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Everything posted by Ucantalas

  1. Movie/TV recommendations

    Wait that was him? Wow. Okay, so I guess I remember him from Hook as well.
  2. Idle Food - Cooking!

    Food? I love food! But in all seriousness, I do enjoy cooking when I have the time. One of my favorite things to make is a good fresh Borscht. Mmm. In fact, I made some this past weekend, a nice big potful, with some for dinner and then some for lunch the next day, and plenty to freeze and reheat later on.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    RIP Mr.Hoskins. I only remember him from Roger Rabbit and the Mario Bros movie, but its still a sad day.
  4. Cartoons!

    In two days I watched all of Rick and Morty. I love it. It's brilliant. I also didn't think it looked that great, but I felt the humour more than made up for it. Of course, I also concede that is will probably not be everyone's cup of tea.
  5. Dual audio in Games (The Weaboo's Lament)

    The only time I've really been disappointed with language selections in a game was Megaman Network Transmission on the Gamecube. All voice acting was exclusively Japanese with English subtitles. I play a lot of my games on very old TVs, so I sometimes can't read subtitles, despite wanting to, so even when the voice acting is terrible, I'll endure it readily so that I can actually tell whats going on. (It has also really shaped my preference for handheld RPGs so I can actually read the text...)
  6. Idle Sugar

    It was salty. I've never had salty licorice before that, so it was a bit of a surprising experience. I didn't like it at first, but it quickly grew on me. Yep, that would have been me with the weird reaction to something being salty that I didn't expect. Although now I'm intrigued by the possibility of sour.
  7. Recently completed video games

    Chaos Theory is my favorite Splinter Cell game. (Although, to be totally fair to the series, I haven't played Black List or Essentials, so I can't say its the best with 100% accuracy). Everything about it just felt... good. And then they re-released it on the 3DS as Splinter Cell 3D, of which I also have a copy, and its actually a pretty decent recreation. The controls are a little weird at times, but I like having a great stealth game that I can play wherever, especially now that I no longer have my PS2. They added in those weird mission prompt things on the walls from Conviction, which was an odd choice, but still looks good.
  8. Sports

    Awesome! Montreal is moving on to Round 2!
  9. Life

    ********* ********* ********* ********* I'm such a rebel.
  10. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Well, it has the Popcorn button.
  11. Idle Sugar

    I, too, am Canadian, and was surprised to find it. (It's part of the reason I walked out of that store with nothing but things from other countries...) You'd probably have to go to a dedicated candy store, not just going to a convenience store or whatever, but there IS a chance of getting it in Canada! ...of course this partially depends on where you live, as well. Southern Ontario is probably the most likely area to have things like this. Also, the "Salmiak Riksen"... not bad, but way saltier than I expected. I didn't know salty candies existed.
  12. Life

    I just wanted to say thanks for the reply. I don't really have anything back to say, I just wanted to acknowledge that I read and appreciated your post.
  13. I Had A Random Thought...

    I was told that as a kid. I don't know why... maybe something to do with keeping the table clean? Or maybe its so you're not taking up a bunch of space on the table? I don't know.
  14. Hipsters

    I don't even know what hipster is supposed to mean anymore.
  15. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I never actually played any of the Humongous games growing up, but I remember seeing them every once in a while and thinking they looked neat. I will probably never play them because I am so far outside of their intended audience and have no nostalgic connection to them. But it's really cool to see something different available on Steam.
  16. Sports

    I don't know, I've got a good feeling about the Sharks. (Although thats based on nothing but a gut feeling, so don't take my word for it...) Also glad to see Montreal won a game, but I still don't think they'll make it to Round 2.
  17. Life

    Woke up today, checked my emails, and found 3 from different places I applied for work, each of them saying they're going with someone else, better luck next time. I can't help but feel worthless right now.
  18. Beyond Good and Evil 2

    It's a shame they started with "Beyond Good and Evil". If they had just called it "Good and Evil", then "Beyond Good and Evil" would have been a fantastic sequel title.
  19. Recently completed video games

    Today I finished Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury. I loved its predecessor, Legacy of Goku II. This one was similar, but I didn't enjoy it as much. Partially because I enjoyed the Android/Cell sagas much more than the Buu saga. Also, this game had a weird difficulty spike at the end: Before the final fight with Buu, I was destroying absolutely everything around me in a few hits. I got every character to level 150, which isn't the max level (that would be 200). But when I fought the final battle, I died several times and had a lot of trouble with it. I had been grinding levels in that game for hours and it still ended with me barely winning. I suppose that's kind of intentional (I mean, Buu is supposed to be almost unkillable) but when I had to grind that much and still spent the final battle constantly on the verge of death, I feel like it wouldn't go so well if I hadn't tried to overlevel myself for an easy final battle... Long story short, I wanted it to be a baby game.
  20. Life

    For the first time in ages, I've finally felt the motivation to work on a game. I worked on a terrible project for a while, and it killed absolutely all motivation for me. But in the past few days I've been working on this little Flash game, just so that I have something made, something to show that I can still make things. It's really nice to finally feel like doing something productive with my time.
  21. I worked on a bad game once! It's easy to make a bad game in the right circumstances. IE, one developer straight out of school working in a language he's never used, to make a game on a platform he's never worked on before, taking orders from a group of people who can't agree on anything and are changing everything daily. I feel awful about it, because there was a good game buried somewhere in there, but I just couldn't do it justice...
  22. I Had A Random Thought...

    Don't feel embarrassed, even Batman sings the Jigglypuff song sometimes.
  23. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I've been trying to play through The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but between already not liking the 3-day system, and having a huge amount of trouble with the Snowhead Temple I'm giving up.
  24. I love details on how I play. Stats out the butt. I feel like not having this kind of information is a disservice to everyone. I would love in depth stats about how I die most often (Final Smashes? Items? Do I lose by leaving from the top, bottom, left or right? What is my average damage % at when I die?) I want to know which characters I lose to, which I defeat more easily, average non-timed match length. Do I die more on certain maps? I don't care too much about my ranking against everyone else, but I want as much information about the way I play that I can get. I want tons and tons of information. And I feel like, if they really wanted to make the games competitive, that kind of information would be useful for everyone, including developers. Its one thing to hear fans say a character is overpowered, and another to see that the average player loses to that character 75% more often than against other characters, for example.
  25. Every time I see more about Megaman, I get more excited about playing as him in SSB. I cannot wait. Also, I'm glad to hear the 3DS version will be released first, since thats the one I'll be getting.