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Everything posted by Marek

  1. Yeah Wright's "Soviet Space History Minute" has showed up in a couple of presentations and has become somewhat of a tradition. I love it.
  2. Nope we have 2 episodes to go but the 2-parter will be 3 hours in length total apparently. (Don't know how that will be distributed though.)
  3. Rodi: 2-part finale starts next week.
  4. (

    Jake: that's an amusing observation. I guess it flows better in the same way you say "an apple" and not "a apple". Random fact I'm randomly reminded of: the secret true name of Amsterdam is Amsteldam, since it was named after the dam on the river Amstel (which some may recognize from Amstel beer). But Amsteldam is awkward to pronounce so it mutated. Putting r's into places they do not belong can be very helpful. Oops, sorry. We can go back to IGN box quotes now.
  5. GDC

    I will be at GDC. Let's definitely try to meet up!
  6. This article reads like it was written 4 or 5 years ago, but somehow it was written this week.
  7. J Allard Missing Link discovered!!!

    J Allard gives this thread the secret slightly rotated thumbs up:
  8. My vote goes for SignorSuperDouche! His cyborg really made me laugh. They're all very good though.
  9. (

    We sure love rape around here.
  10. The Science Museum presents: Launchball

    Ah I forgot you could create your own levels. Hey Idle Thumbs community... how about it? Yeah I'm too lazy to create anything myself.
  11. No real spoilers I think. My head asplode due to the complexity of the diagram that n0wak linked to.
  12. The Wire

    It's 4:3. Enjoy... it's an amazing series.
  13. Ceville

    If you want to buy a downloadable version of this game then click this link to the download page at Adventure Shop. This is an affiliate of my site, so if you get it through there it'll... benefit me. WOO!
  14. (

    "This game is even more extreme than an pullquote." -
  15. today is your day.

    One question: why? You didn't move, did you?
  16. Oh man, that podblast... EXCELLENT use of that good old news music loop. I laughed my face off. Thanks.
  17. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    "Everything's amazing, nobody's happy" Comedian Louis CK on Conan ... funny and true:
  18. Seeking an Ashby

  19. This has been tried before and apparently only two people (I forgot who) ended up actually meeting in London, but maybe we can give it another shot and get more people this time. As of recently I find myself in London frequently (through the magic force of having a job there), so I know that for me it'd be easier to show up. Me and Yufster, along with some ex-colleagues, will probably be going to Hide and Seek which could provide a nice meet up opportunity. Alternatively, we could do a pub meet sometime and geek out about games and stuff.
  20. Metacritic - Number objectivity?

    Hah wow. Yeah that sounds like TeleFragged alright. I got horribly fucked over by them back in the day. Eventually they hijacked AG's original domain name by hacking into our registrar's account and then sold the domain to a games publisher for loads of cash. Fun times. I guess we're fellow victims then.
  21. Metacritic - Number objectivity?

    I could post my opinion in this thread or I could just link to an old editorial... I think I'll be lazy:
  22. A plausible plotline but that would make Hera suddenly very insignificant. If there was already a half-cylon, why does everyone care so much about Hera? I thought Hogdman was a nice cameo but also very distracting. I don't see him as being part of the BSG universe and we've never seen him in sickbay before, so it was kinda weird. A ridiculous amount of exposition this week... it's a really horrible way of getting it all out there, but at the same time I'm glad so many loose ends are getting tied up.