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Posts posted by DaveC

  1. That bit about getting into game development struck a chord with me. I come from more of a 3D animation / motion graphics background so I'm not quite as far removed as the guy in that email, but I'm turning 28 soon and also have recently had a bit of an epiphany about this stuff. 


    Anyway, I'm about a month and a half into learning GameMaker and I've managed to put together a thing that sort of just about works (which is a lot further than I thought I'd get by now!).


    It's been exhilarating, especially coming into it with zero programming knowledge. Like Chris I've also found the learning process interesting and fun.

    Maybe it's because I've been in a frame of mind where I'm always thinking ''how does this apply to the kinds of games I want to make? How does this get me closer to my goal?''.


    Anyway just wanted to put that out there. I'd recommend giving all of this a shot to anybody that's thinking about it. 

  2. I wish they'd make some kind of announcement, even just to say the show's on hiatus for whatever reasons. The Thumbs have all worked in the game industry, surely they know that silence is never the best tack to take.



    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE

  3. Give it everything you've got. One bit of advice I can give; if you're at the point in your life where you have a little extra time on your hands, please realize that every minute of spare time you have is precious! Spend it on learning software and doing what you're passionate about. 


    I'm 27 now and I've been working in animation / motion graphics for almost 4 years, and I really wish that I'd gotten started on honing my skills earlier. Now I never have time to work on the things I've really come to care about (responsibility sucks!). 


    The reason I say this all is because I'm only realizing now that game development is something I've dipped my toes into and am incredibly passionate about (more so than the animation), and I'm starting to regret that I didn't get my ducks in order at a time when it would have really benefited me. So, prioritize and dig deep! 

  4. In the back of my mind that occurred to me, but at the time I wasn't sure. The consensus on the write-ups seems to be that it was a performance for the cops. Walt is surely smart enough to know that the police would be in the house at that point.. right?


    I wasn't sure what we were supposed to think about Walt. After Hank was killed I thought we'd be getting a redemption tale, Walt Vs. Uncle Jack to the end. He'd already given in and has nothing more to lose. Then he signed Jesse's death warrant and he was back to full on Heisenberg. 


    I got chills through most of this episode. Hank got a fitting, dignified death. Appropriate for his character (and necessary, I think, after all this song-and-dance buildup in the desert).

  5. Been watching Tom Francis as well, entertaining stuff. I recorded myself on yesterday's challenge after being inspired. I'll post it at some stage, I somehow survived an incredible UFO mid air chain reaction ker-splosion and got it on tape. 

  6. Takashi Miike


    What did you make of 13 Assassins


    I loved it myself. It does that thing where having the villain be so preposterously evil makes you really care about him getting his comeuppance. It's an atmospheric slow burn followed by a fucking insane climactic battle. 


  7. Great episode!

    Wasn't expecting a Walt/Hank confrontation so soon. That garage scene initially felt like both characters sort of putting out feelers, weighing up the risks. Then the garage door comes down. Holy shit!

  8. This makes me sad.  I'm surprised you got through Feast because to me that was the boring one.


    Agreed on Feast, I'm surprised I got through it too. At the time of reading I had no idea to expect anything less than the quality of A Storm of Swords, and I labored through A feast for Crows expecting it to pick up. It, uh, didn't. 


    To me though, Dance wasn't much of an improvement. The voice in the back of my mind saying, ''George R.R Martin has no idea what he is doing and he is making this up as he goes along'' just wouldn't go away. Infuriating, meandering, convoluted plot lines. 

  9. By the time I was getting into A Dance with Dragons, my patience with the A Song of Ice and Fire series was hanging by a thread. I labored through half the book before tossing it across the room and reading a wiki. 


    I don't regret it one bit. There's only so many preposterously detailed descriptions of tunics that I can take.