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Posts posted by Yarbles

  1. I can't take someone seriously if they can't be bothered to spell a person's name correctly. If you're going to write about Zoe Quinn, have the decency to get her name right.


    And I have no idea why her having a Youtube video where some guy talks about her sex and personal life pulled is a huge controversy or abuse of the system. If something like that existed about me on the Internet and I'd do everything in my power to have it removed.


    Maybe chemotherapy suppresses the inner spelling Nazi in us all ?  

  2. There was no tangible connection between the events and I totally condemn the actions of these numpties spreading their bile, but they are latching on to the fact there’s something not right with this symbiotic relationship between press and Devs/Publisher PR, it's not quite the utopia that Chris painted it out to be.


    Let’s take Aliens Colonial Marines as an example, now I can’t think of a Dev with more connections to the press than Gearbox Software through friendships or as former employees and yet the usual 6 month pre-launch cycle of reworded PR bullet points and pre-view puff pieces were never fact checked, challenged or questioned by those sites who had access to so called dev networking contacts.

    All a lot of people are asking for is a little healthy scepticism and some transparency and not the pre-defined cycle of reworded PR BS like “Believe the hype” from likes of IGN.


    Now on to the subject of Anita Sarkeesian, she has some fair points, but I think if I was an American and I had that platform I’d be more troubled about the 23 million US households that need food stamps to survive rather than this.

    That would be true social justice not this video game related middle class navel gazing.