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Posts posted by acl5d

  1. I went for a long stretch of grad school without doing any pleasure reading, so my read-for-fun mechanism was totally broken.  Whenever I wanted to unwind I went straight for TV or video games first.  After deciding I needed some healthier brain food I picked up A Game of Thrones... That was about two years ago.  I've stopped and re-started it about three times now, and I'm only about a third of the way through it.  I think the combination of having watched the whole show and the absolutely plodding nature of the story are keeping me from getting fully into it.  


    I did find a better way to wean my way back to reading: re-reading all 7 of the Harry Potter books.  So good!  I may have ruined my momentum, though, because I just tried to start Dan Brown's third book, the Lost Symbol, and I am a hair's width from quitting it on account of just what a shitty writer he is.  Am I remembering his first two Langdon books through rose-colored glasses?  Was he always this bad?

  2. So after hearing about San Marzano tomatoes for so long, I finally tried a recipe with them (for the curious, this one here).  I used one bag of these mini Marzanos from Trader Joes - which were a huge pain to peel, being so small - and one large can of Cento brand peeled San Marzanos.  I expected to find a can of peeled tomatoes, maybe with some juice for preservation.  I also expected them to be somewhat firm because everywhere I read talked about how canned tomatoes are packaged at the peak of freshness.  What I found, however, were some very very mushy peeled tomatoes floating in basically tomato puree.  Is that normal, or did I get a bad can?  If that's how they're supposed to be I might just skip the cans from now on.