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Posts posted by MylastnameisPalmer

  1. Wow, I'm shocked at the turn this thread has taken towards being so critical of so many aspents of this season as a whole, now that the best episode of the season airs?! I think this season has surpassed the greatness the first two seasons and FWWM (which I have watched over and over again, and listened to the rewatch pod episode twice and still only like it in that it gives info with which to enjoy the return).


  2. 1 hour ago, The Great Went said:

    Well said. I'm a little scared that Bad Coop rapes and "traps" women in the convenience store and replaces them with tulpas or holds them in some infinitely repeating dream life or both (like we may have a tulpa Audrey hanging out in Twin Peaks that we haven't met yet?). The reason I'm "scared" of this is because it suggests to me an interdimensional travel utility to sexual violence similar to something like The Legend of the Overfiend, which would really coarsen and diminish the Laura Palmer storyline, as you say, taking it out of the realm of the everyday traumas that people endure and making it a superhero adventure story that literally runs on the debasement of women.

    Fair concern to have, but isn't into possible that, just as the supernatural elements of the original series (and FWWM moreso) served and enhanced the realness of the trauma of incest and child abuse, the Diane tulpa is a supernatural representation of how sexual assault leaves behind a damaged victim, a shell of ones pre assault self. 


    On a wildly different note, I got a satisfying laugh out of Bushnell saying he had the Mitchems on "speed dial."