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Everything posted by Gaizokubanou

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Oh yeah, I had no doubts about its origin stemming off from harassment against Zoe Quinn, but for about a month, whenever I saw a hashtag user, I gave the said individual benefit of the doubt that they actually just didn't know that and bought the 'ethics' part instead of being one of the founding harassers. It wasn't a benefit of the doubt about legitimacy of the hashtag, but about whether the individual using it was making an honest mistake (and those who did seem to drop it once they talked more about it).
  2. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Their followups are the most convincing proof. Every single time, without fail, it devolves into something awful or nonsensical. During the first month of this fiasco I used to give people using GG hashtag huge benefit of the doubt (and well, early on I assume many did genuinely didn't really know what they were getting into (and perhaps I too was too ignorant to see the problems more clearly)). But longer it goes on, it's like why are you still so stuck to this 'hashtag' and speaking in these weird code names and constantly flock to news about people that has little to no correlation with what you say you are about???
  3. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    It's fascinating how given the world history, anyone has any doubts about privileges. There are so many times when millions were killed by forces far beyond their control. Now I get the repulsion against equally useless "nothing I do will ever matter" attitude... but the direct opposite (everything in my life is under my control) is so silly.
  4. Human brain isn't logic machine so appealing to vague idea of 'reasonable' sounds unreasonable Unreasonable-ception. Bam. I just went to the cheesy pun land.
  5. Ferguson

    That would be the case for great majority of the cases (where suspect is not armed with a gun (mostly due to tasers lacking multi firing option in case of a miss (unless tasers got new development recently?))). But it is America where legal civilian gun distribution is quite high so sigh :/ Still, officers ought to be trained that the default reflex is the taser, not the gun.
  6. Hearthstone: Because what Magic really needed was F2P mechanics

    And it's also really fun. I think drafting cards for Arena deck is like at least a third of the fun.
  7. Given how shoddy Valve's support is, I doubt they have anything in plan for broken paid mods beyond the 24 hour refund period I heard about. I think broken and copied mods are going to flood the market and turn it bad :/ The broad idea of it could be great, but man too many problems in the detail :/
  8. Star Wars VII - Open spoilers

    Oh wow that's so good XD So who gets the arm then? Luke? Then does Luke say MOTHERFUCKER in Samuel L Jackson's voice few times then revert back to saying that in his voice?
  9. QUILTBAG Thread of Flagrant Homoeroticism

    @syntheticgerbil, I have like 20 lean pockets left in my fridge, what have you done! XD
  10. QUILTBAG Thread of Flagrant Homoeroticism

    Talking about boob pocket reminded me of this tweet from while back. That penis wrap.
  11. Killing Floor 2

    Pretty much what I was hoping for, I guess I'll be buying it then
  12. QUILTBAG Thread of Flagrant Homoeroticism

    AKA boob pocket. It's pretty awful excuse of 'clothing'.
  13. OOhhh yeah that was a powerful episode as well. Another hard hitting episode, but in more hopeful flavor than the darker tone of "In the Pale Moonlight". But still definitely really awesome. You can tell that I'm more of a cynic when it comes to world politics as I favor "In the Pale Moonlight" slightly above "Far Beyond the Stars" Only slightly though, both so damn good.
  14. And that DS9 plot, for the most part, can't just take off into the next new thing. The fixed locale really help conveying more serious issues because it forced good writers to deal with stuff that happened earlier in the plot. My favorite Startrek episode by far is that DS9 episode where
  15. Organising Yourself

    I'm really wishing for another designer or critic to talk with (for hours) right now. Solo brainstorming in middle of caffeine withdrawal is very saddening and ruining any semblance of organized labor on my end.
  16. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Well said, which brings back the point about things like voting being hyper important (more than denouncing (every time this word reminds me of CiV's AI meaninglessly denouncing me) people online). But sometimes I think response is a good action. Still agree that all of this is way too focused on perhaps the least tangible (not that it's meaningless, I just think its meaning is often overstated) aspect of social well being. Don't know much about Sad Puppies or whatever but wonder what they think of Starship Trooper or 1984 (or Starship Troopers the movie hahaha love Paul Verhoeven and his satirical take)? Two of my favorite 'sci fi' but probably on opposite spectrum of politics.
  17. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    I actually enjoy middle age through early modern the most in every civ games, with early exploration feeling like a chore to get to the interesting part Mid-game is where I feel like I have enough tools to actually have diverse options, while early game the answers are usually obvious and late game many choices feel too meaningless. That's why I really like EU4, because it gives me all of that juicy mid game elements right off the bat. Still suffers from late game problem but until someone actually solves late game issues of strategy games, I can't even hold any title against it.
  18. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    No worries, I hear you on the idea of holding an organization together against the enemy within (well not explicit enemies, more like agents with their own desires and goals) being really cool and historical because yeah, command is about people management and CK is like the only well known franchise to gamify that really well (it has its issues of course). I think feudal eras (CK picked good era for the game type) are really ripe for this cause they are most often ripe with treachery cause authority is so shaky... like imagine Sengoku Jidai military game where it's less about maneuvers but more about making sure all of your subordinates are just weak enough so that if they betray you, you can manage it, and you are constantly stacking your armies based on likelihood of betrayal (treacherous generals get their flanks covered by more royal ones so that in case they betray you, they get rekked).
  19. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    @tberton, That's kind of apple and orange comparison though, isn't it? I adore CK2 for what it achieved and how unique it is but it's also really poor when it comes to handling anything not inter-personal relationships. But I wouldn't fault CK2 for that because the game just isn't about war or managing abstract empire. While Civ has piss poor people management, it makes a really good game out of empire management from more of strict resource-territory sense. I think they are alike as much as Mario Kart is to Forza series or something. @Gormongous, I'm not sure how I should feel about Oriental Empires myself, because it's trying to cover 3000 years of history which includes both the Warring State and Three Kingdoms era, both ripe with materials to make good distinct strategy games out of... so to just wrap all that timeline into one game doesn't sound too good. I mean, I get that Civ series does exactly that, but then again Civ games never tried to pass itself off as anything but absurd in terms of scale and detail and embraced that pretty openly by abstracting the hell out of everything. But this game... focusing on one region, which implies specific vision, then to wrap up 3000 years of it in one go, sounds extremely conflicting.
  20. The Weekly X Files Rewatch Thread

    I actually finished X File for the first time like 5 months ago so would be bit too 'early' to rewatch it D: A kid in coma was actually abducting his class mates for the aliens, who then kills the abductees. Scully thinks Mulder is weird. And Mulder is established to be weird. Also Mulder is asked to stare at Scully's butt.
  21. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    Have you seen Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11? I really loved what it did with city from both economic management to combat management, but sadly it was marred by incredibly inept AI, which then got 'fixed' and turned into incredibly cheating AI.
  22. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    But that's already in? For example, in civilization games, you have buildings in your city (city management) and then tile improvements which can be shared by cities and reflects more of empire scale. The two intermingle (buildings influence tile yield and vice versa), but that's same as how tactical battle influences your strategic war situation by killing units, etc.
  23. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    To be fair, it's not a completely original assessment by me... it's based off something Soren said XD Soren if you read this, just to let you know, I think you are so smart.
  24. Episode 302: The 4X Genre

    Right, Rob also raises that point (that 4Xs tend to overload you with tools that mostly become useless upon picking one of many victory conditions) and I think it's certainly true. But I wonder about that in terms of BNW... primarily because of how the trade route refocused much of my attention to the map again (instead of damn research agreement and the really basic diplomacy that the series has), so see BNW as positive addition to CiV. I find civ games at their best when I interact with it on tile/map basis, and worse in pretty much every other windows like diplomacy, espionage and tech. Same with EU4, except for EU4, I find the strength of the series in diplomacy and weakest in actual war waging. While HoI series (another series I adore), deals with actual war fighting really well but diplomacy has always been lacking. But the focus for both EU4 and HoI to me has been pretty clear so I appreciate the surprisingly focused game design despite their enormous scope in both mechanics and theme.