
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Moosferatu

  1. possibly interesting e3 games

    According to Eurogamer Suda Goichi (Killer 7) is working on a game (Heroes) for the Wii, and the lead designer of Contact is forming his own studio and will be working on Contact 2. It's interesting that they're already planning a sequel before the original has even been released. I haven't been able to find any footage of Contact yet. Has anyone else? I really want to see it in action.
  2. Microsoft: hey why not buy a Wii?

    Apparently the PS3 is too cheap.
  3. Sam & Max

    The new site is up. It's looking good. I can't wait till the trailer's released on Thursday. One thing, what are the thoughts on the episode length? They say that the episodes are going to be shorter than The Great Cow Race, but will be released more frequently for less money. , , or ? Personally, I think The Great Cow Race was the perfect length and price. I'm not completely sold yet that this will be a better way of doing it, but I'm more than open to giving it a try.
  4. Yoshi's Island 2

    Hey, that's a great idea. I'm glad you mentioned it because I was thinking of getting the GBA versions of Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World this summer. It'd make much more sense just to wait.
  5. possibly interesting e3 games

    Awesome Cooking Mama demonstration. The guy said that it doesn't really lend itself to multiplayer. I don't know what he's talking about. I could have had an awesome Iron Chef mod going for it. That would have been a blast. Actually, I think it would be more awesome if it was a straight Iron Chef game opposed to Mama. Who'd want Mama when you could have Takeshi Kaga?
  6. possibly interesting e3 games

    Does anyone know if Funcom is there? Whatever happened to that "Next Big Thing" (or whatever they were calling it) that Ragnar was also working on?
  7. possibly interesting e3 games

    new Gothic 3 trailer
  8. Sam & Max

    The trailer is up. It's amusing and it's fun to see Sam & Max moving again, but there is, unfortunately, nothing from the actual upcoming episode.
  9. e3 coverage

    Since Idle Thumbs isn't there this year where are you guys going for quality e3 coverage?
  10. New Smash Bros Game Displayed

  11. Phoenix Wright sticks back!

    The DS rules. Touch Detective (not to be confused with Touch Dic) is now officially coming to the US. Sweet! I haven't found its release date yet. [edit]Found a press release on Shacknews. Looks like it's coming out this Fall. Excellent.
  12. Phoenix Wright sticks back!

    Pretty please can a mod change "sticks" to "strikes", or something of your choice as long as it's spelled correctly? It's really bugging me.
  13. Phoenix Wright sticks back!

    So, I guess this... transforms into this... I'm guessing she's his daughter or something, since von Karma is just a last name. It explains why she's out for revenge as well.
  14. possibly interesting e3 games

    Possibly interesting Celda-esqu MMORPG?
  15. Sam Suede

    Al Lowe's working on a new game -- Same Suede. The trailer is rather amusing.
  16. possibly interesting e3 games

    I like how the new Indy trailer is one part game pimping and one part a plea for help. Also, their revolutionary bio-ai, or whatever the hell they called it, looks rather suspect. Granted, I'm guessing it's still early in development, so hopefully by the time it's released the characters will no longer be made out of rubber.
  17. Sam Suede

    ha. I didn't realize that. You're right, it's a pretty bad rip.
  18. Microsoft's E3 Press Conference

    wow. I just watched the montage from the presentation. It was basically one long FPS trailer (supposedly different games) interrupted by some crappy sports game clips. The only game that really stood out from the rest was Viva Pinata. I'm going to have to disagree with you, OftenK. I think it looks like it could be entertaining, though not amazing or anything. I think it's rather sick that a bunch of people over at Gamespot were saying that they thought Microsoft won this year. woohoo! Go generic shooters!
  19. Sam & Max

    Anonononomous, yeah, that worked. Thanks. For some reason I completely forgot that you had mentioned this problem previously. It really is quite amazing how well this thing works.
  20. Nintendo's E3 Conference Thread

    Super Paper Mario (GC)
  21. Nintendo's E3 Conference Thread

    I'm just praying that Double Fine is working on something for the Wii.
  22. Nintendo's E3 Conference Thread

    That was great. It was just too bad that they didn't talk more about what they're planning for downloadable games.
  23. Half Life 2 mods
  24. NWN2

    IGN has, I believe, the first actual gameplay footage from NWN2. Check it out. I'm not sure if these links will work, but here are the three videos themselves: one, two, and three. For some reason I was never that excited about this game till this past week or so. It's looking like it's going to be quite awesome.
  25. NWN2

    Yeah, it's not in-game. I wasn't saying that it was. I was just saying that they tend to suck at pre-rendered cutscenes, so it's nice to see one that actually looks decent. [edit]Wait, did you mean not in-game as in doesn't use the game's normal engine, or not actually part of the game's story?