
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by toblix

  1. Games with multiple paths that can be jumped between are really problematic for me to play. In Indy: FoA, there are three separate paths, right, but you choose one explicitly and that's it. In games like Deus Ex 2, though, you can choose your alliances and stuff but still jump back and forth and do quests for all the sides. For me, this results in bad roleplaying and a lot of changing alliances and messing up the flow of the game because I know I won't be playing the game again, and I want as much of what it has to offer as possible.

  2. Hardly. I heard they've focused almost exclusively on close quarters battling and stuff, though, like in Halo 1 in that spaceship with all the corridors. That's pretty stupid. I mean, even if you've never played a proper (PC) first person shooter, you will agree that the only thing above average in Halo was the vehicle physics in general, the Warthog physics in particular. I wonder why they didn't just make an arcadey racing game of it, since that's what it's all about.

    Also, even though I've never had a drink in my whole life, I seem totally drunk in that first post, except for the italics tag, which I in no way could've used if I was in fact drunk.

  3. Okay, so the level design is like a continuation of the end of Halo, with corridors and close-quarter battles? Great. Tone down the one thing Halo actually rocked at, which was driving around in the Warthog, Mr. Bungie MAN!

  4. What more do you want? We let you say and do whatever you simple people want to do as long as it is not ***** *****-related. The 160X100 pixel avatars for administrators were set up in the original vbulletin setup. We didn't change it, we just noticed it and used it.

    Oh, the system of castes was already in place! How very convenient for you! Well, I don't know about the others, but I want to be able to have .swf files as avatars, and moderator privileges for all. That way we'll all be equal, and can moderate each other!

    1. Did you read what I said? I said allowed size for administrators.
    2. Are you an administrator? I sure as fuck didn't canonize you into one.

    Did I read what you said? No.

    Am I an administrator? Not per se.

    Do administrators suck? I'm starting to believe so. "Canonize"? What does that even mean?

    This is like racism here, with your big avatars. What makes you so special that you get so fancy avatars? You're like the pigs in Animal Farm, or the rich people in the wagon in the beginning of Sergio Leone's Fistful of Dynamite/Duck, You Sucker!.

  5. Kolzig, do you think it's positively crazy that people get the impression the game is about mangling corpses when the trailer contains 98 per cent corpse-mangling? If the game isn't about mangling, I suggest they mangle the people who made the mangling trailer.

  6. That trailer was positively gruesome. It looks like they may have crossed the line from comedy pain ragdoll tumbling to horribly real shrieks of pain and cracking bones and blood trickling from mouth in painful awkward silence. The physics look cool, but if it's going to be all about the corpse being mangled underneath passing cars (in other words, a Horrible Car Accident Simulator!), I don't see much of a game.