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Posts posted by impuuuu

  1. Don't know if it was mentioned yet, but Adventure Bar Story is probably the best RPG I've played for iOS. It's paid, $2.99, but I think there's a Christmas sale for $0.99. It's got your classic RPG elements of equipment, monsters, and dungeons, but it adds in this mechanic of cooking food to sell for money and to eat for experience. It's a nice bit of variation.

    If you plan on playing it-- Fried Eggs and Bacon are the best items to cook!

  2. I am still kind of annoyed that the word for 'person' , 'man', got corrupted into referring to male persons, and the word for female person, 'wife', got corrupted into referring to married female people. (The word for male person was 'were', as in 'werewolf', which does mean that female werewolves should be 'wifwolves'.) I'm annoyed that we had a solution and we broke it.

    Wow that's some interesting trivia. Crazy to think how language can morph like that.

  3. Night in Minecraft. The mobs in that game aren't even hard if you're a little bit careful, but for some reason that game makes me feel super vulnerable. One time I was in a cave and I dug out part of the ceiling andaskeletonfelldownOHGODITSRIGHTONTOPOFMEFUCKFUCKFUCK and then I died because I don't know how to react properly to things.

    Minecraft can be such a scary game sometimes. The stress of losing stuff, and sometimes it's like a jump scare type deal haha.

  4. I am a huuuuge lover of fantasy and Name of the Wind, my god, the first book I couldn't put down in a long time. Really beautiful writing, very poetic. It's written in first person from the perspective of Kvothe, an exceptional young man who's admittedly a bit too perfect at times with his charisma and skill in magic and music, but it's written really well. On the topic of magic in this book, it's been turned into a sort of science in this world, requiring study like any other discipline to master, and Kvothe finds himself excelling at the university for "sympathy" as the magic is called.


    It's been a while since I've read the book, but I really can't wait for the third in the series. The covers kinda suck though, hope they don't have another cover out of a romance novel minus the girl on the next book. Look at this thing: