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Everything posted by Gerretic

  1. Portal II coop pyramid scheme

    If anyone's playing on Xbox 360, please let me know! I played a level or two of the co-op several years ago, but never beat it as my roommate and I moved and stopped living together. I'd also hope to play with someone else who hasn't played before.
  2. Use of Weapons

    Since so many people in other book threads have mentioned it as one of their favorite Culture books, and since I just finished the audiobook the other day, I thought we could have a discussion thread for Use of Weapons in particular. Spoilers for the entire book: I could probably go on and on but I'll leave it there for now.
  3. Use of Weapons

    Great points, thanks folks! What are peoples' thoughts on Skaffen-Amtiskaw and the Culture's use of weapons in general? Spoilers for The Player of Games and Use of Weapons:
  4. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hi! I'm new-ish, having been listening for the past few months. I started listening to Idle Thumbs because I ran out of Netrunner podcasts and wanted something else, even though I rarely play video games, and now I'm thinking about playing more video games because of this community and podcast! I played a lot of emulated SNES games as a kid and now I mostly play board games and Netrunner, but I loved Gone Home and I'm slowly working my way through Dark Souls.