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Posts posted by 1PxOff

  1. Why are you using GetAxis for keyboard input? You'll get better results by using GetKey, or by setting up buttons in the input manager for it.

    Edit: If you have the keys bound to buttons in the input manager, you can edit the responsiveness on releasing the keys by changing the "Gravity" setting.


    A good use of "GetAxis" is for any type of key press that you need variation on.  For instance all the character controllers use it for WASD controls.  I have used it to great effect for controlling throttle in vehicles.

  2. I actually attended one of these Microsoft events, and it was very informative ( i also won a free phone so that was cool).  Basically the windows phone/metro builds of unity are radically different than any other platform.  As it stands now, Unity uses .net 2.5 (I may be wrong on the exact version), on every deploy target except windows phone/metro.  On those builds Unity compiles out to use the latest version of .net (4.5 i believe at the moment), so that the code can run natively on these devices.  So theoretically, you should be getting better performance on these devices ( key word there being theoretical ).  Microsoft has been working directly with Unity to make this change happen, but as you can imagine there are quite a few bugs/quirks in this version, as they are having to re-write a ton of stuff to update to the latest version of .net. The Unity forums for windows development (http://forum.unity3d.com/forums/windows-development.50/) is a great place to see a bunch of these issues brought to light and discussed.  Unfortunately there aren't a ton of fixes for most of the issues at the moment.


    As far as getting the dev environment setup, I had to use windows 8.1 with the 8.1 sdk (don't mess with the 8 sdk as it is out of date) installed into the latest version of VS 2013.  The process is not well documented and a huge pain to get working correctly.  On top of getting the dev environment setup, you will have to worry about 3rd party plugins from the asset store. Because of the changes I listed above, a lot of the plugins from the asset store will just break.  Basically anything that is trying to do file i/o is going to be busted, unless of course the developer of the plugin specifically states that it is tested on wp8/metro builds.  I spent most of my time "porting" my game to wp8 installing the the correct sdk and then stripping my game of most of my 3rd party assets/plugins.


    As far as touch input goes I only have experience with the wp8 builds, but in that case the input functionality works identical to the iphone/android builds.  I would assume the same would hold true for windows store (metro) builds.  I hope this helps, but to be honest this is an undocumented learning experience for us all

  3. I found myself wanting to strafe the ground as closely as possible, even with a disincentive to do so (death). Even though it's modeled off of a Flappy Bird system, I could see it going in a Tiny Wings direction just as easily (where timed collisions with the terrain are encouraged). Then of course the perspective begs for it to take on some Star Fox qualities, such as angling your wings to avoid obstacles and shooting.

    The thing that I would do if I was making the game is put in something that signifies your altitude clearly in relation to things you want to avoid or hit. There are a lot of ways to do this.

    -You could at a level laser-pointer that can be seen on upcoming objects at your current height.

    - the camera could be set at a specific altitude that acts as a median for the range in which the player would likely want to be (probably the altitude of the highest mountain) and then angle up when the player is above it and angle downward when the player is below it. This would give the player some idea of altitude.

    -Another way would be to give the player a shadow and give the bird's shadows too. This would probably help with gauging the terrain altitude.

    -Or you could use crazier solutions like having altitude be a factor for the pitch of a constant hum, upcoming birds could have the same and the 3d sound would allow you to know which tone you are trying to harmonize with.


    Thank you so much for your feedback! Sorry for the delayed response to this (i was actually hospitalized, but all is ok) I wish I could have responded to you sooner.  I thought about adding some of these features earlier in the dev cycle, but they didn't really work out as planned.  Moving left or right to dodge made the game extremely difficult and was a bit out of the spirit of a "flap like".  I did try shadows but for some reason Unity wasn't rendering them where you could see them.  This made them virtually useless and just a resource hog on lower end devices.  I do agree that there should be some sort of indicator to help the player know when they are super close to the terrain.  I did try messing with camera angles, but it honestly caused more confusion with so much altitude change.  I will see if I can come up with some sort of altitude indicator in the UI


    I am with you on how much fun it is to stay really close to the ground.  In fact just today I was contemplating taking this game and using it as a starting point for a bit more ambitious game.  Same basic idea where you are flying through a canyon of some sort at high speed.  In this new game I think you would be running from some type of enemy instead of chasing them down.  My thought was to implement a radar system to force the player to skim the ground as much as possible.  The higher you are the more you show up on radar, get to high some sort weapon locks on to you and destroys you.  In this version I think i would try to implement lateral movement as well as banking to maneuver around dynamic obstacles (falling bridges, rocks, trees, etc).  I think it could be fun.


    Thanks again for your feedback! This community is awesome!

  4. First off thanks so much for taking a look at my game, and offering feedback!  Would you mind explaining a little more what you mean?  The idea of the game is to be a parody of "flappy bird" like games in which instead of cute little birds be the hero they are now lunch.  So that means the primary focus is for the bear to be able to fly up when touching the screen and fall when not, then of course eat the birds when they come into contact.  What part in particular are you referring to?  I will say that there is a bug in the current version that makes the gameplay really bad on lower end devices, in fact it can be completely unplayable on things like an iPhone 4.  An update has been submitted that will resolve that issue.

  5. Hey everyone, I am fairly new here but I wanted to see if you would be willing to give me some feedback on a game I made.  This is a joke game I made in one week as a way to blow off steam (and exercise a bit of creative freedom) from the other games I am currently working on.  Basically the idea was to come up with the most ridiculous concept for a game that I could and see how far I could get in a week.  Well at the end of the week I had something that I kept picking up and playing, so i decided to release it.  If you all would be so kind as to give me your honest feedback on what you think I would really appreciate it!





    Android build:


  6. NGUI is on sale today.

    This is the same situation I was in with the Playmaker sale. I feel like I should buy it just because it's mentioned as a very popular tool, though I have no idea what I would use it for. Anyone know what this can do that a 3d text child can't?

    Edit: I'm leaning towards saving my precious gaming-budget and waiting to see how 4.6's UI system turns out



    Everything PrimeDerektive said is absolutely true, but I would add that the built in 3d text should not be used in most cases for UI b/c it is just way too heavy.  With a sprite based UI, you are dealing with very minimal overhead computationally, while the 3d text can contain gross amounts of vertices that have to be updated on each frame. I have used it the 3d text before and it can be nice for a title screen or something like that, but if you are using it solely for your UI then you are adding a ton of unneeded weight to your scene.


    As far as wether you should buy NGUI or wait for the new Unity implementation, that is a tough question.  NGUI is very well supported and constantly updated.  I would say that once the new Unity UI is added, NGUI will be updated to take advantage of that system and make it even better.  Considering the guy who wrote NGUI was hired by Unity to help with the new UI it is a safe bet that NGUI is going to be a "better" version of that system.

  7. I did something similar with my weapon mounting, but rather than saving specific sets of local transform values somewhere for every weapon and use that as the instantiate parameters, I positioned each weapon correctly parented to the weapon hand, then created a new empty gameobject at that same position/rotation, parented the weapon to it, and then saved that empty gameobject (with child weapon object) as my weapon prefab. That way, each weapon prefab's root is an empty gameobject with the weapon object parented to it with the correct offset, so I could just instantiate them right on the hand with no position/rotation fiddling.



    I did the same type setup for my game.  In my game you build out a aircraft with numerous parts and pieces.  To keep everything straight and looking correct, for each part available there are two spawnpoints that are nothing more than empty GOs that carry the proper rotation and location.  When instantiating a new item you find the spawnpoint where you want it to go, instantiate it, and then parent the new item to the spawnpoint transform.  As a child, a GO will inherit it's parent's rotation and location upon instantiation, so you can safely assume that the new item will be in the correct position with the correct rotation (if your instantiated item's local rotation and position are zeroed out ).  Now if the new instantiated item has a spawnpoint as well, then you can create very interesting "trees" of items that will just always work.

  8. What is this for?  If you are interested in scene serialization as a way of creating save games, there is actually a package on the asset store that will serialize the entire scene in a line or two of code.  So long as your saving mechanism writes all the properties you want for the Difingo class, those properties can be recalled.


    Just a heads up about that project.  While super useful and easy, it doesn't work across all platforms (namely Windows store/Windows Phone) and the author seems to have dropped off the face of the earth in regards to updating the project or responding to emails.  I was using this project until I decided to port a WIP game to WP8 and it just completely blew up.  I found this project  that works pretty well: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/768


    That project does require a bit more setup and knowhow, but it is also a lot less "black box" in how it stores everything.  basically you are in full control of the saving scheme.  I have been using it in my very complex game with no issues for quite some time now.  If anybody needs help with it pleas pm me.

  9. Don't mess with setting the resolution.  If you are using the latest version of NGUI (3.6+) you have a very nice anchoring system that will handle this for you.  I have a game that has elements anchored to all four corners and center, with offsets and everything and it works across every mobile device I can get my hands on.  


    Basically what I do is set up empty UIWidgets to represent each point that I need anchored to (topLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, etc.).

    Then you can set the anchor for each of those elements.  The anchor is in the UIWhatever script at the bottom.


    Set the anchor type to "unified".  It will automatically set the values to each side based on where the widget is located on the screen at the time.  If you wanted to set for the top left then you set the anchor sides to be "left=target's left, right=target's left, top=target's top, bottom=target's top".  Then drag that empty UIWidget up to the top corner( or set all values to zero )


    Now the element is anchored to the top left and any child elements will be so as well.  no matter where you move them inside of that parent, they will always stay in relation to the topLeft corner.


    Here is the tricky part.  Dealing with multiple resolutions (this is not nearly as big a deal as before when you had things like the iPhone 3gs and the iphone 4 with retina).


    IF you really need to deal with multiple resolutions, then you have to build your entire UI to point to "reference Atlas" that is actually only a pointer to a real atlas.

    Then you have to setup multiple atlases for each resolution and then have a script that can detect what device you are on and then switch out what atlas you want to use at runtime.


    I hope this helps someone, if not please PM me and I can try to help further.

  10. Unity cookie has a pretty good intro tutorial series. Its pretty light on more complex stuff though, although there is a shader series thats very in depth.


    The shader tutorial is an absolute must watch if you ever plan on making your own shaders.  It dives in pretty deep, but is great to understand that you could be killing your performance on a certain device just because you chose or wrote a shader that is not optimized for that platform.

  11. Does anybody know how to set the scale of your model when exporting from Blender? I'm trying to make a simple model for use in Unity, but when I import it into Unity it's microscopic. I tried changing the scale in the "scene" settings, but that doesn't seem to actually change the scale of the object, just the default scale setting for the object's transform in Unity. I want the object to be the proper size at a scale (from Unity's point of view) of 1, as making massive changes to the scale of an object in Unity has broken/undesirable results.

    after you complete your model in Blender you can select the .blend file inside of Unity and change the import scale setting.  this will automatically rescale the model on import for you.  This is useful if you want to keep blender scale at default and then keep the models inside of Unity at a useable scale as well.

  12. Hey everyone, I have been listening to the thumbs cast for awhile now, and finally decided to drop in and say hello.  I love playing video games, however, I find that as I grow older it becomes harder and harder to actually play.

  13. I agree with Lork's statement about events, however, I went about it slightly different for my game.  When designing my game, I wanted the ability to be able to play the game on basically any platform (PC/Mac/iOS/Android/etc).  So this meant that sometimes I needed to catch a touch event, or a click event or even a joystick position, or button.  What I did is move all of that logic out into its own singleton class called "InputManager".  This class is instantiated and ensures that there is only ever one instance in the scene.  In this class I have the boiled down properties that I want to be able to check on such as "Fire", "ForwardThrust", "Special", etc. Basically any verb that I would ever need would be exposed in this class.  From there this class would use Unity's preprocessor directives to handle the different platforms and then map the different types of inputs to the appropriate variables.  Now that this is completed any script that needs any type of input just checks this class for the value of the input and the acts accordingly.


    The huge benefit here is that in the instance of a game which has an aircraft flying, you can build to iPhone/Android and use onscreen touch joystick or build to PC/Mac and use a 360 controller without having to make any changes to code that handles flying the aircraft.


    I know this doesn't directly answer your question about handling events, but if you were to combine what Lork mentioned with this, you get a lot of extensibility with your inputs.  I hope this helps somewhat.

  14. I may be completely wrong, but I think what is happening is you are seeing the difference between a digital signal and an analog one.  What I mean is that when you press a key on your keyboard that is assigned to an axis in Unity ( up arrow, down arrow, etc), you have a very binary state.  Either the key is pressed or not.  Unity then has to run calculations on if the key is pressed and then multiply that by some number to get the gradual change from 0 to 1 ( or -1 to 0 ).  On a joystick you actually have a analog signal that tells Unity exactly where the input is at ( say .51 or -.9).  This means that Unity does not have to run any extra calculations to get the correct input, it just takes the exact value given and returns that to you in your script.


    Hope that helps.

  15. Hey guys this is actually my first post here, but have been working in Unity for awhile now.  One of the biggest things that helped me in Unity was finding out that you could deploy a game to an iOS device and then attach the debugger in monodevelop to the instance of the game running on your device.  Just select "Development Build" when building your game.  Once the game is installed on device, make sure both your device and computer are on the same network.  Now start your game on your device and now you will see that instance show up in monodevelop when you connect to the debugger.  Set some breakpoints and you are good to go.  This is invaulable when you have a touch related bug that really only shows up on the device (lets face it the remote app sucks).