
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Moosferatu

  1. Dreamfall gone gold

    damn it, ebgames just changed their ship date to the 20th as well. I knew I should have preordered from Funcom.
  2. Headsmiley poll, round four!

    I don't think it's quite fair having hypnotoad in the poll. Who could possibly resist voting for him?
  3. Another World Windows

    He did Heart of Darkness. I don't believe he wanted a sequal to Another World.
  4. Another World Windows

    Here are all of the codes if anyone needs them. Is "palais" French for "palace", or is it a typo?
  5. Another World Windows

    That entire end sequence is absolutely beautiful and a great change of pace. I really liked it. Oh, and I also enjoyed the credits. [edit]
  6. Another World Windows

    I just re-did it all. It's amazing how much easier it is the second time through.
  7. Another World Windows

    bah. For some reason I just lost all of my progress. Can someone give me the code for the area right after your friend helps you escape the two guards who chased you down the tunnel?
  8. Another World Windows

    The hardest thing for me so far has been the slugs at the very beginning. Is there something special you're supposed to do to get by them, or do you just have to time your jumps to perfection?
  9. Dreamfall gone gold

    Yeah, I caved and just pre-ordered it at my local ebgames. Naturally, the guy there had never heard of it before.
  10. Dreamfall gone gold

    It's $65. bah, I want it, but I don't want to wait an extra two weeks for it, which is stupid because we've already been waiting for so long. What's another two weeks?
  11. Dreamfall gone gold

    Funcom has finally said something about the release of the limited edition. It apparently isn't going to ship till the 30th. That sucks. I think I might just pre-order the normal version at ebgames, because I don't feel like waiting, and possibly get the other as well depending on how much it costs.
  12. Bone Part Dos

    I just finished it. It's great. Has anyone else finished it yet?
  13. Bone Part Dos

    I've played about half or just over half of it now, and it is quite good. While I enjoyed the first one too, The Great Cow Race is vastly superior. I strongly recommend it. It really does bring you back to the good old LucasArts adventures. I really like the characters too. I haven't read the comics yet, but I managed to find a good deal on the complete one volume edition which should come next week. Out of curiosity, what's the thought on the new colorized editions? Are they really all that much better than the original black and white? It doesn't make sense to me that they'd stop printing the originals completely to publish the colorized versions.
  14. Dreamfall gone gold

    I have a feeling April is going to be a complete badass this time around, and I can't wait.
  15. Oh man, I just watched the first episode of Darkplace (here). That was incredible. I hope it gets a region 1 dvd release sometime soon.
  16. RTS as you've always wanted to play it

    The only way there could be a comparison is if you type by only using your index fingers. Normal keyboard use isn't very taxing in fingers at all, but it would seem to me that a combination of making a pointing fist and repeated pressure on the index finger would get quite tiresome as the hours pass.
  17. RTS as you've always wanted to play it

    I'm a bit skeptical. I think your fingers would get tired relatively quickly.
  18. BS4....Hmmm

    I weep for Revolution.
  19. Dreamfall gone gold

    Yeah, it looks like it is going to be on dvd. Check out the system requirements at the bottom of this page. I was going to pre-order it from my local ebgames. I figured it might help it get into stores, but now that Funcom is giving away three prints I'm torn. argh! I think I'm probably going to end up going with the prints.
  20. Oblivion

  21. Oblivion

  22. Oblivion

    Duncan, I'm guessing you probably already know by now, but it's physically impossible to turn-in the Grey Fox.
  23. Double Fine got two awards

    Good point, because Tim Schafer had nothing at all to do with Monkey Island...
  24. Tech help with oblivion

    It's quite a scarry place, but if you look long enough you might find something of use here.
  25. Cursing in Oblivion

    Yeah... that's actually the only type of swearing that I'd take offense to, and never use myself. The rest are purely socially constructed taboos. Of course, this could be considered purely a social construct as well. It all comes down to your point of view.