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Posts posted by Smurfton

  1. Memories are actually really easy to give to people accidentally, especially children. This is the actual reason that you aren't allowed to ask leading questions in court; supplying information that the witness hasn't given, but seems plausible, has a pretty good chance of changing the witness' mind to include that detail. It's likely that there are a lot of people who've wound up in prison because of people remembering things that didn't happen.


    "People viewed slides of a red Datsun passing a stop sign and then smacking a pedestrian. The experimenters asked the subjects a number of questions, some of which are a little misleading, like, “Did another car pass the red Datsun while it was stopped at the yield sign?” The subject thinks for a moment and then says to herself, No, I definitely didn’t see any other cars next to that yield sign. And voilà, the sign has changed in their minds."


  2. On 9/14/2014 at 11:50 AM, tegan said:

    So about twelve years ago, Lego produced a very short-lived robotics line called "Spybotics" where you could build and program little remote-controlled robots and send them on missions. The website for the Spybotics line included a flash game that was, inexplicably, both virtually unrelated to the toyline and incredibly good. It was called...




    Oh hey, THIS game. I have a story about this game.


    So, back in third grade, I would play Spybot every day during recess in the computer lab. And it wasn't just me, actually, there were about ten to twenty people who would also play on their specific computers, which had their personal saves. This game gets really hard towards the end, and I was the only person who had managed to unlock the final boss, though it took almost the entire year to get there. Everyone else had yet to beat the level that unlocks the final boss, and despite my best attempts, I couldn't repeat my victory on another person's save. However, I would never wind up finishing the game. I had to move. Three weeks before the end of term, I had to leave, so shortly after unlocking it. So, on the last day, I said goodbye to my save file, and officially bequeathed it to a friend of mine, because I didn't want the beaten penultimate level to go to waste.


    I never spoke to him again, and really hope that he managed it within the following three weeks.