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Everything posted by Marek

  1. Intro Sequences in Games

    Right! Also, those movie soundtracks usually ease you in to it, whereas in games it often out extremely loud. Sometimes in fact I forgot my speakers were on really loud and when I start the game it's all like WHOOSH, NVIDIAaaaa!! or like "EA GAMES!!!!!! (challenge everything)" It makes me hide under the table. What also gets annoying is if music in the most important GUI screen of the whole game is bombastic or just... annoying. I eventually disabled all the music in Enemy Territory because every time you got into that options screen it had this war theme like RRRumpa-PUMPUMPUMpa-RRRRRRRumpa that really got on my nerves eventually. Title sequences in games are often very sad Besides the ones mentioned so far, Chronicles of Riddick has a title screen sequence that's pretty adequate. It's just you being escorted through the prison to your cell, seeing some of characters you'll meet later on, and so on. Meanwhile, credits slowly fade in and out. When I first played Half-Life I was all like "wow this is the best credit sequence ever I must stop looking or I'll die" but I have to admit that when the cart came to a standstill I thought I had to break out of it or something. (I didn't see Barney walking towards the cart.)
  2. Intro Sequences in Games

    Logos are fine as long as they only show on your first start up of the game. I don't want to go all ESC ESC ESC ESC every time I start the game.
  3. :shifty:
  4. It's gettin' hot in here

    "Here" being Soul Calibur... :noskatebo:noskatebo:noskatebo:noskatebo:noskatebo:noskatebo
  5. US 'may delay vote if attacked'

    The democrats only have a very small lead. That could still turn around easily. I'm not so confident that Bush is gone that easily.
  6. Favorite DF Comic

    Oh man that one IS really good. Raz rules.
  7. DOOM 3 GOLD!!!

    Wow, Todd posts on Idle Thumbs!
  8. US 'may delay vote if attacked'

    America should have a dozen or-so parties, instead of just two, but it doesn't. I know that's very very very sad, and both the Republicans and Democrats probably only represent a small portion of what people truly want, but why not save your third party vote for 2008 and use your vote to get what is probably the worst president you've ever had out of the white house? When that's taken care of, you can worry about making the country more democratic again. That seems to make a lot more sense to me, given that 4 more years of Bush will destroy the US completely.
  9. US 'may delay vote if attacked'

    Did you know Rumsfeld can suck people's brains out? It's true! Before: After: He does it thusly:
  10. Fur rendering? Gameplay Footage 6 shows the fur ... I didn't know you could do the spraypaint thing! And holy shit... a haircut?! That's hilarious!
  11. Fur rendering?

    WOW it's ... hardly noticable? Not quite as awesome as the Moogles in FF:CC.
  12. 8-player Double Dash

    Yesterday I played some Double Dash against seven other players. It ruled!! A friend had gotten two gamecubes and two beamers together. We sat in front of the projections in two rows, one row of stretchers and one row of chairs. Everything was in perfect symmetry as the two gamecubes had the same color and the beamers were identical, so it was a pretty damn cool set-up. I wish I had a picture of it. Bomberman was also played. Plus I got to experience the grandness of Super Smash Brothers for the first time. Jake could cuddle this game to death, but I had to take his word for it up until now... I kinda like the game too. In addition I finally got to play a fair portion of Viewtiful Joe. DAMN. Repeat: DAMN. I knew it was great, and I had played demos of it at the tradeshows, but shit, now that I got the full experience I really want to have this game at home. (One of the downsides of still not owning any consoles is experiencing these great games much later than anyone else.) Wow. With a bit of work this could have been a blog post. Hey I have an idea! What if we had blogs on Idle Thumbs...
  13. Stranger

    He strikes me as relatively young for a former top executive.
  14. Tetris...

    What's Tatris?
  15. Adventure Gamers...

    Welcome to the club
  16. Stranger

    Yeah, no shit. It seems Ed Fries single-handedly took all the cool games under his wing. I really like the guy and I wonder where he'll end up next. Whoever hires him will surely send a minor shockwave through the industry, as Fries was widely respected among devs and gamers.
  17. Adventure Gamers...

    Erm spam about online casinos. Just as you have mortage spam and xtra size is better spam. If you think there's any chances I think you should write a PM to the moderators fov, trep or voodoofx.
  18. Adventure Gamers...

    There's about three things I can remember that happened recently: - Kingz complained about the word fuck being filtered, followed by his trademark tirade - A casino spam thread was started. The URL was edited out by fov but the thread was left alive just to make fun of it. - The Vampyre thread spun out of control when it became more about The Inventory than about Vampyre. The thread was locked. Just another week at the AG forum. It hasn't turned into a police state, as you're implying.
  19. But I don't like Australians!
  20. What's your favorite kind of soup?

    Isn't it obvious that I used a shorthand because we're all so familiar with the expression? *) *) He's back! And this time he's... really gassy, I suppose.
  21. When is it finally coming accross the fucking Canal??? That's good news though. I've been anticipating Shaun of the Dead like a slobbering dog.
  22. What's your favorite kind of soup?

    Thanks to your post I googled to check if they have Cup-A-Soup in America too. They do. Then I saw the godawful American Cup-a-Soup ads. Jees. What have they done with it?!? They totally screwed it up!! They should hire the guys who did our versions and re-shoot the American ones. They have the same concept as the Dutch ones (success stories of people who drink Cup-a-Soup... and in later campaigns succes stories of people who surprise their boss/spouse/teacher with a Cup-a-Soup and thereby win their favor). Compare: With: (The guy says "for you..." and "niiice") Clearly that's not penis-to-the-wall material, but at least the second ad doesn't make me feel like I'm a retard just for watching it. There was an earlier campaign a few years ago with a David Brent-like office guru (before The Office existed) who relied on Cup-A-Soup for being able to be such a succesful inspirator, but he completely snaps when someone denies him his peaceful cup-a-soup break at 4 'o clock and he basically goes from a enthusiastic people motivator to a raging maniac. That was the best ad ever created ever of all times ever ever ever and I laughed my nuts off every time I saw it. Erm okay whatever, you're not interested, cause you never saw it, nor will you ever see it. Sorry! I need a LiveJournal or something. Though maybe let's turn this thread into a thread about TV ads. Wazzzzaaaaap! Aflack, aflack! Or maybe not.
  23. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn! Do you guys still remember that? The setup process was like the in-game interface, with a female computer voice and funky animated progress bar (there were three seperate ones) and holy jees it was just GREAT. It was still in the DOS era, so there were no graphical OS elements or any desktop to be seen. It was probably the one setup that required sound calibration before anything else. It completely put you into the mood for the game.
  24. I played it before I thought it was necessary to have an opinion on things. All I know is that I quit playing it after like level 6 of GDI. I guess I had much bigger expectations. I blame all the C&C2 wishlists that were on the net for five years.