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Posts posted by SargeMcD

  1. The twist here is...WAS THERE EVEN A DUNKY?



    I don't want to believe, but it did just vanish into thin air.


    EDIT: There is a quick question I do have about resources in this game. Has anyone done the math to find out how often they containers in the world maps are replenished?  Fee;s like I've been back to major farm zones (OKB Zero, Airport, etc) and they are still barren. I need to max out my FOB!

  2. Dark Souls 2 is the game I have currently stopped playing and have no immediate plans to return to.

    Nothing about it being too tough, I beat Demon's, Dark 1, etc. It just isn't as good..? I just didn't grab me. It feels flimsy and disjointed. It has that strange 'game feel' that just feels wrong to me. Yes, I know 'game feel' is a idiotic idea and term but you just know, ya know?

    I guess I've put Bloodborne on hold and haven't finished the last boss, I'm waiting for the DLC. This is mostly due to experiencing new DLC in new game plus first with Dark Souls. It made shit so much tougher, so I'm waiting for this one.

  3. This is a video from a few weeks ago about this one Donkey on the edge and desperate. The donkey is having a hard time supporting his/her family, and decided to collect on its life insurance by commuting this horrible selfish act.

    I self used and horrified.


    My heart goes out to his/her family. I am sorry for my part in this tragedy.

  4. There are some elements of Nick's position on things happening in MGSV that bother me a bit. Primarily that he seemingly doesn't see through-lines that connect this one to other Metal Gears

    (White kid ruling over African gang is Eli who is actually Liquid, Huey being tortured due to them thinking he's a traitor working for Cypher, their hostilities towards Quiet and why she refuses to speak etc.)

    But ultimately these will either be resolved, as he actually finishes the game, or just balanced by his love of its Far Cry 2-ness.


    Nick's thoughts on this game are entertaining, especially now that I can't NOT think of him as Larry David. Good stuff.

    Another great episode, minor nitpicks on the views on Metal Gear Solid V aside.