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Posts posted by Ginger

  1. Brad Pitt killed it

    I thought he was bloody hilarious in it, hammy as fuck, one dimensional but funny and I imagine that was what was asked of him, the multi-dimensional character of the basterds came from each one-dimensional member (like in classic WWII films).

  2. I don't think exercise is necessarily the only way to go, I hated running for a long time and found the gym to be snoozeville, any activity that you can enjoy is good, ideally with a (personal)balance between ones you can do alone and ones you can do with people, after a break up i got really into mountain boarding and powerkiting, dancing is always fun (classes or clubs) but anything should do, basically any distraction you find fun that gets demands a little more from the cardio system should work.

  3. Just got back from Inglorious Basterds. I expect this movie to really divide people into love-it or hate-it camps, but I think it might be my favorite Tarantino movie ever.

    I thought it was absolutely hilarious, can't remember the last time I laughed so much in a cinema, I agree with the love/hate thing but I suspect most of the thumbs lot will love it.

  4. I really don't like him in either Batman, i find with him he tends to be in good films but he feels the same in everyone, I never really feel he brings much emotion (that's not really the word that I'm looking for but short of using moxie, which I usually use when I want to say something like je ne se quois. Actually no moxie will do) He never brings any moxie to his roles.

  5. I found moon very pleasant with a good soundtrack, I didn't find it compelling and didn't get sense of the exploration of loneliness i was expecting (which is probably a good thing.)


    I'm not entirely sure where u got to as I can't recall that specific scene. is it just after she attached the weight to his leg?

    If it is; she goes off and throws the wrench under the house and wonders off, he wakes up and starts trying to crawl away, he gets quite far. She discovers he is gone and searches for him, shouting for him to return, he hears her and hides in a fox hole. While in the hole he searches and finds a crow (that represents despair) it looks dead, he touches it and it begins to squawk he repeatedly tries to beat it to death in order to silence it, but fails. She locates him and traps him in the hole while trying to get him out, she then starts to dig him out, he nearly suffocated by her collapsing the fox, but she gets him out and seems remorseful and close to sanity again. She takes him back to the house and I'm slight etchy on the order of events here, but she gets aroused again and gets him to start masturbating her, he stops and asks her if she is going to kill him she says that she has to wait for the three beggars to arrive before someone can die. She goes and gets some scissors and performs a circumcision on herself. She goes and lies down in a semi-conscious state while he realises that there is no such star consolation as the three beggars (flashing back to the star chart he saw in the loft) . He hears the crow squawk under the house and breaks the floor board to find the wrench and starts trying to detach the weight from his leg. While she is lying down the deer, fox and crow go and lie with her, he manages to undo the weight and she jumps out and attacks him with the scissors, he overpowers her and strangles her to death. It is then the epilogue which is shot in the same style and with the same music as the prologue, u see him hobbling through all the scenes that she went through when she was imagining the woods (but in reverse order and going the other direction) and then he eats some berries gets to the top of a hill and looks down where there are hundreds of faceless women walking up the hill towards him.

  6. Saw Antichrist last night, enjoyed it overall, there were a few too many high-motion scenes of symbolism that felt like they were forced into the flow, claims of it being misogynistic seemed specious, however I'm not entirely sure what LArs was trying to say as the female lead shared a lot of characteristics with an ex so I took a highly subjective interpretation away with me.

  7. I had a teacher whose name was Mrs Lame... In french it's not so fun (means blade) but in english it's pretty awesome.

    Also, she taught philosophy and I almost got into a fist-fight with her because she said that gays and left-handed people were aberrations of nature.

    And that men can't live without god but I was expelled when I raised my hand to retaliate... I might have had the wrong finger raised...

    dude in case you are not joking, that's not cool you can't resort to violence because u disagree with someone, what she was saying is wrong, but hitting someone, especially a woman, because u disagree with them is also wrong.

  8. The smashing causes expenses of time and money for the owner, and I hope it strengthens the impression that he and his kind are really not welcome in our town

    But what does it do to your long term political goal of drawing people away from the nazi party? You loose the moral high ground, let them feel like a victimised group probably unifying them more. The blockades showed that they were not welcome there, and using violence and intimidation to show people you disagree with their political views is not what it is to be liberal (which i assume you consider yourself). Find a way to draw people to your side rather than impeding their access to the other side, in the internet age political prohibition will never work .

  9. This.

    I don't want to over generalise, but I think it's fair to say that far-right groups are mostly supported by poor, undereducated white people. These people have genuine reason to be angry, they're just misappropriating their anger. In my view the best way to tackle the far right is to tackle poverty and education.

    Of course but it is my understanding that in the last 10 years the support for the BNP has grown at a rate that far exceeds growth of poverty and degradation of the education system. (this is the feeling i get from following the new over the past few years, actual data my prove this to be incorrect.) So that is why I thought it important to understand why people are moving towards the extremes. I believe a sense of disengagement from the current center crowding political establishment is one key factor, this could be more easily dealt with than improving education and reducing poverty.

  10. Rather than scuffling with the extreme-right or thinking of ways to repel supporters from their ranks wouldn't we better served by trying to fix the moderate political terrain to re-attract the people who feel unrepresented, impotent and angry. Fighting and marginalising the groups will push people on the fringes further into it and likely swell their numbers.

    I liked the idea of the blockade as a peaceful protest but those oppose nazis with aggression have many of the same failings as those they fight (imo) but just march behind a different coloured flag. I'm fearful of the plan of ridiculing them, Hitler played on the fact that people in the ruling and intellectual elite didn't take him seriously to gain power. While we are busy looking down our noses at them and those who vote for them they are busy connecting with the people, if people from the political mainstream and our own "enlightened" social circles did more of that a few years ago they probably wouldn't have gained such support.

  11. This is neither the lassez-faire capitalism that the Right claims to espouse (since the govt is meddling in business at an unprecedented scale, right as said lassez-fare policies caused the mess in the first place), nor socialism that the Left fancies so much (since the government doesn't get to own squat of what it spends on).


    Well it'd be the Keynesian approach of government inserting cash to kick-start an economy in risk of massive contraction. What alternative do you suggest? I agree that the details of the bailout weren't great but the general strategy seemed sound (hell Vince Cable advocated it), get out of the crisis then look at reform.

  12. I'm still dancing like a maniac over Monkey Island and the new Brutal Legend footage

    (I know I'm in the wrong place to do this and made a similar point a year ago, but I feel the new footage justifies it being made again)

    Why are u excited after seeing the Brutal Legend footage? Someone please explain to me what there is to be excited about this game. The gameplay looks tired and given his previous games I have no faith in his ability to make good gameplay (but I here u say it's all about the characters and humour) I think the character seem cliche (prob being too judgmental there) but my god everything I've seen of the humour so far seems embarrassingly unfunny, like it was penned by a twelve year old. I know a fair few Schafer fans in real life and they have reasonably developed senses of humour I don't get why they find this stuff funny, please someone explain.

  13. DID loads of people open up their eyes to something new,

    Yes they did, as many I spoke to beforehand were skeptical but said they were going to check it out, you probably didn't talk to any strangers as u were too busy drinking tea in your tent. Furthermore live music has the ability to reach you in a way not possible with studio stuff, I've been captivated by live bands to then be disappointed by their pre-recorded stuff.

  14. With Jay Z lots of people went and saw him and everyone seemed to say it was a really good set, and it opened their eyes up to something new, also you had massive attack on at the same time (who were fucking amazing). Plus the top headliners are only about 5% of the reason I (and lots of others) go to there.

  15. got a question about using British electrical goods in Canada, since the standard voltage there is 110V will uk goods work with just a plug adapter or do u also need a transformer of some kind. I have a suspicion it may be goods dependent on whether they have a 110/220 switch in their PSU.

  16. Have to disagree re: Stuart Lee's Comedy Vehicle. Admittedly some haven't been as strong as Lee's best (Stand-Up Comedian is absolutely brilliant) but it's far from dreadful, IMHO. In fact I'm loving that he's back on my TV screen!

    I stopped watching it very quickly, it just didn't make me laugh, like much on TV these days, I feel I'm getting out of sync with TV comedy.

    Saw the first 10 mins of the new Red dwarf, after not laughing I decided to leave the room.

    Also Watched the first episode of Full Metal Alchemist season 2, I don't see how it fits into the universe it doesn't seem to have it's own identity, hopefully it will develop one.

  17. I can see a slight potential for conflict, if u want the exclusive bits of news from companies you need sources in those companies and if you are a reviewer and slate their product you may be jeopardise those sources. However I feel an individual performing both roles doesn't heighten the chance of the corruption of journalistic creditability more than two separate individuals performing the roles, the same implicit threats of a news black out or withdrawal of ad campaigns could pressure a publication to be nicer than it should be.

  18. I hate those questions as well, but they test whether you are willing to prepare and give the right answer when it's needed or if you're going to do your own thing, if it's a job where you are working with clients you don't want individuals who don't know how to say the right thing.