
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Moosferatu

  1. I'm gonna hijack this thread: Today I got my Wii to review Zelda. I buy a converter to be able to supply it with power, but the thing was so goddamn cheap it blew up within a minute and now I'm stuck without being able to play on the Wii. I hope I didn't blow up the Wii itself, but just the cheap motherfucking converter.

    Goddamnit, why don't these things just function!

    Converter or transformer? That later is what you're needing.

  2. I haven't bought any virtual console games yet, because I can't find the classic controller anywhere (also none of the games appeal to me yet).

    Use a GCN controller.

  3. Yeah, that threesome thing was somewhat surprising. As for the Downloaded Baltar, I believe that RDM said in one of the podcasts that he will be making a reappearance at some point later in the season. It's still disappointing how they've just forgotten about him currently though.

    Season 1: :tup: :tup:

    Season 2: :tup::tmeh:

    Season 3: :tmeh: ?

    I'm still holding out that it will get better though.

  4. I just finished the first episode. It was alright. Not brilliant, but not shit either. I don't understand why they made this show instead of another season of the infinitely better Darkplace. Oh well, I have a feeling that they might bring Darkplace back considering how well the dvd sales did.

  5. I just finished Touch Detective's four main cases (there's a bonus case where you wander around town talking to people), and it's an excellent game. I haven't played Trace Memory, so I can't compare them but this is definitely how adventures should be done on the DS. The entire game was quite enjoyable, especially the second case. :tup: :tup:

  6. In that case I'll get it later. There was no date yet or anything, I just got a promise I'd get the assignment =) When is Portrait set to arrive now?

    hmm... I don't really know. I could have sworn that I read somewhere a couple weeks back that it was being pushed back to the beginning of next year due to multiplayer issues, but I can't seem to find the source. I could be imagining things.

  7. Yeah, I agree with Marek. It was a solid episode. I have a feeling that it's going to be a turning point for the season, as it feels like they've finally found their footing again. They've either tied-up or dropped most of the sub-plots, so the show should be much more focused. It's just too bad how many things they've had to sweep under the rug to get to this point. :sad:

  8. I found a good deal on a copy of Touch Detective today, so I decided to get it to see how accurate the reviews of it were. I've played about an hour of it, and so far it appears that it got bad reviews solely because it's an adventure game. The music and graphics in it are top notch.

  9. Well, I thought the Spiderman 3 trailer made the movie look hilariously melodramatic. Also, if the trailer is anything to go by, Venom is going to suck, which is a crying shame seeing as they did him so well in the cartoon. Maybe they're just saving the good Venom bits for the movie. Maybe...


  10. I've never played a Castlevania game before and am thinking of getting one. Which should I get? Dawn of Sorrow? Aria of Sorrow? Harmony of Dissonance? Circle of the Moon?