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Everything posted by Ucantalas

  1. Actually, this was done pretty well in earlier Simpsons episodes. One example that sticks out in my mind is a particular scene in the episode where it's revealed that Homer was a part of the barbershop quartet group "The Be-Sharps". At one point in the episode, they are in a recording studio, looking incredibly tired, bored and haggard. It seems like a simple, good shot that fits the story. As it turns out, it was a reference to an image of the Beatles recording one of their albums (Let it Be, I believe). It's a reference that doesn't seem like a reference unless you know what its referencing, and it works well. In my opinion, anyways.
  2. Life

    The drafting table looks awesome! I just have one question (although its very off-topic and has nothing to do with the table)... yay or nay on the Orville Redenbacher Pop-Up Bowls? I like them, my sister doesn't, I'm just wondering about other opinions on them.
  3. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Don't try denying the fact that Vanilla Ice perfected rap.
  4. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball [3DS downloadable]

    So I downloaded this to try it out. I don't really have the money to buy any of the games right now (even at rock-bottom prices), but I like the haggling option. And the demos that I've played so far are really fun, and some of the best uses of the 3D I've seen so far.
  5. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball [3DS downloadable]

    Skylanders: Pokemon Edition
  6. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball [3DS downloadable]

    Haggling for the price of downloads is really interesting. Is it something that's pointed out before you can make a purchase? Or is it a bit more hidden? I'd be a little upset if I ended up purchasing stuff at full price and then finding out later on that I could have haggled it down. That said, I really like the idea.
  7. Recently completed video games

    The thing is, the backtracking and exploration portions of Metroid games are probably my least favourite part, so the computer's directions really helped me enjoy the game a lot more than I have with other Metroid games. ...which is probably why I'm not a big Metroid fan in the first place.
  8. Life

    That poor lamb will never paint again. I hope you're happy.
  9. Recently completed video games

    Metroid Fusion I'm not usually a fan of the Metroid games. In fact, this is the first one I've actually finished. And there's a very simple reason why: I get lost in games fairly easily, so without some kind of clear direction on where to go next, I have no idea what to do and lose interest fast. Fusion, on the other hand, had you constantly checking in with a computer that told you where you were heading next, which alleviated basically all of that problem for me. I had a ton of fun with this game. Definitely recommended.
  10. Baby Animal Gif Emergency Rations

    Eeew there are snails on my cherries!
  11. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

  12. I Had A Random Thought...

    Not exactly utensils, but I greatly enjoy edible food delivery systems. The bread bowl, the pizza dough or tortilla as plates... mmm.
  13. ...I've been listening to this repeatedly for the last hour. Its great.
  14. Life

    ...I ordered pizza for dinner, sat down at my computer, and opened this page to find everyone discussing exercises and fitness, while I sit in a computer chair chewing on a slice of pepperoni and sausage pizza. I've never felt so guilty about cheesy saucy goodness.
  15. April Fool's Roundup

    ...I think April Fools Day is the only holiday (type of thing) that I enjoy more as an adult than I did as a kid.
  16. April Fool's Roundup

    Maybe they're just not going to do anything. Just make you sweat the entire day, slowly getting more and more tense at the impending prank, only for none to happen, until you finally snap...
  17. Twitter :)

    Huzzah! My very first tweet had nothing to do with being on Twitter now! Also that was back in 2008... I didnt know I had a Twitter account that long ago... ...and that was my second tweet a few hours later. Clearly I had my priorities right in my first year of college.
  18. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Well how else are you supposed to play a Game Boy?
  19. I Had A Random Thought...

    "Goldblums". (You don't even need to change it, already sounds like a currency!) Money, uh, finds a way...
  20. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    ...as much as I enjoy Hank Hill's antics, I am much more inclined to take cooking advice from Alton Brown.
  21. Life

    That reminds me of the time I was a kid and climbed on the table and drank my dad's "apple juice" when he went to the washroom. (It wasnt apple juice. It was beer.)
  22. Twitter :)

    Now you write inane thoughts with no meaning of 140 characters or fewer.
  23. Recently completed video games

    ...and tonight I finally finished Mirror's Edge. It felt kind of... meh. I enjoyed the gameplay, but the story felt very bland. It was also incredibly short, and I just felt like more could have been done with the gameplay. ...actually the entire game I was thinking about how it could have been cool as a game about a cop, and you have to chase like thieves and stuff through the streets and rooftops of a city... you know, instead of paying attention to the dull story of the game I was playing, I kept envisioning a much better game with the same core concepts.
  24. Twitter :)

    @ucantalas ...though I dont go on Twitter very often.
  25. Recently completed video games

    To me, Dead Space's controls are kind of similar to Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City: Controls that, at first, feel slow and a bit odd, but after you've been playing the game for a while they just feel right. And yeah, compared to say Resident Evil or Silent Hill, the controls in this game were fantastic.