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Posts posted by MästerPalm

  1. I don't know how to feel about this, because everything Absolution did was either garbage, or done better in Blood Money. The correct fusion of Blood Money and Absolution is 100% Blood Money, and I dread them adding any Absolution DNA. Really though, the answer is probably that the statement is spineless marketing speak designed to generate maximum interest by appealing to people who liked Blood Money, and people who liked Absolution.

    I disagree that everything was better in Blood Money. I would say circa  97% was better in Blood Money, but the controlls and your abillity to constrain a situation that had gone completly wrong was much improved in absolution. Other than that everything was better in Blood Money.

  2. Pillars of Eternity crashed over a hundred times for me, and I think it's finally crashed its last.  Here's what I just posted in the official forums:


    This reminded me that i quit Pillars of Enternity a while ago. The reason as i recall it was twofold. First was that none of the stories, either in the sidequests or mainquest ever intereseted me, it semed like it was such standard fantasy fair. Secondly my mind really did not gel with the combat. It seemed like you really needed to dig in to the math to make interesting strategic decisions. It´s a shame too because i really wanted to like the game.