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Everything posted by Ucantalas

  1. I Had A Random Thought...

    I haven't had one of those big metal drums of popcorn since I was a kid... the last one we got, after the popcorn was gone, became the trashcan for my bedroom growing up. Where do you even find those things? I haven't seen them anywhere... on the other hand, I haven't looked too hard because I forgot all about them. Also, in an unrelated random thought... I wish people would just... understand their cellphone agreements and bills. But at the same time, I wish the entire system wasn't so incredibly complicated and weird. I hate both sides of these arguments.
  2. Intoxicated:

    Every brisket I eat is the best brisket of my life. It's like every time I have some I dont expect it to be good and then its delicious and its like 'This is the best thing ever."
  3. anime

    So I've started watching Attack on Titan. 10 episodes in, and I absolutely love it. It's an excellent mix of high-action and adventure tempered by a seriously scary situation. If this is almost any other anime, I can bet I would be dreaming of swooping around in those weird belt-thingies and having lots of adventures. But the desperation of humanity and terror of the Titans cuts right through that and really hits home the fact that this is incredibly dangerous and potentially a painful and violent end, something often overlooked in other anime that inspire thoughts of action and adventure in my mind.
  4. Life

  5. Return of the Steam Box!

    Honestly, at this point I'm mostly just interested in getting one of those bizarre controllers. I might consider getting a Steam Machine if either a)I find myself needing a new gaming-only computer, or b)I find myself exceedingly wealthy and looking for things to spend money on.
  6. Life

    Holy shit I do not want to leave the house tomorrow. Holy shit its cold out, it's supposed to STAY cold out, and its snowing a fuckton. Damn weather.
  7. I Had A Random Thought...

    I was at work today and saw someone wearing a GiantBomb hoodie. ...there's nothing else to add to that, just something I noticed.
  8. Let's Draw Video Games

    ...I know the Spelunky guy and Cave Story guy, but who is the other one?
  9. I Had A Random Thought...

    Harvey's is amazing. The one I went to in Ottawa had the same thing, so I suppose if you're allergic to nuts it is a terrifying and deadly place. Which makes me sad, because their food is delicious. Don't get me wrong, I love The Works. Their food is amazing and the sheer variety is astounding. But they're in a bit of a different category from a lot of the other places being talked about here, they're really more of a sit-down restaurant. Of course if our only criteria is "place that sells burgers" then The Works really does deserve to be pretty high on the metaphorical list being generated by this thread.
  10. I Had A Random Thought...

    I have mixed feelings about Pizza Pizza pizzas. They're not the worst pizzas I've ever had, but they really aren't that great... but the price is fantastic. (Which might be part of why I don't like them so much anymore, because they were almost a staple of my diet in college, with their inexpensive price and delivery straight to my door...) The first time I went to Five Guys was in February. I had to walk a few blocks in the middle of a bad snowstorm because I was meeting a friend there. I nearly froze my damn ass off, but it was totally worth it.
  11. I Had A Random Thought...

    I've been looking at their website. I am now a little sad that there are none in Ontario. It looks so deliciously bad for me. And now I am acutely aware of the lack of Five Guys near me as well. ...I guess I could go to The Works, but that's more of a sit-down type of burger place, I can't just go in and get a bag of disgustingly tasty bad for me food and scarf it down in my dingy bedroom while watching YouTube videos. I guess I'm just stuck with sub-par McDonalds or A&W burgers. ...actually, A&W isn't too bad, definitely a few steps up from McDonalds. ...and now I've spent way too much of my day off thinking about fast food burgers.
  12. I Had A Random Thought...

    Wait, fatburger is a thing? Like a real name? I thought you were just jokingly saying "fatburger" to mean any sort of greasy, unhealthy fast-food burger.
  13. Life

    I have internet again! After a week since my modem fried I finally have internet once again! HOORAY! I've missed you all so much.
  14. Plug your shit

    That's pretty cool! Still looks a bit cumbersome to use, but then I'm not a fan of touchscreen gaming in general.
  15. Games giveaway

    As I understand it, a Muppet just stopped a bunch of hacker-robots-from-the-future from stealing games.
  16. Idle Explorers (Spelunky, um, thumbs)

    Ah, yes, I see what you mean... I probably should have paid a bit more attention to the video quality before uploading... Ah well, to the settings! AWAY!
  17. Idle Explorers (Spelunky, um, thumbs)

    Alright, this time I actually recorded my attempt at the Spelunky Daily Challenge: Be warned: The video has music, that I kind of like, from the selection of free songs YouTube lets you add, because I had trouble recording any audio. So there's some upbeat, out-of-place music that you might want to mute if you're not into that,
  18. Recently completed video games

    Well, you didn't starve, so I would argue you won. Congratulations!
  19. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I've been doing alright this sale. "Tomb Raider Legend" and "Super Hexagon" were both purchased entirely with money in my Steam Wallet from selling the card drops, so, essentially, free. I also bought Spelunky last night.
  20. Life

    I'll save you the trouble on mine, it was a reference to the book (and later Disney movie) "Holes", in which the main character, Stanley Yelnats, is accused of stealing a pair of sneakers that were meant for a charity (or something like that, its been a while since I read the book) when, in actual fact, they fell from the sky. (He then has to spend time at a camp in the desert that is basically a juvenile detention facility, where they spend all day digging holes five feet wide and five feet deep. It's a really good book, I highly recommend it.)
  21. Your Favourite Book This Year (2013)

    Okay. I have a book to add to my original list. I just finished it earlier today, and it was only released... last month, I believe? It's not a terribly fancy, smart book. In fact it's basically a young adult fantasy fiction novel. So... about as far removed from "literature" as you can get. The book is "Meta" by Tom Reynolds. And I thought it was great. It's a bit cheesy, it's simple, and that's part of what I love. It's a decent storyline along the "what if superheroes existed in real life?" thread, but it also has a bit of young-adult-fiction cheese that reminds me of the books I read when I was much younger. I just wish it was a little longer, but that complaint is tamed for now by the author confirming a sequel coming out next year. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I liked it for what it was and am glad I read it.
  22. Life

    Was the defendant's name Stanley Yelnats?
  23. Spelunky!

    ...well then. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't record that, and that there is no evidence it happened. Not proud of dying in 16 seconds with a score of 0.
  24. Games giveaway

    Sorry I'm all out of coal, can't make any torches right now.
  25. Steam Trading Card

    The main reason for me is that I'm just not interested in collecting and crafting anything. So instead of just letting it sit and rot in my inventory I figured I might as well sell them. People who want them can get them, and I get little bits of money I can use to put towards new games for me to play.