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Posts posted by Chuck

  1. Everyone missed the point of Luftrausers. I get its imagery might be upsetting, presented the wrong way, taken the wrong way, blah blah blah. Let me break down what matters here. 


    Luftrausers takes places on VENUS


    Look at this baby.




    Aww yeah, majesty and all that noise. 


    What about the surface you may ask. Well looky here.  




    Hmm, interesting. Amazing, even. But look closely at that sky...


    remind you of anything!?




    ...damn son. 


    Maybe now you're saying "Hey Chuck, it's just yellow because it's yellow. Why's it gotta be venus." 


    Nice try, bub! But let's look at what Vlambeer said about the inspiration for their work. 












    So yes. Luftrausers takes place on Venus. ...what were we talking about again? 

  2. I redeemed my prototypes on Steam but for some reason I don't have Little Pink Best Buds. Anyone else experiencing that issue? It's a separate key in the Humble Bundle for whatever reason, but I did redeem it!

    a lot of people apparently, looking at GAF. I haven't paid for that tier so I dunno. 


    Mnemonic on Steam didn't work for me for some reason and I had to download in from HB.

  3. That was my very first thought when I first started voting. I didn't like any of his ideas, really.

    Also like 3 of them he imagined as iphone games.


    There are more than enough navel-gazing, self-aggrandizing video games out there for every genre. We didn't need another one! Especially as a prorotype.


  4. Sports animes are great at selling the sport to you.

    Watching Eyeshield 21 made me almost join an american football team.

    I bought a road bike because of Yowapeda! I needed a bike anyway, and just had to get a road bike after watching the show. 

  5. My missus is super into Haikyuu. I'm looking forward to watching it in the spring. And it's done by I.G. Production, so will hopefully be super good. And right off the back of Kuroko too. They must have a thing right now for sports anime.


    There are a couple of people who annoy me greatly in Yowa. Mainly the fucking arrogant jerk who thinks he's hot shit but he's not. I know that's the whole point of the character, but it's done so well and he rears his fucking head at the most irritating times, like when they win a race or something, and his whiny fucking voice pierces my eardrums and I want him to die. Especially annoying because he doesn't get any comeuppance that affects him or changes his personality.


    Kuroko spoils:

    Also the 'zone' shit in Kuroko is kinda lame and stupid. It feels very super saiyan in that it's pretty obvious I think that soon everyone's going to be in 'the zone' and then it's just going to be fucking stupid. It feels like they have reached the roof of credibility with it, and any additional 'super zone' shit will be stupid. But i'm still enjoying it.

    Yeah, lots of awesome sports anime. I really like free! too, but not for the first season's plot. There's some soccer anime coming later this year too, but I can't remember what it is. 


    I think it's really funny you hate Sugimoto so much, lol. My boyfriend really hates him too, but I think he's just kind of funny since he's so oblivious. He's clearly not a very good "experienced cyclist". Speaking of hating characters though, I have to mention the fucking weird psycho freak that is Hanamiya in Kuroko. I'm endlessly weirded out that he has a fanbase when he literally tries to injure other players. Really really hope he snaps his leg one of these days. 


    And Kuroko's total insanity with that stuff and the moves that all have specific names everyone uses is part of the reason why I love it. Just the tone with the incredible seriousness of the in-game moments are so crazy, I can't help but smile and laugh most of the time. 


    One sports anime I will say I didn't like was Ace of the Diamond. Just watched the first 4 or 5 episode but I didn't like most anything about it. The focus on the main character and the taking of everything way to seriously in the most boring way made me just give up on it. I might be unfair to it though, seeing as I'm a huge baseball fan and my favorite anime happens to be Oofuri. 

  6. I like Yowapeda too. The latest episode was a bit silly though.

    Why didn't he just ask to change his pedal instead of doing like 5 laps walking?


    The best bits are after the Ending credits when they chat inane shit. Always makes me laugh. You should probably check out Kuroko's Basketball, as it's similarly ace, if not better.

    Yeah I thought that stuff was a bit silly too. I guess they just wanted to find a way for Teshima to help him. 


    The ending bits are amazing and always super funny. I do watch Kuroko too and love it. Looking forward to Haikyuu this spring as well.