
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by toblix

  1. Thanks for that Direc2 Ware7 Downl8d Pir8 li9k, Jake. And although I'd happily sign up for a Psyconauts newsletter and whatever, I'm not just giving my email address away to everyone who asks for it. I'm guessing that, since they're not explicitly stating they'll only use the address for the newsletter, they'll also use it for whatever else suits them too, as well.

  2. Wow, that page is great! Not only does it offer easily understandable navigational options like "gray matter" and "memory vault", but it apparently requires me do register in order to download their promotional stuff. This is what the gold earring is made of!

  3. The Steam Gold pack is the ultimate one, and it kicks the CE up into the ass of it, lewt-wise.

    Now, of course, there's the question of whether they're going to be shipping the Gold lewt to Europe, more specifically Norway. I'm guessing they're not, but hoping they are.

  4. So, I just finished it.

    Why the Hell do all these console RPGs end up with a boss fight that is the lamest part of the game? And why did the ending suck so much, and why wasn't this game anything special? If they'd scrapped all the Sims bullshit and focused on making more quests and less annoying world design it'd probably be above averagely cool. Even if you subtract all the hype it strikes me as a game with a really unbalanced design.

  5. Nonono, he wasn't trying to to the right thing, he was trying to seem nice, so that I would do my future game shopping at the same store, and I Hate that. It's like marketing. Dangit, people, I don't buy my games at stores that have the nicest staff, but at those who have the best games at the lowest prices, stop wasting my time, you look silly!

    Conversing with you must be like walking into a minefield. How do you know the guy wasn't just trying to be friendly? You know, during my year as a cashier, I made a point of being nice to customers, and I'd hate to think people thought I was only doing it for the business. I didn't give a rat's ass about the business, I just knew I liked it when cashiers and the like were nice when I was the one doing business with them. Of course, if it was painfully obvious the guy was just following some customer treatment manual or something, I agree it's completely lame, but I think you're wrong if you're assuming that everything nice being said by cashiers is really marketing speak.

  6. I really tire of games without points and real endings very fastly. For example, even though The Sims (1) is (was) highly detailed, brilliantly designed (graphically and hearingally) it got infuriating after a while because of a single, simple factor: time. Since it took about a quarter of an hour just to get out of bed, or ten minutes to get off a chair and out into a waiting car, and after you came home from work (if you got to it in the first place) you could take a shower and then eat, and then it was two in the morning and you had to go to sleep and wake up tired and sad in the morning. There were all these cool things to do, but doing mundane things got in the way, and you had to maintain all these diverse stats that couldn't possibly be combined, so you ended up with them dying in a pool of their own urine in front of their burning stove.

    Now, here comes The Sims 2, and tempts me with even more gooder graphics, more cool music, an immensely staggerating level of detail and a really powerful house building engine system, and they even have days off from work and so on. The first family I tried died in their own urine on the sidewalk because I splurged so much with the lamps and beds I couldn't afford a door into the house. An old man, two adults and a little, fat redheaded baby, all dead in yellow stinking pools, and the mailman just delivered the bills, carefully avoiding the puddles as he went. My next family (a hot teen babe and a fat old black man) died mysteriously after being left on their own while I went to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (which was great, by the way). When I got back, there was one urn by the bed, and one in the kitchen, and there was this big pool around the toilet. Is there a forensics function in this game or what?

    Anyway, I really hope this game can be played without getting me all stressed and irritable, so I can try earning some real money and building the Magnificent Mansion I've always dreamt so much about.

  7. Why can't games take advantage of the media and switch between perspectives more? I mean, a better alternative than trying to find the right perspective for an entire game, why not find the right perspective for the situation? I know it presents a lot of issues, like for instance controls and whatnot, but I still feel it's weird that you can say "what perspective a game is". I'm not saying every game should do this, but it's an idea for some games where perspective switching might've helped tell the story or whatever.

  8. I often associate games or programs with music I listened to while using them. I tend to listen to a very few songs over and over again for long periods of time (I do that less now, but when I was 14 I could listen to the same CD for weeks, and it wasn't even on shuffle), and while I can't recall what music it was, I have "music associative memories" (that sounded intellectual) with for example two different versions of Worldcraft.

  9. Something that'd be really cool is a Pong based MMOG. You can choose to be either a ball or a bat. If you're a ball, you have to avoid the bats and reach one of the walls, which would get you rewards such as speed bonuses, or smallerness or the power to break bats or join other balls to form a mega ball, and if you're a bat, you have to choose from two sides, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Your goal is to protect your side from the ball attacks, and rewards give you bonuses such as more length and maybe ultimately the power to move in two dimensions. You could also join together with other bats to form mega bats that could take on the mega balls. There could be clans and everything, and a storyline you could affect! And special arenas for ball vs ball action!

  10. Yes, but I wouldn't mind that restriction if it was being followed consistently. Some tracks can only go in four directions, some in eight, some can cross each other in only four of eight possible directions. It's the inconsistency that's the problem, not the limitation in itself.

  11. One thing that really annoys me with this game, and indeed with all games with similar interfaces, is that for some reason a road can only cross a railway if they're both going diagonally. It doesn't matter that they're perpendicular if they're not conforming to the 3/4 isometric perspective stuff. So then I'm forced to make roads in the sky.

  12. So, I've been playing the full version for a while (12 years, it says!), and I'm lovin' it™. Especially I'm lovin' the fact that it has scenarios that you can complete, i.e. goals, which the lack of makes me tire quickly of games.