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Everything posted by N1njaSquirrel

  1. Plug your shit

    Shall do!
  2. I Had A Random Thought...

    Oh ._.
  3. I Had A Random Thought...

    I have a feeling that may just be a UK specific thing. I have certainly commented on friend's macbooks when they bring it out. (Sorry) But then again Macbooks are generally more accepted than they used to be like 5 years ago. I think. I dunno.
  4. anime

    Skywalker is way more Erin than Goku. No question about it.
  5. anime

    Agreed, they are both terrible sci-fi, but don't forget DB did have flying cars, houses that come from pills and spaceships.
  6. anime

    idk, when star wars first came out, the force was just a different word for 'magic' before the fandom blew up and people demanded explanations.
  7. Super Metroid Appreciation Station

    Fair enough. Likewise, I am trying to get some varied gaming in before Bloodborne devours everything I love.
  8. Super Metroid Appreciation Station

    If you want, you can borrow my copy of prime 2 on the GC, if you have the appropriate console. I'll snail mail it to you.
  9. Cartoons!

    My problem with the book of life was the intro and ending, which I felt wasn't needed at all. It could have so happily been removed and affected nothing about the story. If it really needed that much exposition, it could have done it in a much nicer way.
  10. Plug your shit

    By jove, Beacon looks terrific. Looking forward to playing it! So my girlfriend wrote another comic. It's called "This Is A Terrible Comic - The Tales Of Moisture Man" it's a 4-panel comedy manga about a rabbit who profusely sweats. I think it's hilarious (even if I am a bit biased), and has already got a 20-page comic printed, just not online. If anyone wants it, it's only £3, just not on any online store since that stupid VATMOS shit came in.
  11. Which is best Bass?

    Welp, that took a good google to get. I even knew the name of the game. I'm a fucking idiot.
  12. Recently completed video games

    I finished Metal Gear Solid for the first time! I dunno whether you've heard of it (it's pretty indie, the graphics looked purposefully crappy, like it's on the PS1, even though I played it on the PS3! I think it was a budgeting reason, because there was loads of voice acting) It's a super good game guys! I think you should all go out and play it.
  13. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    Yeah, I'm not too bothered about the DLC either, but man that prothetic arm will be ace. Just imagine the possibilities! Use it to shake people's hands, constantly have it on display, flipping the bird, recreate the final scene of T2 with baked beans, the possibilities are endless. Ok maybe not, that's all I can think of. MGS2 hasn't put me off at all yet! I have just got off the boat and onto the elevator, and it's pretty ace! The only quibbles I have is that some of the CG animation looks a bit crummy in cutscenes, especially explosions (which is weird because it looks decent elsewhere), but the actual plot is gripping and really interesting, which more than makes up for it. I also like the mechanic where you have to hack the terminals to get the map data, as it means that I'm relying less on my radar, which I pretty much exclusively did in 1. I get the feeling that Rose is going to be a pain in the butt later. If April 30th is just her fucking Birthday or something like that I'll be so pissed. That is one loaded gun that they keep on swinging around every time I save. 2 bits that I really loved in my playthrough of 2 so far: Alerting a guard who was right next to me, as I peeked round the corner to try and get a shot in, only to knock over a lead pipe. The comedy timing was amazing, and it was a geniuine 'OH SHIT NO' moment before I got spotted and tranq'd like 5 guards. Hiding from a red alert in the pantry where you get your first box, in said box. Guards came and instead of looking, just shot the place up. Exploding kabucha and flour was everywhere, which was genuinely shocking, but I was fine because I was in my box. They then came looking, and was another super tense moment as they stared at the box I was under for a good 30 secs before they were called off. Fucking A. Moments like that makes me want to keep on playing. If 2 for whatever reason doesn't grab me, I do intend to just skip it and move onto 3, as I know that some people find 2 to be the weakest MGS of the series, so don't worry Gerbil! I fully intend to play 3!
  14. IDLE THUMBS 200

    Yeah, but did he choose to save or kill the animals?
  15. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Jet Force Gemini is a game that I'm in two minds about. The story and the world was fascinating and awesome, yet the end game collectahon was a fucking joke, as well as maybe too hard for my little mind at the time. I think even Rare employees at the time realised it was too much, but it was too late to take it out. I think it was one of those things that meant that if they took it out it'd be labelled 'too short'. I never finished it, but I spent fucking ages shooting gems into a rotating hoover, to no avail.
  16. PAX East

    It's a spin-off? I thought it was the renamed EuroGamer Expo. I also thought that REZZED (which is still an awful name, btw) was the Manchester expo.
  17. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    That's literally what everyone who I've talked to has said! I also realise I know so little about MGS2. With 1, there's been loads of stuff that's been 'spoiled' just due to me being in gaming circles, like Meryl's codec, or Psycho Mantis. With 2, I know nothing. I didn't even realise it was on a boat!
  18. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    To revive this thread, I have silently been copying this thread, but instead of re-playing them, this is my first time attempting them, apart from Peace Walker, which I had on my PSP. I got the Legacy Collection which has every MGS game when I got my ps3 last year. I want to complete all 4 titled games before 5 comes out. (Of which there's this sweet CE, which comes with a replica prosthetic arm, for a sweet deal at £100 from GAME) Anyways, Last night I finished MGS! It's really good, and suprisingly doesn't feel that dated (in comparison to a lot of PS1 games). It felt more like an adventure game than a stealth game, which was cool. Also the Caribou at the end was hilarious. Now I've started MGS2, and it's a huuuge change from 1. I'm really enjoying it, even if I do suck hard at everything. I'm going to try and go for the pacifist run, which I didn't realise was possible until recently.
  19. anime

    I agree with twig, ep 4 was when I fell in love with it too. It's a double-edged sword. Not having CG will make your show static, which will disinterest the viewer. CG makes action easier and faster, as well as more dynamic, so you can do more things. Sometimes CG can be so good it's hardly noticeable, like in the EVA films and i remember that fujiko anime having really inconspicuous CG. Personally I don't mind the CG, but I could have just gotten used to it.
  20. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Not in the UK it isn't Also, what press coverage? What's happened?
  21. Rock Band 4 is Real

    I don't see why they wouldn't be able to, Lab zero managed to make arcade sticks for the PS3 compatible for the PS4.
  22. Rock Band 4 is Real

    Not necessarily: From here: http://www.godisageek.com/2015/03/rock-band-4-announced/
  23. Rock Band 4 is Real

    More details here: http://forums.harmonixmusic.com/discussion/257486/were-ready-for-our-encore-rock-band-4-coming-2015 Sadly I own 500+ songs on my 360, and cross-platform DLC is not entirely in their control apparently. There's also no Pro support apart from Drums, and Keys have been removed. I'm not so bothered by the lack of pro support, but it's sad to see keys are going. I'll probably have to pick up another barrage of plastic instruments again. Hopefully they'll have nicer gear bundled with RB4, which they're planning to announce at PAX.
  24. ROCKBAND 4 HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED. I canne wait.
  25. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    This perfectly sums up how I feel about all Wayforward games. They all seem to miss that final piece of polish that changes it from a good game to a great game, and Shantae is no exception to this rule. Saying that, I have now gotten to the final dungeon, So I guess something's drawing me in. It took a while to get used to the controls, but it is better than my initial impressions led me to believe. I did get annoyed at the 4th wall breaking 'gaming' jokes that that squid does, as they're really trite and overdone. What's more annoying is that some of the other jokes that the exact same character has are genuinely funny. The stuff about his holiday genuinely made me laugh. Quick question: