nearly as much fun playing it as I'm currently having with the sequel.

  10. I'm currently playing Half-Life 2, though I never finished the original. I stopped playing it about a month back right when I got to the Lambda Core and never got around to playing it again. I just started playing HL2 for my first time a couple days ago, and I must say that I'm really enjoying it. I just got to Nova Prospekt, and so far it's been far more entertaining for me than the original. I'm pretty sure that I'll even finish it. The graphics are simply stunning. I love Europe, and they've captured the Eastern European look perfectly. A couple bits have dragged on a bit longer than I'd have liked, but that's far overshadowed by the amazing bits like when you break into the prison with the antlions. That was a blast.

    I'm also playing The Feeble Files again, with many thanks to the scummvm team. If you've never played it, you should definitely check it out. It's truly an unacknowledged gem of the adventure genre. It's also good counterpoint to HL2. Whenever I get bored of running around blowing things up, I can switch over for some slow paced, quality adventuring.

  11. Kingz is right. I learned all about it on American Dad (the only episode I've seen). I tried to find the clip, but was unable to. It's in Deacon Stan, Jesus Man. Betsy gets pregnant after making out with Steve. American Dad doesn't lie!

  12. You guys do know that two Hellboy animated movies are being made, right? Apparently they're going to air on cartoon network and then be released on dvd. Here's the blog of the guy who's in charge of the project. There should be a trailer of the first movie out soon. I hope they are able to nail the Mignola look as well as The Amazing Screw-On Head did.

  13. I just got back from A Scanner Darkly. It's worth seeing if only for Robert Downey Jr and the amazing visuals. Surprisingly enough, Keanu Reeves doesn't even detract from it as he's usually prone to doing. I was a bit disappointed by the screenplay though. There were some good scenes, usually involving Robert Downey Jr, but on the whole it could have been a lot better. I wonder if the original Kaufman script was any better.

  14. Wow!! This is awesome! It's amazing how well they duplicated Mignola's art style. I love Mike Mignola. This better get picked up. Also, are they really going to be airing Darkplace? Sweet. Hopefully it'll get a region 1 dvd release then, so I can get rid of the crappy versions I have.