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Everything posted by Ginger

  1. PSN ID exchange

    Prepare to be tarred and feathered if you admit to owning a PS3
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    Haven't seen that one yet, hope it's as good as Earnest Scared Stupid and Earnest Goes to Jail. Man that's a lame joke I really shouldn't bother pressing the submit post button, but something is compelling me to do so.
  3. Aargh

    If that's a joke it's comic brilliance, if it is not look up
  4. There's NASCAR Heat and Tonka Town...

    It is real. Companies play such songs at the things like their AGM, it makes shareholders feel good about their investment and inspires staff to metamorphically synergise in order to achieve their dynamic goals. Unfortunately greater synergy accelerates the speed at which the dynamic goals are moved at a greater rate than the metamorphical synergy accelerates productivity. This means that although such songs radically improve productivity they give all the workers a sense defeat and underachievement.
  5. Mario Kart Wii

    I couldn't stand the wheel, I only tried it for one race and gave up. Based on my first impressions this seems a very lazy product, the only new things seem to be Wii controls and bikes (oh and gimped power sliding) I got a strong sense of "been there done that" while playing this title, in way that I didn't get with any of the previous karts.
  6. The Great "Rock Band" European Rip-Off!

    That is specious reasoning.
  7. The Great "Rock Band" European Rip-Off!

    It's because we are not as fat as the Americans so there is less force pushing our ass checks together and hence we are more open to a good hard rogering, and speaking for the British, much more likely to say thank you very much afterwards. Don't buy it and encourage others not to, this price discrimination is disgusting, teach them that we won't accept such action. I know it is hard as you probably want to play it, but consider the impact on future games if it sells well despite it's doubling in price.
  8. Movie/TV recommendations

    I really enjoyed todd, I hadn't checked any hype/previews and was shocked to find out it was a musical. I agree with your point about the score being very samey, but I quite enjoyed it. Actually while writing this I'm struggling to remember why I enjoyed it as I agree with all of your criticism, maybe it was having no expectations (I had never even heard the story and i don't expect much from Burton these days) combined with being shallow. Join me in a Yay for being shallow (no fat chicks pls)
  9. Homestar Runner? Sewiiously

    Oh No She Didn't!
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    Be careful with Grave of fireflies, it is Watership Down ^10. (in sad making not bunnies)
  11. Best reviews I've ever read

    Best reviews ever Don't be put off by the fact that they are on the daily mail website these reviews are awesome, Ann perfectly captures the souls of the games, condenses them into words and then spews them all over the interweb. I recommend we try to recruit Ann for our thumbs.
  12. Dawn of War 2

    It might have been because I was a kid at the time but I remember Z be insanely challenging. Mind you I've never fully gotten into RTS, I've always liked the idea but the there is usually something in the implementation that just doesn't click with me, afraid it was the same for DoW but I reckon I'll give 2 a go. (Oh one RTS I totally adored was RTW, tried medieval TW 2 and it just didn't feel as good)
  13. Crowd control - Eurogamer article

    Good article, I also love this style of game.
  14. Hullo, people of Brighton

    I will keep an eye out, but Brighton is a big place (it seems small based on the center but it sprawls out a long way along the coast [if u're not that strict on including places absorbed by urban sprawl])
  15. Hullo, people of Brighton

    Sorry didn't read this thread until today
  16. Is it wrong...

    .. that I'm quite attracted to someone but they are northern and every time they speak all sexual attraction instantly dissolves. It could be worse; if they were a brummie I'd probably have to hit them every time they spoke.
  17. Best reviews I've ever read

    I am a gamer, honest.
  18. Pokemon Friend Codes

    I avoided this thread since starting it as I don't want to swap friend codes with a bunch of randoms and I got bored of Pokemon after 2 weeks. Shame on me for missing the potential to nause the illiterate, thank you for the what are u wearing line toblix It made a few tears come out while I laughed.
  19. Is it wrong...

    Yes* *read: out of your league.