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Posts posted by spolvid

  1. I don't think of myself as being particularly good at figuring out adventure game logic. I saw so many people reporting how obtuse the puzzles are in Act 2 that I was really bracing myself for some frustration going in, but I ended up getting through the whole thing pretty quickly and with minimal headaches. All in all, I thought it did a great job balancing the difficulty with just enough hints to push you in the right direction.


    I guess that's the problem with making these kinds of puzzles- the sweet spot is going to be different for every player, and there's no way to please everyone. It ended up being perfectly balanced for me, but it looks like I'm in the minority.

  2. Hey all!


    I've been listening to the podcast regularly for about a year, and I've been meaning to check out the forums for ages. Hearing about the Wizard Jam finally got me to buckle down and make an account here. The last time I posted in forums regularly was around 2006 when I was 12 years old, so please forgive me if I relapse into my old instincts and make a whole bunch of topics about why the Nintendo Revolution will obviously win the impending console wars.