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Posts posted by suellentrop

  1. On Episode 232, Chris Remo read an email from me (mediumtime listener, first-time poster) in which I said I was trying to post something here, and then I never posted it. So, quite belatedly, I'm following through. Let's hear it for New Year's resolutions that are easily fulfilled! My other modest claim to Idle Thumbs fame is that I assigned the Thumbs--yes, you can assign podcasts!--to debate the best video game of all time for Medium's pop-up magazine The New York Review of Video Games, a conversation that was used in Episode 191.


    To the point: I started a video game podcast in June with JJ Sutherland, a former NPR correspondent and producer (Baghdad bureau chief, among other things). I started my career as a political journalist, but I've been writing about video games for a decade at places like the New York Times, Slate, Rolling Stone, Wired, and the Wilson Quarterly. If you were ever curious about what would happen if the first blogger for NPR and the first blogger for the New York Times decided to start a podcast about video games, we're here to sate your curiosity. 


    It's called "Shall We Play a Game?" We try to keep things short and focused -- about 30 minutes a show, although once or twice we've gone as long as an hour. We pick one or two games to play each week and talk about on the show. We also interview designers (Tim Schafer, Harvey Smith, Chris Delay and Mark Morris of Introversion about Prison Architect). And we interview players for a segment called "What I Play": people that we think are notable and surprising, like a literary critic, a White House correspondent, a "Tonight Show" producer, talking about what video games they play and why. 


    We try to keep it PG rated--we've broken that rule twice--because I don't know of any video game podcasts that I'd be willing to listen to in the car with my kids. 


    If you're on this forum, you already have refined taste in podcasts. I'd love to hear from you about what you think we're doing right and what we could do better. You can check the show out at or at fine podcast applications everywhere. I think our best episodes are probably:


    All-Star GOTY Spectacular (22 guests pick 18 games as their favorite game of the year -- this is the least like a typical episode but it's also the episode I'm proudest of)

    More 'Fallout 4' & 'How to Talk About video games' (another hourlong episode; the first half is the second part of our serial Fallout 4 review, and the second half is an interview with Ian Bogost)

    'Don't Starve,' 'This War of Mine' & Listener Mail (two remixed segments from early episodes, plus some new mail)


    But start with whatever piques your interest. Other popular episodes are the ones on Her Story & Sunset; Everybody's Gone to the Rapture & Harvey Smith; our interview with Yahoo News White House correspondent Olivier Knox; our Soma episode; Tom Bissell defending The Order; and unsurprisingly any episode in which we discuss Metal Gear Solid V or Fallout 4.


    We've put a lot of time and effort into the show and, like I said, I'd love to hear your thoughts about what's working and what needs improvement. You can post here or email me at chris at


    Thanks for your time!


    Chris Suellentrop


    PS Yes, I know we need to redesign the website.