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Everything posted by N1njaSquirrel

  1. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

    I'd suggest to use the Insect Glaive if you liked the dual blades. It's got the same speed and fluidity of the dual blades, yet it has added layer of stratedgy with the Kinsect, as well as the ability to pole jump with R + B, letting you mount monsters, which is a big thing in the new one. You're not cheating at all if you use a ranged weapon! It all depends on what you like to play as! Also I think the NNID won't work, you need to post your friend code, right?
  2. anime

    Try Puella Madoka Magika. It's ace, and has just what you want. honest
  3. Life

    Jesus SAM has the longest lunches ever. The suspense is killing me.
  4. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Ah fair enough.
  5. Comics Extravaganza - Pow Bang Smash!

    So in the end I decided to go with The Filth. I did look at every book in the store, but decided that The Filth is more likely to be something he hasn't read, which was a main prerogative so that I can look like a 'cool' 'hip' and 'clued up' friend on the comic scene. Although he did tell me today he hasn't read Promethea. Darn. I did read a chapter of The Filth when I got home, and whilst it has a lot of nudity and was weird, it was all a good weird, and I felt it'd be something he'll hopefully like. Thanks for all your help guys! I now have some awesome suggestions for myself too!
  6. anime

    Oh right! I see. Yeah, the manga apparently isn't that far ahead of the anime, so who knows what's going on with that. I reckon we'll probably be waiting a year or two for the third season, regardless of how popular the anime is atm. btw, did you see these Yowapeda valentines cards? They're pretty hilarious/ace.
  7. New people: Read this, say hi.

    So how comes this has moved to Idle Banter?
  8. anime

    Sounds like you were watching Saki, which is/was shit. If you ever want a great mahjong anime, I'd highly recommend Akagi or The Legend of Koizumi. I'd doubly recommend koizumi as it's only 3 episodes long, and each episode is 10 minuets at that, and it's hilarious. Also Twig, there's no way that they'll leave it on such a cliff hanger. Next week's episode is going to be the bomb. I can't wait. As the internet has destroyed my mind, all I can say is 'so much feels'. That episode was a rollercoaster of emotions. Mainly insanely happy ones that sports animes gives me more than any other XD
  9. PL4YST4TION 4

    Bloodborne is out on Friday...
  10. Five Nights At Freddy's

    I played this game for the first time this weekend. I've always dismissed it as YouTube fodder like Tanukitsune, but actually it's really good at what it does, which is being scary. I think now that it's considered that because it's a horror game, and pretty much all horror games are enjoyable to watch other people play, so it's par for the course. Honestly, I was really impressed with FNAF. Past the jump-scares, it actually does a really nice job of making it atmospherically creepy. Just sitting there in the unknown whilst creepy stuff are abound is really clever, I think, making you want to constantly look at your CCTV screen. Idk, it did a really good job of creeping me out. so much that I had to lighten the situation by singing "Big Generator" by Yes, which was amusingly apt.
  11. anime

    Fuck this looks good.
  12. Time to post your awful/awesome AMV's guys. (Inspired by this comment in the random thought thread) This is my favourite: Oh wait...
  13. Comics Extravaganza - Pow Bang Smash!

    Thanks forall the suggestions guys! I'm going to my comic book shop tomorrow and I'll see what they have!
  14. Is this your first time playing DaS then?
  15. PL4YST4TION 4

    I know! It's amazing how natural to the flow doing manuals are. It would be awesome to play 1 with manuals put in. It can't be that hard, right?
  16. The Corny AMV/VGMV Thread to Ruin Everything

    go on, post the worst one you can find. Just so I know how deep the rabbit hole goes.
  17. Praise the Blood? I have no idea. I don't even know how the MP works in Bloodborne. I assume it'll be like DaS2?
  18. The Corny AMV/VGMV Thread to Ruin Everything

    I didn't think Nichijou was all that great, but god damn their AMV's are fantastic:
  19. Comics Extravaganza - Pow Bang Smash!

    I've heard of the Wicked + Divine, as well as Y. I haven't heard of The Filth either, but a quick google and that might be his jam. (He liked Cryptozoic man, which is pretty gruesome). Depending on my local comic book store's prices, I might get him all 3! Unfortunately not. He lent me Year One though (which I hear is staple batman nowdays, so that might not be of any help). He's lent me The Preacher, as well as All-Star Superman. When I said batman I was more thinking of some obscure run that's really good, or a similar DC/Marvel run. He got me Animal Man for my Birthday too, which is really great, so he has a pretty broad knowledge of super hero stuff. Thanks for all your help guys!
  20. The Corny AMV/VGMV Thread to Ruin Everything

    That ship happens one is fantastic, but just a warning, slightly NSFW.
  21. I Had A Random Thought...

    Go nuts guys.
  22. I see what you did there x2. also sorry Gor for not referencing it earlier XD The vid in question is here: http://a.pomf.se/fnkvuv.webm (don't worry, there's no spoilers) Wow that's pretty bad. Although reddit have said that that vid is from someone who's got the 1.0 version, evident by the fact that there's no item description on the load screen (which I'm glad isn't gone, I was really worried). A person from Edge magazine has commented saying that there's a day 1 patch (ver 1.1) that optimises the load + adds item description. Which is good! Oh god I'm getting excited.
  23. Comics Extravaganza - Pow Bang Smash!

    I think that he's read the main Batman books. I haven't read Lumberjanes either. As for other Favourites, the only thing he hasn't read is Black Science, which he's borrowing off of me :/ The Prophet? I shall give it a look!
  24. PL4YST4TION 4

    So I've been playing a lot of OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood. It's fantastic. Just like the difference between THPS1 and 2, it keeps the formula that made the first one so good, and iterated on it. If you've never played the first one, it's essentially a skateboarding endless-runner a la canabalt, apart from it ends, and isn't random. It also controls like skate, flicking the left stick to do tricks, jumps and grinds. inputting quarter circles and holding R/L mixes up the tricks into more impressive (and higher scoring) tricks. grinds are also done by pushing the stick in a direction before you hit the rail. And then there's the final button, the X button that lands the trick, giving you a rating from sloppy to perfect depending on how close to the ground you are before you press X. Which is infuriating after a level-long combo, you forget to press X and either fall, or get a sloppy and lose your stupidly high score. The two main additions to 2 that makes it so much better than 1 are grind switching (when grinding on a rail, move the stick to another direction and press x), which keeps the speed up over a long rail, as well as increase your combo, and Manuals, which keeps the combo going on flat land, which is a perfect risk/reward scheme, because you could finish a presumably already high combo, or try to continue it to get an even higher score. Especially on the later levels, which get progressively harder to finish. After the initial struggle with the controls, this all gives you a kinda zen-like state as you mix tricks, grinds and manuals to finish levels and complete level objectives. It's really fun and satisfying when you complete a level in one long 50x combo. also unlike the first game, there's a really good tutorial that teaches you everything. My only problem with OlliOlli2 is the same with the first one. It takes a while to get the correct speed needed to input the tricks, as it doesn't seem to register quick flicks, meaning you have to do a more controlled, slower flick. And then with the more involved ones, it just never works. I have yet to pull off all the tricks because going from left to down, then going back to left and then up just never seems to work for me. So yeah! OlliOlli2 guys! who's been playing it?
  25. I'll post stuff about OlliOlli2 on the PS4 thread then! And how long are we talking here? 30 seconds? a minuet?