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Posts posted by Au-heppa

  1. Yeah, I still just use Notepad / .txt file on my desktop to write down all my tasks and ideas and bug reports. Using a bug tracker / issue manager is good at the phase when you have a lot of playtesters coming in, but at the starting phase it just feels like talking to yourself and making it needlessly complicated and slow.

  2. To quote Mr Krabs: Money!



    Seriously, though, I am not sure exactly why I want to make games. I don't really see myself doing anything else.


    Sure I like the other aesthetic or thematic elements, but to be honest ever since I got into game development I've almost stopped playing games, and would rather whip up a prototype or learn some new piece of middleware instead.
    This is true for me. Unless the game is really good, I find myself just thinking about my own project and wanting to go back to it.

  3. I still use Softimage XSI ModTool, though sometimes I feel like I am the last person using it. There's a lot of problems, like you can't do animations clips, or you can't properly merge two different scenes. Still I am weirdly attached to it.