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Posts posted by Mangoo

  1. It looks like there's actual action being taken to get the confederate flag taken out of government buildings and such.


    I noticed someone today with a confederate license plate on their car, and it's not the first time I've seen it here. What a weird fucking thing for a symbol of such a specifically, objectively terrible thing has simultaneously managed to distance itself from its context enough to pop up in a completely uninvolved country.


    Its even more mind boggling that the actual confederate government had not formerly adopted the confederate battle flag.  Yet years later when the southern Dixiecrats (1948) and the growing KKK needed a symbol to rally around. Voilà you have "heritage."  

    A completely unrelated, but fond memory I have, is of my high school history teacher who brought in a confederate battle flag and stomped on it in front of our class.  Proclaiming that this was the flag of a hateful cause and shouldn't hang in anyone's yard.  I can still remember him yelling "THEY LOST!"  He really challenged students in his class to not accept this flag as a piece of heritage, but as a symbol of white supremacy.