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Posts posted by singing_pigs

  1. Beyond Good & Evil was the game that made me realize the potential games have for storytelling. The specific moment:


    When I was heading back to the lighthouse and found out it had been hit by a Domz attack, I started booking it there as fast as I could, running upstairs in a panic. The profound thing was realizing that I, as the player, was running upstairs because I was so invested in finding out what happened to the kids. I wasn't just watching a character do it, I was actively participating emotionally.


    I think the acting and the writing (not the plot, the moment-to-moment dialogue) don't hold up very well honestly, but the world and the music and a lot of the mechanics absolutely do. And it was way ahead of its time for sure. I absolutely can't wait for the sequel, it's my most anticipated game I think ever.

  2. Zbrush is actually used in the games industry loooaaaaads. The trick is that you bring it into something like Maya afterwards so you can layer the proper topology over it. There's even companies dedicated to doing that for you, but it's really not difficult to do yourself.


    Oh right, by "impractical" I meant it's not a trivial process to get it into your game. I would never recommend a developer try ZBrush unless they were already pretty familiar with a modeling program like Maya or Blender, since like you said you'd probably have to use that as a middle man.

  3. The Threes making-of article does have a fantastic little tidbit near the top about how 2048 games can be played almost optimally by repeatedly pressing up/right until nothing happens, and then pressing left, and back to up/right. It hasn't worked perfectly for me, but you can play for quite some time using this method. 


    Wowwwww I just tried this and got 6x higher score than when I tried to play it for real. I was just watching magic happen.

  4. I'm super excited about it myself. He's such an obviously hilarious and intelligent guy, and the few times I've seen him out of character he's seemed incredibly warm, charming and full of passion and life. I think he's a perfect fit.


    I'm the tiniest bit disappointed that Craig Ferguson was apparently not considered cause I think he deserves all recognition and accolades. But I also think his shtick works best in his time slot. I'm glad he can keep being weird.

  5. Also...I wonder if it would be better to have this thread in the general video gaming forum? I imagine a lot of people don't come into the game dev subforum who would be interested in doing some playtesting.


    I'm up for that idea, the more people the better.



    I just played it single player, but it crashed on me when I was trying to collect coffee mugs. I had already collected one and was trying to collect a second. 


    Sweet!! (I dunno why, I get really excited at bugs. I'm crazy.) What specifically were you doing when it crashed? Picking up a mug, dropping it, just carrying it and not doing anything special?

  6. Check it on out! This is a game my team has been working on for a little while. It's a local multiplayer game so it works best if you have a couple friends (or more) with 360 controllers, but you can test it out for bugs and stuff if you've only got yourself. (If you don't have a controller you can use a keyboard but be warned, it suuuuucks. It's only there for rudimentary testing. Hit 'g' at the character select screen, then turn on keyboard support in the pause menu.)


    Let me know what you think!


    Coffee Break



    @Jason Bakker: I was playing with a controller yeah. I figured with only working on it for a week there wasn't much time to add that sort of option, so it's all good!

  7. I love this idea, and will post my game too here in a bit. But I wanted to give you feedback on yours first!


    First of all, inverted y AND x axis?? What are you some kind of monster?? :P (But seriously an option to change those would be nice.)


    Beyond that, I think the most basic feedback I can give is that I simply didn't know what was going on. Now, if your ultimate goal is creating a game where the mechanics themselves are a mystery you have to solve, I really like that idea. But the two main things that hindered my enjoyment of that discovery was 1) the movement speed. My octopus was too slow for any actions to happen with any kind of frequency. E.g. I might be curious what will happen if I interact with two other octopuses at once, but if they're far enough away my motivation to float all the way over there is pretty low. So my discovery of the mechanics is diminished because of that.


    The second thing is, I suspect you might not actually have many mechanics in place anyway? Which is completely understandable, but it's a piece of feedback I can give anyway. At this stage, I didn't have much motivation to continue.


    That might all sound pretty negative BUT I'm legitimately interested to see where you go with this. You've shown me just enough to pique my interest, and your enthusiasm for the concept is evident. So I'd love to see where you're planning to go with this!

    P.s. Is this a networked game? Or are the octopuses AI? Cause if you got that many people to playtest your game simultaneously after only working on it a week, huge kudos.

  8. I just jumped back into this game recently. I still haven't beaten it, but I get so caught up in 100% completing every level. One of my very favorite platformers, a genre that's already crowded with favorites for me.


    Also, one of these days the gaming world is going to recognize Christophe Heral as one of the greatest music composers in all of video games. He did the music for Origins and Legends as well as Beyond Good & Evil, and it's all incredible.

  9. I think EMP is cool.

    Oh yeah, EMP is pretty alright, forgot about that. I've also heard great things about the underground tour, though I've never taken it before.

    Anyway. Seattle is not San Francisco. I don't think.

  10. Even after putting 250+ hours in as my stealth archer, I still regularly think of jumping back in and going through it all again as a different class.

    That's just it right there, I don't really enjoy games that way. The longest I've ever stuck with a game is about 30 hours I think, and I was getting tired of it. I think Skyrim is fantastic in a lot of ways, just not my thing personally.

  11. Raise your hand if you never watch Game of Thrones but read wiki articles about it all the time. *hand*

    I dunno why, I often feel like I enjoy lore-heavy stories more if I feel like I'm "researching" them instead of watching/reading them as entertainment. Exact same thing as Lord of the Rings, I loved reading the Tolkien Illustrated Encyclopedia but couldn't get into the books/movies for whatever reason.

  12. Yeah, Alcatraz is literally the only touristy place I ever recommend. I live in Seattle and all our tourist things suck IMO. Then again, I think locals are legally barred from enjoying their own tourist traps so I'm probably biased.

  13. I saw you asking about Alcatraz earlier and as someone who has only visited San Fran in the past: HIGHLY recommended. I usually find historical sites/museums to be incredibly boring, but the audio tour at Alcatraz is really something else. Narrated by former inmates and guards and the sound effects are craaaazy, they really make you feel like you're there. I've been twice.

  14. While I do like Batman, I enjoyed getting a chance to play as other members of the Bat family.


    I love playing the predator challenge maps as Nightwing, cause the thugs spend the whole time wondering who the hell Nightwing is.

  15. This suggestion shouldn't at all replace any of the others here (I'll join the chorus of people suggesting Unity, if only because of the massive number of tutorials you can find on it), but something additional to try: make board games! Or card games. Seriously, they are so much fun, and a lot of great video games start as paper prototypes. You can learn so much about mechanics and how to guide certain player experiences, without the enormous overhead making video games often incurs. I mean you should still try and make video games, cause they're great. But for real! Board/card games.

  16. I make video games! Some of them are good too!


    Flickers, an atmospheric, abstract 2D platformer that takes you through several twilit landscapes to reach the surface of the moon. It's kind of like the mechanics of Donkey Kong Country's barrel levels meets Flower. I was the creative director, gameplay programmer, and composer. It's even got a trailer!:



    Glo, the first game I ever made, almost entirely myself. It's like Asteroids except you create your own enemies, who in turn dynamically generate music together. Here's a full playthrough of the game if you're lazy, but SPOILERS.


    Is It Food. An Apple IIe style game where you've landed on an alien planet and have to figure out what is and isn't food. I made it in like 3 weeks, it's kinda dumb. In a good way, I think. I apologize for Day 6.




    These are all free by the way. (Burying the lead?)

  17. Man joining this forum and trying to find topics I can weigh in on is reminding how little of a life I have right now, haha. I haven't, like, played games or watched movies in ages. I go to DigiPen which is just a furious amount of work. Rewarding of course, and there's nothing I'd rather do with my life than make video games. But man I'd like free time again someday.

  18. I have such little time to play games I regularly will pick up a game, play like a third of it, and move on to the next thing. I prefer to think of it as "sampling". :P Life is too short to play a bad video game. I reached a point in Skyrim where I just realized I wasn't actually having any fun. I enjoyed climbing the social ladder and all that more meta stuff, but I found the actual gameplay kind of tedious and actually dreaded it. So I got married, bought a house, and settled down. Somebody else will take care of those dragons.

  19. I'll recommend Maya (if you can grab a student edition) but frankly I'm only recommending it cause it's the only one I've really used. Strangely, as a programmer I've found I enjoy it a lot more than my artist friends typically do. I think it's built with more technical people in mind.

    If you're insane and want to try something totally impractical for games you can try ZBrush. (Note: don't try ZBrush.)

  20. What's up,


    I haven't been on a forum in a grip, holy cow. But you guys seem TOO RAD to avoid signing up here. I'm an independent game developer making junk over in the Seattle area. Okay technically I'm a student for one more year but I got senioritis ages ago. And being a student at DigiPen is basically just making indie games that you can't sell and don't get paid for. LIFE IS GREAT.

    Anyway hi. I love video games.