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Everything posted by Ucantalas

  1. Movie/TV recommendations

    I like the trailer, and it looks like it will be a decent movie. The thing I'm dreading are the inevitable "Godzilla's just looking for meth!"-style jokes just because Bryan Cranston is in the movie. EDIT: Dammit Rodi thats exactly what I'm talking about.
  2. Baby Animal Gif Emergency Rations

    Aww cute kitties... wait whats he doing OH YUCK
  3. Life

    What kind of Gamerscore does an achievement like that get you? In a more serious tone, that sucks.
  4. I Had A Random Thought...

    I kind of want a catastrophe to happen at some kind of Mahjong tournament so I can see the headline: "Hong Kong Mahjong gone Wrong"
  5. I Had A Random Thought...

    Now that you bring it up, I realized I have no idea how Mahjong is actually played. I always thought the tile matching games you always see couldn't be how its played in real life because of just how weirdly difficult it seems it would be to set up?
  6. Unity Questions Thread

    This may sound a bit... dumb. But, concerning C# vs Javascript... since everything is in a bunch of seperate scripts anyways, is there any serious downfall to having say one script being C# and another completely different script being in Javascript? Or should I go and convert one to the other so everything's the same? (Actually I should do that anyways just for tidiness and cleanness sake...)
  7. Movie/TV recommendations

    This has to be one of the deepest discussions I've ever seen relating to a video about interlocking bricks.
  8. Gifts - Stuff for Free

    Hey Artichoke, if no one else has taken up the offer (I didnt see anyone, but maybe I missed or someone PMed, who knows) I'd love to try out Giana Sisters.
  9. I Had A Random Thought...

    So today snow was falling off the roof of the apartment building, because its been warm enough lately to begin melting. I stood by the window and watched it fall to the ground in big chunks. All of a sudden, a big fat squirrel comes down out of a tree and runs up close to the building. Then I hear a little rumble, and POOF! The squirrel just got crushed by a pile of snow. Few seconds later the squirrel dug its way back out of the snow and waddled off, climbed back up its tree. I was happy to see he survived.
  10. Recently completed video games

    Last night I finished Hotline Miami. This game is beautiful. The visuals are amazing, the music fits everything so well, and the gameplay itself is... for lack of a better term, "tight". It's a bit difficult until you really get in a flow with the game. Once you go complete tunnel vision and nothing beyond the game matters, thats when you really open up the possibilities. Every level felt like some lo-fi top-down version of an incredible action sequence from some kind of high budget action movie. Everything it did, it did well, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it.
  11. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, struggle against terrible odds, and still know where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with with.
  12. The vernacular is wanting

    I've always seen it as Alpha just being even less ready for release than Beta. Beta is getting closer, and something you could probably show to a potential buyer without being totally embarassed by it, whereas an Alpha I always thought was more of a "this is kind of like what our game is going to be, it's really not ready yet, bear with all of the stupid bugs and unfinished shit"
  13. Unity: What I needed to know.

    That was incredibly nice to read. I've been playing around with Unity and I see Time.deltaTime used all the time, and the documentation is kind of... technical (I know thats the point, but when you just want to know what it *is*, it can be confusing.) Thank you for that post and this thread, if I find anything that also fits this thread I'll be sure to post it!
  14. Life

    It was just a bunch of little things (the biggest one being not meeting my stats week after week), paired with my complete lack of enthusiasm being there (I didn't know if was that apparent, but there we are.) Oh well, it's just a step on to doing something different and possibly better. Tegan: That sucks, I hope things get better for you. subbes: Go Cabot go!
  15. Life

    So... I lost my job at the call center. I am, once again, unemployed. Time to polish up that resume.
  16. Life

    That's really cool... I'm terrified of heights so I would never be able to do something like that, but it definitely looks like a cool experience. As for me... I have lost my voice and cannot talk above a light whisper. I was sent home early from work because what good is a call center employee who can't talk?
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    I actually got a copy of one of the Preacher paperbacks used from my local library for 10 cents. It was much much better than I was expecting for something I bought for 10 cents, and I really want to read more of it.
  18. Recently completed video games

    I've just finished Gunman Clive, on Hard, playing as the Duck. (I completed it earlier on Easy and again on Normal, so now I consider this completed.) That was... a challenge. But I loved every minute of it.
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    I was actually surprised by Horrible Bosses because, when it first came out, a couple of people told me it was a terrible movie, so I didn't bother watching it until a few months ago, and I actually found it to be pretty funny. ...also I apparently say actually a lot. Huh.
  20. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Now that I actually have a desk... I should clean it and maybe show it off here. ...but I don't want to clean my desk. So y'all have to imagine it.
  21. Life

    I'm hoping something can be done. Go Cabot.
  22. Life

    I'd say not to take the mailman position, but that's because reading Bukowski's "Post Office" has given me a knee-jerk reaction of "I don't ever want to be a postal employee." Also I like not talking.
  23. Life

    So today something really good happened. I've been feeling really down lately, and was at work today answering calls all day, and then I got this one caller... He had a cell phone with another company, and wanted to know what the monthly cost would be for the same type of plan with our company. So I told him about our plan, and the cost ($105, in this case), and that's when he stops and says "Do you want to know what I pay for that same plan with CompanyX?" Here I mentally braced myself, knowing it would be less, and expecting some kind of tirade about why it should be cheaper. He continues, "Right now, I pay $67, plus taxes." But he said it very differently from what I expected, he was very kind about it (not usually the case in this type of situation). So instead of dropping into my defensive "Thats what we have right now, take it or leave it" I was a lot more... gentle, I guess, about it, and explained that we really can't match that price right now and he should stick with what he has because its a good price for the stuff he has. And thats when he started on, for about 5 minutes, talking about how I was the nicest, most honest person he had ever talked to at (company name redacted), or any other cellular company. He kept going on about how I was being extremely fair and honest and he really didn't expect that when he called in today. And then, when I thanked him for the kind words, he said... "No, don't thank me. Thank your parents and friends for the foundation of respect and honesty, and thank yourself for building upon it. Your parents should be proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself. I hope you have a great day." And then he hung up before I could reply. I wasn't expecting it at all, and after dealing with angry people all day it just really hit me hard. I didn't know how to handle it and had to go over to the washroom because I was crying. It was seriously the nicest thing anyone has said to me at this job, and I just couldn't handle it.