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Posts posted by Undeadpool

  1. Speaking of things we hate, it's amazing how upset I get at the spiders in this game. They give me such trouble for how weak an enemy they actually are. Somehow their random skittering always leads to them either perfectly dancing between my shots, or predicting my sidestep and charging straight at where I'm currently moving. Plenty of bosses that I'd sooner fight than face a room full of spiders, particularly early on.


    They're just the worst.


    ... I've actually beaten this game many times.


    I actually find the normal enemies, almost across the board, more of a nuisance/challenge than bosses. Bosses behave in general, patterned ways but depending on the floor layout and the enemies present, they can be much, much more erratic.

    ESPECIALLY WITH SPIDERS and their damn semi-random movement patterns...

  2. I think the jokey corruptions of it are fun, but I bristle when anyone refers to me as an SJW, since it's passed into the parlance even from other social justice allies, because it's short. And no, I'm not an SJW. I am a feminist. It's a term I chose, it's not derisive, it's not pegging me as some horrifically angry woman all the time. 

    Oh I understand that intent is, ultimately, more important than actual word definitions (we can't ALL be as cool as the kid in Wet, Hot, American Summer who says the line "Douches are hygienic, I take that as a compliment" after all), it's just, to me, emblematic of how hilariously slipshod this whole operation is.


    As I said further up: when we look back in ten years, they may very well be the catalyst for a lot of positive change entirely in spite of themselves and their abhorrent actions.

  3. New article up at REAXXION, the site to plant your 'borrowed' cultural war enraging speeches!


    And boy is it a hilarious one.


    So Robert Conway does think that gamergate essentially is a war that is mostly taking place against women. Huh, count all those women towards all the male social justice warrior white knights, and you'll come out with a pretty superior army against gamergate kids that "even include women".


    The social justice warrior is crafted to be a derogative term in much the same way as the "socialist" in American politics. People might be best served if they started proudly calling themselves exactly that or, to lend from Jim Sterling, slight alterations like the "Social Justice Bard".

    It is one of my absolute favorite things that they're using as a pejorative something that sounds objectively AWESOME.


    My only fear is that it works like how "liberal" worked in American politics.

  4. Well, the GG morlocks paid actual money for a dildo and then sent it to Chris Kluwe. Because that'll show 'em.

    It is now being auctioned off for charity. 


    People, I'm torn. 


    While it might be that I would be overjoyed if they were to clump together like a Katamari and then roll into a volcanoat this point they are serving as a perfect example of why changes need to be made in our culture. They are like a weakened strain of a cultural disease and, maybe, they will eventually be consumed like some sort of vaccine. Or something. I dunno. I'm done for the day. 


    Cheers, dear sane people! May all your enemies be as clueless as Gamer Gate.

    I've actually been thinking about this too. GG has done more in the last 6 months to expose the misogyny and inequality in the Video game, tech and science fields/industries than all the op-ed pieces of the last decade. The GRANDEST irony of this movement will likely be that they will unintentionally change the world for the better because the internet loves nothing more than to forget passion causes within days, but since they're SO DEDICATED to the constant campaigns of harassment and threats, it doesn't LET the internet forget.


    Someone trying to advance the cause of equality couldn't have planned it better...I wouldn't be surprised if THAT'S their next move: try to blame all this on the "SJWs" by claiming GG started as a false flag operation to try and bring attention to inequality in video games...


    That's what I orginally thought. But the problem with people who aren't particularly certain what they are fighting for, who are protesting one thing and mean another, they are primarily a destructive force. And not particularly vulnerable to embarrassing exposure.


    Thankfully, game designers are mostly giving a shit about gamergate. The public's interest in indie devs is much the same as before gamergate. The problem is that they are stemming a tide of hate on twitter and elsewhere, and that is a very stressful thing that may well have an influence on their creativity.


    As to the larger developers and the largest publisher, gamergate doesn't approach them in any disrespectful way. I find that continuously baffling. 

    No need to be baffled: these people are at war with indie games that feature characters other than Whitey McLanternjaw. They never go after "big" publishers because those are the publishers who make the games they love (and I love! I love me some Arkham games, and I can't WAIT for the new MKX, partially because it looks like I won't have to explain to my fiancee why all the female characters are dressed like Renn Faire prostitutes) and they seem to operate under the misguided notion that the more indie games come out, the fewer AAA games will come out. As though there were some arbitrary limit...

  5. They just don't fucking get it, do they?

    Or they do and they're willingly spreading misinformation. I never know whether to pity them or think they're scum.

    I mean did you SEE the comments in that blog quoted around page 132? The one Klepek linked to that had some great, objective facts about why "the movement" never gained the traction they like to pretend it did?

    MOST of the top comments (which I think are chronological, not vote based) were about how this was "yet another article reporting on incidents with no citations" (there were plenty of citations) and once again HILARIOUSLY misusing Occam's Razor ("Which is more likely? That thousands of people are leading a campaign of misinformation and harassment or that these bitches are just doing it for attention? CHECK. MATE.") I mean it'd be hilarious if it weren't so infuriating...

  6. I swear I've done the "no damage for two floors" one with Azazel several times, but it has not unlocked. Perhaps it's because I'm picking up soul hearts along the way? Hmmm.


    Had a really fun, interesting run (sadly, still ended in defeat) with Azazel just now. Rerolled my stuff on a dice room showing a one, and ended up with a weird stationary vorted when I fired, out of which my brimshot would come. If enemies went into the swirl, they would take a lot of damage, and the shot itself was quite damaging. I then later got a magnetic tears pickup, so the vortex was now sucking enemies into itself. Made Boss Rush a piece of cake. However, there are several enemies in the womb that are immunte to it, like the eyes and the rolling brain thingies, and they chipped away at me.


    Was good tho. Got two unlocks, as well.


    Edit: Yeah, for Eve it quite clearly says do not pick up hearts for two levels. My brain don't work quite right.

    But you unlocked Samson, right? Cause I unlocked him with Azazel actually by accident! I both love and hate playing as him since he plays SOOO different, but SOOO many pickups you get don't do crap-all for him (every time I get a range booster, it grinds my teeth down just a little more).

  7. "It's not men's fault, it's the ruling class."

    Who do these people think the ruling class are? Do they genuinely believe that there's only a small group of people dictating the rules of how society works and everyone else is prey to their whims?

    I mean these are guys who are drinking the Bill Maher kool-aid and taking it to UNHEARD of levels.


    They seem to genuinely think that "Beautiful, ephemeral, intelligent woman married to a dumb fatass" is complimentary and pandering TO THE WOMAN. That right there could have entire classes taught about misunderstanding how power dynamics in society work. (Or I'm misunderstanding your post, I kinda feel like it could go either way...but I feel like the point still stands)

  8. ??? has no advantages, but there's a terrific reason to play him. One of the best items in the game is unlocked through one of his victories. If you find you just cannot play him, there is a workaround. The Ankh will turn you into ???, and any bosses you beat after that will count as ???. So on any run where you find the Ankh, you can just plan on leaving any soul hearts laying on the ground during a level, let yourself die before the boss, go vacuum up those soul hearts and then fight the boss. I find playing him in Rebirth is much, much, much easier than playing him in original though.

    Each tick represents 2 points (so items have to raise a stat 2 points before it's visible on your stat screen). Lazarus actually starts with a -1 luck, but it still shows one hash mark! Which is why you have terrible luck. Several characters start with zero luck, and it goes up from there. However Lazarus gets a +1 to all stats when he's reborn, so his luck equals most other characters after death. On average, he starts weaker than most other characters until he dies, and then he's slightly stronger than all other characters after resurrection.

    This is all fantastic to learn/know!


    Been playing this for 15 hours now, and still find that about 50% of my runs end in a slow, drudging defeat due to not finding any damage up items.


    Will I unlock more of these, eventually? The only decent ones I can think of that I've used so far are Brimstone and Polyphemus.

    The way I made my way through the initial slog wasn't to go for a full-on victory, but to go for character unlocks. Try and get those "No heart pickups/no damage for the first two floors" unlocks and those will, at the very least, unlock more different ways to play.

  9. I think last time this came up I tried to make this super clear but forgot to do so this time. So...

    Casual cronyism is a rampant problem through all industries and so I'm not saying GiantBomb are a special example of being bad at it. It's a pretty (unfortunately) common system that this is just one more example of.

    That we can surely agree on!

  10. Largely you make fair points but I have to say that this isn't a valid reason. The onus is not on unprivileged groups to create diversity. The onus is on those who have the power to hire to make the choices that undo the systemic oppression. If you really care about diversity you can seek out the applicants even if they didn't get in contact with you. I know this could be hard (tracking down potential hires that didn't reach out to you) but it's what has to be done if you do care about diversity.


    The hire also does depend on what you think the job entailed. Like you and others have said, Dan bringing fun to the cast is a fair choice and in some ways being just a casual happy gamer style dude is a personality that performs that job more than a person offering a new voice would. I don't think it's impossible to have hired a woman for that kind of role but it puts the hire in a different context.

    I get that and I agree 100%, but that still leads into: maybe they did. Maybe they reached out to some people and got turned down. Maybe they either already had a job they liked, or weren't interested in relocating for a job. I mean GB, and not just them but damn near every job in the country, tend to hire people they know first or go for a "safe" hire.


    Though ultimately if they do wind up hiring to replace Klepek, I truly do hope they get someone with a new perspective.

  11. I'm kind of hoping that in one of the spin off Star Wars movies we do get something more muted from it (if only by SW standards). Oh and a 'Bounty Hunter' movie with almost no jedi in it would be great.

    This isn't that unlikely. I mean Marvel got chomped up by Disney and began to/just as they started making movies that were basically genre films featuring superheroes. Like GotG is a straight-up sci-fi movie, Winter Soldier is an action-thriller, both Thor movies are more fantasy than superhero. This is why I can't understand people who think the Marvel bubble MUST INEVITABLY BURST CATASTROPHICALLY!! It's also why I feel Marvel's movies are doing better and holding up better than DC's, but that's another story for another time.


    The point is: Disney as a holding company is clearly okay with their IPs being used to explore unlikely, different routes and I think they'd be daaaamn smart to do that with Star Wars. Honestly? If they announced tomorrow they were making a Bounty Hunter movie, I'd be looking forward to that far, FAR more than Episode VII.

  12. I mean I'm somewhat torn on the issue here, and I'm not sure this is even the place to be airing it as OP said, but let's call it what it is: Dan is the closest they've come to filling the content void that Ryan left.


    He's aggressive in his love of video games, he's got a lot of great ideas for new content and he has a really infectiously positive energy (seriously, listen to the podcasts before he showed up, the Bombcast was becoming increasingly by-the-books and dour). Yeah, I'd LOVE for them to have a more diverse hire this next time, but A) we don't know who all applied, so just assuming they turned down equally qualified more diverse hires is extremely conclusion-jumpy and B) I'm not going to be pissed at a guy for having a good year when other people (even within his industry) had a less good year.


    Oh and C) The fact that they've featured people like Zoe Quinn and Samantha Kalman, both on their podcasts and in the GOTY lists while telling the likes of Zodiac MF to hit the bricks says plenty too. Frankly, I don't mind them using GG to tend their own garden, and them saying "Yeah, don't harass in our name for any reason and if you're trying to spout that GG crap, do it elsewhere" is plenty and actions, even on the internet, speak louder than words. They've been openly contemptuous of them on their podcasts (ESPECIALLY on their morning show)...and this WHOLE thing seems like it's spiraling, so I'll cut myself off there before this thread (and post) gets any more jacked.


    I don't know if this sounds needlessly harsh, and I'm not meaning for it too. I'd love for someone like Cara Ellison or Kalman to start showing up as a GB regular, but until that happens there's not much one can do besides not consuming their content if one feels THAT strongly about it. Feel free to even send Rorie a message or email like "Hey, I'd be a bit more into voting with my wallet if we could get some different perspectives as regulars on content."

  13. Hah, I unfollowed ZMF on twitter when he came out as pro-gamergate. Not really surprising given his schtick, but I guess I've outgrown it since the AVC days. I still think he was pretty funny sometimes, but holy heck that meltdown is hilarious. "I'm a MAN and I SHOULD ALWAYS BE HEARD!!!"

    For me it was when he declared, essentially, "TORTURE FOUND US OSAMA BIN LADEN!! FUCK YOU WHINING LIBERALS!!!" parroting an out-and-out fallacy as if it were objective fact.


    Yeah, dude's a real anti-establishment rebel...

  14. I love Dan

    I'm massively envious of his energy/positivity. He's unnatural. He inspired me to think about doing yoga

    As someone who also does DDP Yoga: it's AWESOME. He's toned down a lot of the macho BS that was apparently a part of it when it first burst onto the scene, and he's got this SUPER positive energy that makes you not feel shitty if you aren't an expert your first year. I know this sounds like an ad, but I really do recommend it.


    I'm also gobsmacked by Dan's ability to be utterly convinced of his own rightness but not be a total jerk about it (ON THE INTERNET, NO LESS!) He seems very "live and let live."

  15. I don't want it bad but I'd be interested to see it and your post is rendered a little pointless without it!


    I always thought of ZMF as a self-aware gimmick-poster on the AVClub who disappeared years ago, and nothing more. Then I listened to that one-off podcast he did with them recently about the Sons Of Anarchy finale, and it was just embarrassing - a meandering, charmless drunk with no interesting or coherent thoughts on the finale or the show in general. I guess he's also a shouty 'Twitter personality' now?

    You're right and that's what I get for posting well after I should've been in bed: laaaaaziiiiiiness leading to a somewhat vapid post. You're also mostly right: I honestly can't tell where the schtick ends and the man begins, if such a line exists.


    It's not an uncommon thing, but it's very frustrating to see someone decry the establishment and having an opinion in the same breath. I mean, I get it, having an opinion is boring and gets in the way of your offensive fun, but its whole point is to lessen power imbalances in society. Don't rebel against PC; rebel against fucked up social institutions.

    THAT'S the part where it all fell apart from me. He both declares himself "the majority" for his beliefs in liking the Video game establishment just the way it is, then rants for pages about what a "rebel" he is and how "rebels" don't mean anything anymore.


    I got curious and found it for myself (I think?) - https://storify.com/1Novid/zodiac-mf-gets-it-why-dont-yall


    I don't really have anything to say about this because I have no fucking idea what his point is, except that his idea of "rebellion" is more well-worn and overplayed than the Bill Hicks vinyls he probably has somewhere under his pile of faded Nirvana tees and studded belts. "FUCK HAPPENED TO NEVER TRUST ANYONE OVER 30?" Haha how does anyone take this seriously.


    He was left off of Giant Bomb's GOTY lists for some weird reason. He took it well.



    Yeah, weird that the one single real fan of his on the staff dies (RIP Ryan Davis, that one  still stings) and he's suddenly BAFFLED as to why no one wants to hear him all-caps about how torture is awesome and liberals are pussies.


    I don't know who he is, but he doesn't even know how to spell video games.

    He's either lazy performance art or a screaming manchild. That's really it.

  16. It's funny how a journo talking to other journo's on a mailing list or giving Zoe Quinn a dollar on Patreon means it's open season on their life and livelihood, but it is a logical fallacy to even raise your eyebrows at a GG thought leader writing content for literal nazis. 

    Oh if you wanna see a total lack of cognitive dissonance, check out what ZodiacMF has to say on the topic (I could link, but...I mean if people want it that bad, I'll link).


    Now he's obviously a polarizing figure, but generally he's managed to do a decent, if inferior, Seanbaby impression in being acerbic, obscene, low-brow and yet somehow make salient, often hilarious, points. At this point he's either taking the schtick intentionally too far, or believing his own hype.

  17. Point of information - the "baby boomers" are the children of those who fought in the war, born from the post-war shagfest.

    Fair dues and you are, of course, correct!


    They had to deal with having PARENTS who drank the PTSD away...that probably didn't do much for their outlook...



    I don't thing the age of a "tradition" (for lack of a better word) has anything to do with its merits. I'm kinda glad we ditched Greek way of crying, along with pederasty.

    My point wasn't that "just because something is tradition that makes it 100% correct," my point was that some people treat the whole "real men don't cry" thing as though it's a self-evident, perpetual truth. Like, for instance, pink being a girly color when, again, in the '50s it was actually considered incredibly manly.

  18. Yeah, but this makes XIII look straight up reserved and demure by comparison. I was hoping for another baby step of progress, not a Nestea plunge back into pandering sexist design. 

    One step forward, two steps back. Cultural differences aside, that's Video game social progress in a nutshell, really...



    Has Cid ever been young?  Let's check the wikia!


    "Cid is usually older than the main cast, sometimes by several decades, and they are thus portrayed as fatherly figures, sometimes as the biological, adoptive, or surrogate father of one of the main characters."


    I guess she could still be fatherly...?

    I mean...sure...that's...a certain kind of father figure, certainly...

  19. goddamit Squeenix. You make Cid a woman, and then you dress her like that? Ugh.


    I mean...not to over-generalize, but...yeah, that seems about right in terms of a lot of Japanese games.


    I mean...it's pretty much a trope for these AND ESPECIALLY for fighting games. Not saying that makes it RIGHT, I guess I'm saying I'd have actually been more shocked if they HADN'T had a character design like that...

  20. Oh okay then. I misread (and/or you already cleared it up) and thought the first one linked to his timeline with said blurred images.




    Because men never cry of course.

    The hilarious irony of that is that the whole "real men don't cry" isn't much older than 50 or so years. It was basically the 'boomers way of not dealing with all the emotional baggage of going to war since...you know, we were righteous and good and everything was great and emotions are yucky!

    Before that it was actually considered the height of masculinity to cry. Look at ancient Greek and Anglo myths: it showed that, even as a warrior, you were still in touch with your emotions and that "side" of yourself.

  21. So i am very much not a Final Fantasy person, it's a large part of why i swore off JRPG's for the better part of a decade, and all the stories around this game paint its development as having been a harmfully bloated money-pit, catastrophically delayed and restarted, again and again for close to eight years.

    That said, those E3 trailers looked super fucking cool.

    I actually do want to play this.

    (Hit up the HD so it's not a blurry mess.)

    You're not wrong about the crazy development cycle, but honestly? The new look and seemingly new setting are enough to perhaps get me back on. Last game I played to the end was FFX. Didn't care about XI, didn't finish XII cause I just couldn't get into the weird gameplay, and didn't even bother with XIII or XIV.


    So it's definitely NOT a day-1 purchase for me, but it's something I'll be keeping my eye on. At this point Persona's the only JRPG series (or game) I consistently play and that's because they seem like they realized, with P4G that you can make a long game without requiring 40% or more of it to be grinding. And perhaps ratcheting down the melodrama.