
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by toblix

  1. I also used the "No Superweapons" rule for a while until I found that I didn't want to sit for six hours just to be recto-raped because there was a space of thirty-six seconds in which I didn't hammer every unit building button in my base. With superweapons enabled, there's no defensive play. You have to prevent the enemies' building SCUD Storms and whatnot. Of course, there's no "right or wrong" way to play the game (and, indeed, the "No Superweapons" rule was there in Zero Hour), but towards the end of my Generals LAN career I found I preferred ten short, intense matches to one long buildfest.

    But that's just me.

    :that perverted pink walking horse:

  2. I know what you mean. I still find it hard to get over that natural inclination, but in series of games that are not explicitly story-based (like Hitman), I've decided to stop caring.

    Especially since almost all the missions in the third game are near-carbon-copies of the missions in the earlier games.

  3. It's Munch's Oddyssey, not Munchkin's. I liked it. It's a lot more actiony than Abe's Oddyssey and Abe's Exodus, and even though I don't think the last game comes anywhere near the two 2d predecessors, I still think it's great, and I'd definitely play it if I hadn't already. There's quite a bit of play in it, too, so it gives a lot of bang for the buck, if you're into that sort of thing.

    And if you didn't know it already, in Munch's Oddyssey, you play as both Abe and Munch, and there's a lot of gameplay based on toggling between the two and they both have their own strenghts and weaknesses, blah blah blah.

    But it's pretty cool.

    edit: Pretty embarrassing: I just found out, it's Munch's Oddysee

  4. I loved the C&C install programs (Ah, how I miss setting up sound cards) and the Broken Sword one, although the file copying hogged the system so much it skipped and was unplayable. Did anyone ever complete it before it was installed?

    My all-time favorite install sequence is from a ripped game I installed once, back when pirated games was only available to me from people who knew people who reportedly had hundreds of CDs with games on them! Well, anyway, the game was a Class rip, and the guy who made the installer wisely chose not to play some lame mod file while the game installed (and this was a long install, with first extracting all the files, and then decompressing all the little sound files. Anyone remember this?), and instead looped a sound clip of him, this crackly-voiced teen, saying directly, and too loud, into his fifty cent microphone -- and I'm serious -- "Class rules".

    Now that's an install sequence!