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Posts posted by undermind9

  1. i think the format change is pretty great!  any dota talk is better than no dota talk - and this way you can cast a wider net of guests (i love brad on the cast, just more perspective is great :D )


    the contract event i thought was a weird money grab.  the arcana sets themselves are already money grabs - but create a rarity in the item and change so much (voice, icon, model, etc) that it could be justified if you were just an in-love Terrorblade or Lina player (i guess LC and SF too  :tdown: ) - but centering an entire event (when diretide and frostivus were skipped) centering on someone spending $30 and then trying to complete a slightly disrupting mini-game inside a real game was pretty stupid.  If in the middle of a match everyone turned into greevils unexpectedly and had to fight a mega-roshan in the jungle i'd be pretty irritated



    My mood in general on Dota has taken a bit of an up/down ride lately - i only play sunday & tuesdays with my family/group of 5 in RD.  sometimes we'll get an even match where both teams play well, pick well, and go at it.  other times we get out picked or out played and becomes a in-team fight blaming our (by far) weakest player for being dead weight.  So, i still love dota, but some days i have just as good a time playing not-dota; and i dont know if there is a catalyst on the horizon to re-invigorate my dota desire until next TI


    anyways, welcome back! and just need that opening back.  the energy of "...and THIS is dota today" is so great.

  2. o - interesting, i wonder how they'll treat that & other XL smart phones right on the cusp



    They have phone release on the horizon, i imagine it'll require a slightly different UI to ensure accurate tap/dragging.



    In other (older) Android game news - Calculords  (Discussed IT Ep 147) came out in September with almost no fanfare.  I dont necessarily like building my deck of minions, but the math gameplay is great and very easy to pause/put down between rounds

  3. what is crazy about it is the amount of gems being bid.  searching by tag for just indie and going to last page - Strike Suit Zero Artbook - 3800 gems bid


    if you get ~10-20 gems from a card then looking at a few hundred cards - or like merus said emoticon/bkds still ~50 items dumped into the gem machine.  even if you go buy a bunch of the best yield emoticons from the market @ <$.10 still paying as much for the item...


    either they didnt properly wipe peoples duped/gem exploit or this event is not for normal users.  and macro steam economics are bonkers

  4. I wonder what is prompting this attempt to liquidate cards,


    The badge system is silly, but appeals to some & to get the other half of your cards need to buy through their market (valve cut) - it makes stuff you can sell on their market (valve cut)


    And in the FAQ after this auction trick is over the gems can be turned back into booster packs to get your cards back (not sure on the return though)


    Very weird, why cant they have a normal sale any more.  Mark things down, buy, enjoy - even the summer model with treasure chest TF2 hat a few years back was neat - buy on sale games, play a bit for achievo, more achievos = neater hat.

  5. it is certainly an interesting premise - cash in your cards that would normally go to badges to the gems - put the gems up for bid on a game 


    with some easy calculations you could figure out the value of all your cards on market VS gems & either buy a desired game outright with wallet cash - or hypothetically get it on the cheap with these bids



    on a macro scale though i think steam is full of too many crazies that will buy up cards or pool gems to high-bid what would normally be a "steal".  that summer camp board game mini-game was a good indication of how crazy people get pushing card prices x4-5 normal selling rate

  6. The Tetris thing is actually called the Tetris effect. I get it super bad from Pushmo and the Alchemy Lab minigame in Professor Layton, personally. Related to Chris' Katamari fantasies; I once came out of an extremely long Metroid Prime 3 session to walk to work and saw a tire track in the snow. My brain immediately recalled the phrase "Magnetic rail system. Press and hold Z to activate Spider Ball" and by the time I realized what was going through my brain, I had already crouched down and begun an attempt to curl into a Morph Ball.


    i ran into this problem a lot when the Guitar Hero first came out.  It was a weird vertigo feeling of lines/hallways elongating (like Max Payne 1 in his drug/dream sequences)


    Last winter though we did a Dota lan day playing from roughly 9am to 2am with minor breaks for dinner/lunch and i was unable to sleep due to a "HUD" overlay everytime i closed my eyes.  I was seeing the movement/attack arrows, particle effects, etc.  Generally uncomfortable and imagine was similar to drug induced hallucinations


    we're playing again all day this coming saturday, we'll see what happens!

  7. i also think its funny, and hadn't heard it said "maths" until only the last few months on some podcasts in my rotation - and am pretty sure they are also making fun of it


    *edit - "Econs" is great! totes using that, thanks for helping my abrevs vocab, obvi will boost my intel

  8. i spent the better portion of my gaming time this weekend playing on wiiU and even had some folks over yesterday for local multiplayer. King Dedede is still a jam which makes me very happy


    my initial impressions is that is a very pretty update to the typical model.  i love/hate the abundance of characters unlocked; its nice to start with but leaves something to be desired for the new foe approaches" screen in ~400 matches.


    The solo experience is pretty good too; events, all star, and classic is great.  the board game is weird and not terribly appealing...but maybe it'll grow on me.



    An annoying issue i have is setting profile/custom controls - i like wii-mote & nunchuck but want the down on the D-pad to be my jump (default shield).  The profile selection is not sticky and has to be set every mode change, this is a mild grievance and maybe i should just use a GC controller

  9. I hate measuring things in inches.  12 in. = 1 ft.  What a fucking dumb system.


    thanks to my job in light-manufacturing of large objects my memorized times table has expanded from 12x12 to 12x25 which makes for a neat skill among the non-maths people

  10. YoThatLimp, on 21 Nov 2014 - 02:00, said:

    Bought a Rokinon 14mm for my trip to new zealand, went out tonight to play around with it (drove an hour to my dark site) and of course I forget my tripod at home, oops. I took this from a top of my hood, a bit noisy than I wanted and I am sure the engine wasn't doing any favors, but I did appreciate the nice color gradient and the reflection of the trees in the (dirty) hood. 



    if you dont mind sharing, where said dark spot is? i feel like have to get almost to Gurnee to the north...and well Elgin to the West before the light pollution starts to diminish

  11. characters unlock for gold championship wins, if you play only on 150 will have to do the cups a couple times to get all the characters.  if your aiming for gold stars probably going to have to do it a few times anyways (stupid blue shells)


    the karts/tires/parachutes open with coin collections

  12. As for your second spoiler: 

    RE: Guppys Tail & Left Hand

    if i have my mechanics correct left hand makes gold & reg chests turn red.  Guppy's tail makes pick-ups turn into chests.  The synergy is all drops become red chests


    i got another challenge down yesterday, next i want to do is "Head Injury", but the tear pattern to start off is wild.  i am enjoying a slow-burn challenge &/or 1 good run or 2-3 quick deaths at each play session. this way i can keep a balance between other endless habits (spelunks, diablo, dotes) and still get to bed before work

  13. This seed works and is fun. Good luck guys!




    Edit: oh fuck i couldn't even get past the first boss! XD


    so, what part of the game is seeded? just the map layout or the bosses, gold item room drops? 


    my bosses were - dingle, (forget?), husk, (forget), carrion queen, mom, death, mom heart

    and first item was "they live inside" and boss was Squeezy, after that it blurs out



    anyways - mom heart kill with that seed! i should have gone down to sheol but i went back in the level to get health back up and the devil room went away - oops




    Like i said i got they live inside and a petrified poop trinket so i was able to farm up hearts after each room to full life.  Ultimately i found an arcade in caves 1 and since poop drops so many coins i was able to infinitely farm the arcade machines & blood bank till i got a Blood Bag item and could make money & flies on demand.  


    You can see by the timer it was a slow crawl but with so many flies Carrion Queen and Death were no problem.  Using the orbitals i was able to stand there infront of Mom's heart and never eat any of the flying shots


    it was good fun, ty for the interesting seed - i dont think i'll go back to that one again though

  14. Cool, probably others will as well. Should we do some Thumbs jokes to start with, and then branch out to either generating or other stuff once we've burned through the good ones? For today, I nominate:

    shty wzrd


    doesnt seem like those work.  i get a error sound (like when losing at slot machine) but when using a proper code it'll go right back to character select


    one i just started - H7YE NEHW if anyone interested 

    *Edit - first level poop boss is my new black widow

    round 2 - XRG1 NTMX

    *edit 2 - utero 2, fail


    i had my first satan kill earlier...feel bad about it but got to see the later content w/o the anxiety of getting there w/low health, bad items. i got the green leaf (mario 3 -> turns you into a statue when standing still) & gold bars/ "Midas touch" which turns people to gold when they hit you...but does damage and pop out coins.  so i was able to stand still and let the waves of minions crash and die against my invulnerable statue.  Combined with another one called 1+1=? i was getting double drops so the arcades were working out great.  plus 2 blood bags and some meat cubes it was cake walk till Sheol.


    RE: moms heart -

    this is way harder.  the constant shooting, variety of enemies falling out, rotating brimstone, holy smokes.  i feel like getting in there without a high damage set or full orbitals is asking for trouble.


    RE: Satan

    is just as easy as before, but the minons in Sheol are no joke, there are some gas bags w/technology laser shots that just lit me up.  there are also little demon folks chained to the walls that when released dim the lights, nice touch!  the worst room was the walking skulls that need to expose neck to shoot...except there were a dozen of those flying skulls that only go away after room is cleared



    I could yammer on for hours over Guppy.

    i could talk about isaac for hours - im not great at it, but doesnt stop it from being my favorite.  rebirth has its hooks in now and isnt going to get any better.  additionally i dont have any meat-space friends that play to discuss bonkers runs

  15. regarding the map -

    there are two forms of the mini map and can tab between them -

    One is much larger than it should be and difficult to read on low opacity...but on opaque can hide nasties (spider, wall spider, flies, etc - Even worse on a Curse of the Darkness level)


    And then the smaller difficult to read...but good for general navigation



    i am learning to like the 16bit pixel aesthetic for the main graphics...but the mini-map icons & UI graphics still have me on the fence



    i'd be in for some daily-run/seed sharing.  Even if dont take it all they way to the end could spurn great conversation to see where everyone met their demise / found parts easier