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Everything posted by slime

  1. Life

    I went out for an Easter walk with some of my family today, and we saw a river otter in the (ocean) water. I've lived next to the ocean (and this part of the city) for over 20 years and never seen an otter before. Our dog was very interested:
  2. Life

    I've lived in Halifax for most of my life (right now I'm living near Quinpool road.) I usually don't post much on the forums, but if you want to talk to a Haligonian in the community I'll be around! My financial and living situation is a bit tenuous right now as well. Unemployed and looking for a job that fits my skills..
  3. Life

    I think there's a lot of material online discussing the comparison of trans to *kin - here's one blog post I read a few months ago that talks about something like that:
  4. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello! I've been lurking in the IRC channel for a couple months now, but I haven't really posted on the forums yet. I learned about Idle Thumbs through Tone Control last spring, but I didn't start listening to the IT podcast until September. So far this is one of the best communities on the internet that I know of. Danielle's Twitch streams are also fantastic.
  5. Cartoons!

    One of the creators of Korra shared this lovely anecdote from a long-time fan: [The tumblr link contains spoilers for the same part of the finale that tegan is talking about.] EDIT: Bryan Konietzko (co-creator of Korra) wrote a blog post about it. The post puts into words a lot of thoughts and feelings I (and many other people, I'm sure) have about the subject in general: Michael DiMartino (the other co-creator) wrote his own shorter post as well: