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Posts posted by Amy

  1. Hey everyone! :)

    My name is Amy and for the past 10 months, my friends and I have been working on a game I'd like to present here.

    Unwritten: How will your story end? is a F2P mobile game that features a narrative game with interactive elements and choice-based gameplay that DOES make a difference! We're hoping to bring something new to the world of interactive fiction/visual novel games, be it through the beautiful art, unique personalities in each series, or compelling storytelling that combines different elements to create a truly exciting narrative. The series will be diverse with genres which range from modern love and romance to mystery, fantasy, horror, comedy, drama…

    The first four series of the game have already been announced! Those are: Second Society (a paranormal/vampire story), Triple Scoop (a high school comedy setting), Gears of Snow and Cinders (a very cool fantasy/forbidden love series) and Business with Pleasure (set in a steamy, passionate location of a popular club!)


    The game will be released very soon, both on Google Play and App Store!

    While we're waiting for the release, would love to get any questions and comments, both here and in our official subreddit, where more details about the game are waiting for you!

    In the meantime, I'm happy to introduce the characters from the series that will be first released - Business with Pleasure!
    Everyone, meet Camila and Ignasi:




    Let me know what you think, and thanks in advance! :)