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Everything posted by Ucantalas

  1. The Big LucasArts Playthrough

    MONKEY KOMBAT! ...I kind of didn't like the actual Monkey Kombat, I just loved the way one of the monkeys shouted that out before the combat.
  2. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Clearly Zool is 2 Cool 4 Skool.
  3. iOS Gaming

    If I knew the answer to that, I'd have a lot more iOS games.
  4. The Big LucasArts Playthrough

    Unless I'm mistaken I believe that swamp was called the Swamp of Time at some point. I feel like some random person mentions it being a very weird and mysterious place, but I may be remembering wrong as it's been years and years since I last played Escape. I kind of liked the future/past Guybrush puzzle, though it would have worked much better in a game explicitly about time travel and not just in a weird swamp where time is WACKY!
  5. I just like that, since I decided to listen to the old episodes, I finally get to understand a lot of the in-jokes that have developed over the years. For instance, the first time I saw "F Nick" in the forums I was very confused because I thought he was a beloved member of the podcast, and that maybe there was a beef between him and some users or something. I was very happy to find that that wasn't (quite) the case.
  6. I Had A Random Thought...

    But... but ninjas ARE cool...
  7. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Pfft, Rayman. Everyone knows Ubisoft's true dismembered hero.
  8. Recently completed video games

    I guess technically its only part of a game, but I just finished Sam & Max 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (which I assume is Season 1 Episode 4. The bolded title is exactly what its called in Steam) which has been free on Steam for a while now. It was a pretty fun adventure game. I didn't have much trouble with most of the puzzles, and I appreciated the shorter length for a point-and-click adventure. The story was self-contained enough that I didn't feel like I was missing anything important even though I hadn't played the previous entries, but also had some apparent threads tying everything together that is making me consider purchasing the rest... Also, I just really loved the way Sam will smack Max out of the way while walking somewhere. A nice comedic touch to, I assume, prevent any overly complex pathfinding issues with two characters both moving around the same walking space. I only had a problem with one or two puzzles, particularly Either way, fun game, 9/10, would play again.
  9. Life

    Happy belated birthday! Sounds like quite an adventure, hope you have tons of fun!
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    I don't go to movies often, but I don't think I've ever actually paid for a movie ticket. When I was a little kid, the cost was covered by my parents. Then, when I got old enough to open a bank account I opened an account with Scotiabank that was tied to a SCENE account, so every time I use my debit card I get points that I can use to get free movie tickets. But I didn't live anywhere near a movie theatre, so for years I was just building points without being able to spend them. Since I moved away for college I have seen probably a dozen movies without ever paying for a ticket. Hell, right now I have enough points for two more free movies.
  11. Dreams!

    So for the past two months or so I've gone back and started listening to Idle Thumbs from the beginning. Now I am at episode 116 (while also listening to new episodes as they've come out). Last night I had a weird dream where I was doing the most boring and mundane tasks, but the Thumbs were narrating and commenting on everything I did. Then I opened a door and walked into a bathroom, and in the shower was a plastic horse with a feeding bag strapped around its face, colored black with a neon green "Idle Thumbs" logo on it. And Chris just kept repeating "Horse Bag" over and over again, slowly getting louder, until I woke up.
  12. Idle Thumbs 163: A B C D E3

    Yeah, I had the PS2 version of Psychonauts, though I wasn't sure if it was on PS2 at launch or later, simply because I got the game years after the initial release. ...and then I got a copy of it on PC with the 5 CDs. ...and then I got the Steam version from a Humble Bundle. Huh. Didn't realize I had so many copies of it.
  13. Recently completed video games

    ...and I just finished Sonic Generations. I didn't realize how close I was to the final boss. Most of the levels were pretty fun, and while the story was kind of a nutso dumb excuse to have old Sonic meet new Sonic, I didn't really expect the Brothers Karamazov when putting this game in so I can't really complain. It was goofy and fun and I liked most of it. Except for every single boss battle. Every boss battle wound up being a time where I gave up on the game for a while and came back to it later, with the exception of the final boss who I swore I would defeat today (and I did!).
  14. General Video Game Deals Thread

    So the first Euro Truck Simulator was like $2.65 or so. I bought it with the money I made selling all my Steam trading cards. This game... it is so much fun. It falls firmly in the category of "I cannot explain why I love this game because it sounds boring when I try", along with games like Harvest Moon and Minecraft.
  15. Recently completed video games

    Cheevos, man. Gotta have my cheevos. Edit: But seriously, the real reason I did it was being only 2 achievements away from actually getting every achievement in the entire game. I'm not a great gamer, so even finishing a game is something I have a lot of trouble with, so I wanted to have at least one major non-Arcade game on my XBox with all the achievements (I've gotten all the achievements in The Cave, Afterburner Climax, Beyond Good and Evil HD, and Comic Jumper, but never any longer games on an actual disc before).
  16. Idle Thumbs 163: A B C D E3

    To me, Peter Dinklage will always be the guy from Death at a Funeral.
  17. Recently completed video games

    Well, I've technically finished it before, but last night I finally completed Assassin's Creed 2. And by completed, I mean I found all 100 of those stupid fucking feathers and got every single achievement in the game. I will never touch this game ever again. It is in my DONE pile, never to be played by me again. I've wrung out every ounce of enjoyment I will ever get from that game.
  18. Dune

    I read Dune back in highschool, it was fantastic. Such great sci-fi. I then read Dune Messiah, and made it part of the way through Children of Dune before I moved and had to leave my mom's copy of the book with, well, my mom. That was the cover of the copy my mom has, such a nice cover, something about it just captures my imagination without forcing too much of the world into it, if that makes sense.
  19. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    You mean Jeff Albertson?
  20. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    "Ma'am, can I see your license and registration please? ...your name is Wii?" "Oui." "...oookay then."
  21. Nintendo 3DS

    I actually gave up on the first Kingdom Hearts game because I just couldn't get past Ursula. No matter how many times I tried I just couldn't do it. And, having never finished the first one, I didn't bother continuing on with the games at all.
  22. The Big LucasArts Playthrough

    While I don't remember the exact solution, I remember the prosthetic shop puzzle was really weird. It was one of the few times I had to look up what to do.
  23. Life

    Wow, Gormongous, sorry to hear that, hope you're doing alright. And to a lot of you others on here, congrats! A lot of big happy things happening lately too. Meanwhile I sit here and nothing changes, good or bad.
  24. It might seem a little silly, but that is one thing that I felt the XBox Live Indie Games market did well: Every single game on there has to have a demo. I love being able to at least experience a little of what a game has to offer before I purchase it.
  25. Sports

    And the L.A Kings win the Stanley Cup!