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Posts posted by SuperAttackBikini

  1. I am right with you as having never enjoyed Assassin's Creed and I was slightly worried by the comparisons. I just sunk five hours into this game (only stopping thanks to a Steam Big Picture crash) and I can assure you the game, from both combat and stealth standpoints, is far more Batman than Assassin's. The stealth is predatory and empowering, just as the Arkham games' design philosophy dictates, whereas in Assassin's Creed I am constantly lost, clumsy, and frustratedly unsure of how to approach my target.


    The piles of leaves are just ground-level gargoyles.


    I'm also satisfied with how the game's holding up technically. I ran numerous benchmarks in the beginning in order to optimize my settings (I really appreciate games including this feature, BioShock Infinite did it very nicely as well) and I have every setting (besides the anomalously burdensome textures) at high or ultra on my modest GTX 680 and the framerate's been staying at a very smooth sixty.


    Thanks, that's good to know. 


    Still a little unsure about the game being my cup of tea after watching a few videos though, so I reckon I'll see how the other releases I have my eye on this month pan out and pick this up if they review poorly.

  2. Has there been any gameplay videos that show much variation in the scenery? The few I've seen look pretty generic rolling moorland and crumbling ruins strategically placed in that slightly gamey way. 


    I'm kinda in two minds about this game. Orcs are right up there with Nazis and Bad Space Aliens for things I enjoy stabbing into bits, and I do like me some Batman-esque combat but I just have never got on with the Assassin's Creed games for some undefinable reason. Watching a video where the ranger guy dove of a tall ruin into a pile of leaves sucked the interest out of me.


    Perhaps I've just seen the blandest bits of the game somehow?

  3. Count me in as a PC release hoper.


    Loved Deadly Premonition to bits but I just can't justify an Xbox One purchase for this alone, especially since it seems it's either off to the slowest of slow starts sales-wise, or is pretty much just not going to sell much full stop. Makes me worry he'll not be able to finish the story off which would be a terrible shame.


    I feel bad as he genuinely seems like a good guy on Twitter, engages with his fans lots and is getting a ton of awful 'why did you go exclusive' comments all the time, when my understanding is the game wouldn't exist without Microsofts financial involvement.