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Posts posted by undermind9





    Google results - left control key


    holy smokes, this is a game changer.  I cant wait to play tonight and drop those garbage range down pills that i hold and just keep the Q key off limits

  2. i've blown 2 chest runs two nights in a row trying to "life up" before fighting the end boss.  Run 1 was easily enough damage just was getting greedy...night 2 was light on damage and was way hurt from a bad Cathedral run.  phase 3 cathedral isaac still throws me off with his varied tear shots - i know im decent at this game, but dying like that makes me feel like a day 1 scrub.  



    Also! Friendly reminder - dont forget to replace your "left hand" trinket before getting to the Chest so you dont end up with red chests in the first room - opening up with 2 troll bombs, dead cat, and spiders did not help my low damage problem

  3. i've recently gotten back on the Isaac train hard and cleared the chest with a few different characters.  I'm looking forward to doing the big door soon & opening up dark room work


    i treat the recent topic of risky loot as part of the game and love the discovery of not knowing exactly what an item does.  if it doesnt work then oops, start a new run.  the game is meant to be played hundreds of times..not getting in and going to the end on the first couple tries nor to be perfected like a mario platformer

  4. i "fry" my headphones pretty frequently at work




    I have a HIFI Man external sound device so my headphones (Klipsche S4) don't pick up the electric noise of the computer fans, phones charging, etc.  It is plugged into my keyboard's extra USB ports to get even further away from interference.  This also lets me play music through the speakers & a second audio device for podcasts / web content


    But in the winter I pick up a lot of static on the carpet and if i sit down and put my headphones in i'll get a nice zap to the ear canal...but also "shorts" out either the DAC device or headphones.  Either way the whole thing requires an unplug/power cycle to get working again


    Not as bad as frying a stick of RAM...but the static shock is real!

  5. In case anyone is wondering, my new avatar is Ludwig von Koopa dressed up as Tomba, star of the secret best PS1 game, Tomba.


    i was wondering, thank you for clarificaiton

  6. i missed out an handful of surveys & registration of digital games (thus why i am out 120 coins for platinum status & no earthbound). It seems asinine to me that if a product is bought from the eShop why doesnt it auto-register to your linked club account. There could be some justification for the surveys, but not a strong one.  Thanks Nintendo



    Perhaps their Club-v2.0 will have a more modern approach to registration, rewards, cross buy, and some sweet achievos

  7. Oo, heard that one a lot.  Paused to look down at full page level spreads in Nintendo Power and figure out how to get anywhere


    Battletoads was often rented in my youth - and i dont know why we kept going back.  That level shown (zone 3?) was the furthest we ever got, i dont even know what is after it.  Is there more? Does anyone beat this thing? 


    The attraction was certainly the cool shape mutation and Turtles adjacent theme.  I feel like i need to play a Rom to see if it actually was as impossible as i remember

  8. i grew up with almost no sports influence (always lived in Chicago).  My father growing up did not watch professional sports outside of the major events - superbowl, NBA finals when the bulls crushed it 6 of 8 yrs, and i think some world-series events.  We subsequently did not go any events, even more-family cost friendly minor league games.  I had an aunt that really liked hockey, but the Blackhawks were not televised because Bill Wertz was ridiculous 


    So all of my sports favoritism is learned from peers and my own volition. I am not a mega fan of any of my favorite teams either, i know their recent history - but having not grown up with a team to follow i also never learned the generally useless historic facts of a team that some of my peers can spout out


    Baseball is one of my favorite sports to watch live, background televised, and even radio listen.  I also go to the most of these games a year due to ticket price & a box my company shares.  Despite growing up in the north suburbs i did not like the attitude of cubs fans and the association with Wrigleyville and the casual baseball fandom attached there. There are plenty of very baseball smart Cubs fans, but the frat boy mentality of Wrigleyville was a major turn off.  So my love for the White Sox actually started by trolling cubs fans after their collapse in 2003, then through college i had several close friends who were south-siders and i learned more about the team and followed along.  Eventually I was hired at my current job where the owner is a big WS fan and it was a point of conversation & camaraderie against Cub fans in the office.


    Football is even weirder, I love the Pittsburgh Steelers for no good reason.  My brother and I started following them before Cordell Stewart was gone even, then when they started winning - even better.  I watch as many Steelers games as televised on my basic cable, but almost no other football on Sunday (my wife strongly dislikes football).  Also, liking an out of division team keeps the stupid peer razing down knowing the only match of potential importance is the superbowl...where recent history & statistics are on my side


    Hockey is my favorite sport though and would try to watch as much as possible when younger with another friend - but that was only the playoffs - which at the time was usually Detroit, Colorado, and Anaheim.  In this case i followed my area-codes and aunt's lead to like the Blackhawks despite only the rarest of exposure.

    As some might know the owners of the Blackhawks did not allow televising of homegames w/o national coverage (playoffs) so hockey was almost never on in Chicago.  Not until the son took over was there a resurgence of interest in the sport and reinvestment to the team.  Subsequently people came out in droves, revenue was up, and they were able to acquire strong players and win...a lot.  The popularity continues and i honestly find it to be the most exciting sport to watch on TV or live



    To finish up i think basketball is boring, soccer is great, but i do not watch with any vested interest (outside of euro & world cups), and i didnt go to a college with athletics so no affiliation there either.



    this was actually harder to put into words than i thought.  Sports & club fandom is so frequently a icebreaker in social and work that I have had to solidify my affiliations & knowledge base - but trying to explain why i fell into one camp over another was difficult to drum up.  Fortunately i have never had to explain them in person to someone who probably doesnt care anyways

  9. Well I guess all of those Club Nintendo coins I thought I was going to make use of at some point is just going to be pissed away.


    Maybe I should just buy whatever is left in the store and hock it on ebay later?


    i was hoping to accumulate enough for a free Earthbound VC...but i am out ~120 coins.  now no idea what to spend them on, i'll see what happens in Feb like JonCole said and cash out then


    maybe get some Mario & Luigi greeting cards  :fart:

  10. oh of course, but its not that far off, if i was 8-12yrs old i would have abandoned ship (thats the target demo for this right?)


    i spent the first dozen tries trying to figure out the best way past the organic cannon shooters, add in the football guys - if not focused on the run might not even make it to the pink/blue blocks.  


    it doesnt get any easier after that.  makes me really happy that the end of this great game with varied and creative normal worlds and the superbly challenging bonus areas - that there is this giant middle finger of a last level

  11. get well soon!



    You've just gotten to the best past of 3DW. I'm not great at platformers, so I really enjoyed the early levels too, but the rush I got from beating those later levels was akin to killing a boss in Dark Souls.


    I hope you beat it solo, it'll give me hope to try again.


    So i put ~40-50 tries into this last night.  I spent a good portion of that as peach thinking the float effect would help me through the second zone w/the blue/pink flipping blocks.  I then went seeking tanooki suits and mario for faster jumps and had much more success.  A few tries in i was actually at the last zone w/the boost pads but mucked it up anyways


    it is certainly possible solo and will give it another go this week.  i did have google a 1-Up farming trick, so over 1k lives should suffice to finish this level once (lvl 1-2 has a 2-block wide zone that you can shoot a shell and jump for infinite lives)

  12. Last night I dreamt I was arguing with my father. We're ideologically opposed. Horrible way to wake up.

    This is a recurring theme for me. Sometimes it ends in fisticuffs, usually other times with that panicked sensation when waking up

    My parents filed for divorce up when I was 13ish but didn't have separate living conditions till closer to 16 so there were some long tense years there with lots of arguments. That was also the last time I talked/saw the guy.

    He ended up in Alabama doing who knows what, accomplishing nothing, and died last october. And even that caused stress to my life because his mother wanted my brother (who tried to keep contact) to pay for the burial. I offered to send a shovel, but was declined

    Grayson - didn't mean to bury your comment with my recurring bs. I saw you in dotatoday the other night, if ever around usually need a 5th for our shenanigans

  13. Zeus, do you know if you can you mix local and online? I think you can. If so, we're on PS4. I don't remember my username off the top of my head, I'll add you next time I'm on.

    We've seen one of those goblin packs, that was a blast! And then, shortly thereafter, we got our first Vault portal from a lone goblin. Holy shit, walked out of that place with 75 Million gold apiece. We've had a handful of ancient items drop for each of us, definitely an upgrade over regular legendaries.

    I think I'm only two pieces short of having my Barbarian equipment complete, which is exciting. He's probably not perfectly optimized, but lord is he fun. Got a third Raekor's last night and can infinitely charge now. That's just stupid fun. Probably need to start working on actually leveling up some legendary gems now.


    could make an alternate Earthquake set


    jump around making things pop




    my new focus is building a Wave of Light monk set, it supposedly drastically increases damage output but needs a few key pieces to be viable spirit wise

  14. Kaputt, did you beat champions road? I'm convinced it's impossible in single player. Unless you have the reactions of a god.


    im late to the party...but i just finished the first "half" of the SMB3DW and going to start the bonus ones this weekend.  I've been taking it slow, doing a world at a time every few days - and alternating with Commander Toad which is also a blast


    the "impossible" solo tag makes me very excited, i'll report back after done

  15. thats come up twice for me in the last few nights...its so exciting.  if youre with people who know its possible works a lot better corralling the gerblins and not letting as many escape.


    the pub group last night did not have this skill & half got away.  The bloodshard & gem dropper are the most useful, i would trade topaz 3:1 to get emeralds at this point

  16. the new Treasure Goblins are fantastic.  I got ~30 emeralds & bunch of other (less useful to a monk) ones from one Gem goblin


    and the shard goblin drops ~300 bloodshards which is a nice treat from the usual 80/rift yield


    Hm, either my pin disappeared or it was completely covered by jennegatron's. Does this map work properly if there are multiple people in the same city/postal code?

    oddly it does.  but when i pulled the zip-code off one of you's entries it moved the pin a few miles into town...Thanks Bing



    Wait, what the fuck? Why is my location in South Illinois? It's not even in Chicago. That's not the address I put. o_O

    msg me proper zip code, i figured you were just at Illinois State University



    I had to put in my adress two times. Now there are two castorps, but one lifes where there are none. The one in Scharnitz (northern Germany) is the imposter, please make him go away, undermind9.


    Cool thing, this map!

    all fixed