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Posts posted by jmbossy

  1. Im generally a McHale fan; but i thought he was one of the worst parts of the show. His questions were awkward and 90% of his jokes didnt hit (doubt he wrote his own stuff though).


    That and I hated every viral bit (even Mega 64 and Roosterteeth who are generally groups I enjoy)

  2. My top 10 games because I'm boring and unoriginal.


    10. Rogue Legacy

      9. Grand Theft Auto V

      8. Stanley Parable

      7. Dota 2 (I know it should be higher, but I have only played against bots so far)

      6. Papers, Please

      5. The Last of Us

      4. Brothers

      3. The Swapper

      2. Gone Home

      1. Bioshock Infinite


    Keeping in mind this list has no appropriate categorization they're just an approximation of my favourite games released this year. 


    i haven't played gunpoint, but its next on my list

  3. I feel very similarly about Facebook and all social media (wait- unless you count forums, which I guess are technically that as well). I don't feel any one posting on either site wants to converse as much as they want to have their thoughts heard. I'm not even trying to tear down Facebook/Twitter by saying that, it serves a purpose and one that I actually use. The internet is a big place, and seeing all of the people I care about's commentary all in one place is helpful in navigating it. I just don't expect to have conversations there, and I don't generally follow people who "keep up with their followers". 




    absolutely perfect ^.^

  4. Yes.


    My argument being, Bogost claims that as gamers we fear being pigeon-holed by "adolescence", and suggests we instead accept that even Gone Home, a game generally regarded as being one of the most mature in gaming is only less adolescent than something from Epic. That may be over simplifying his argument, and I do agree with TheCineaste, in that I'm glad it exists, but comparing the story told here or in bioshock to that of the hunger games or twiligiht Is overlooking all of the qualities which elevate either genre. Granted Bioshock isn't nearly as mature as Gone Home, but the importance of either aren't their existence within the genre. The best part of Gone Home isn't that it some how manages to be praised despite it being a video game.

  5. If you have an active light source he will tend to spam his annoying underground sword attack.


    Is that why he does that?! That attack was an hour of playtime for me!!! I kept dropping down there, trying to estus, and immediately getting tossed into the air. Damned From! Teaching me to use a skull lantern for an entire level then punishing me for using it at the boss. They're like evil geniuses. 

  6. I started playing this morning. So far its decently entertaining.


    I've tried playing a few times now, and I tried typing my bosses code in before the narrator could tell me, so the narrator told me to relax and blasted new age music through my headphones. Brilliant.

  7. I understand why Gone Home, more than most games, would be subject to literary debate, but by doing so one would sort of be taking away the games most appreciable quality. Novels convey the thoughts of their characters and mood of their environments through incredibly precise diction (in the way poetry does). Where poetry/literature has diction, games have direction (in the way film does) inferring significance through both visual and auditory messaging. Because the player is such an important aspect to the story (at least in relation to any other form of media) directing what the player sees/hears is a games most difficult challenge to overcome. The best examples of games are those that use every aspect of their creation, including and surpassing the narrative, to tell their story or share their experience (in games with little to less story). Gone Home isn't amazing because the story is new or significantly different but because its soundtrack, its art style, its voice acting, and every other aspect that makes it a video game (even its level design), are magnificently cogent. Even if you don't care for the story told it is still told in an amazing way, and in a way no novel ever could.

  8. I just do not get livestreaming. Like, at all... I'd far, far prefer to watch an edited video, particularly if it's one where some of the flab was cut out.


    I don't much care for livestreams of things that are primarily one way communication, like concerts or presentations... the Thumbs generally do a good job of interacting with the camera and not just the people who are present in the chat, but this is not always the case.



    Sentiment shared. I don't understand the growth of livestreams. I love that people can be enthusiastic about the games they're playing, and I can get behind the competitive aspects of those mediums (ie Spelunky daily challenges) but one guy talking into one mic over a singular gaming experience bores me. The idle thumbs streams are at least unique it that they have multiple people involved, sharing their perspectives. 


    While I'm complaining, I also don't get Google Hangouts. They're essentially low quality livestreamed podcasts.

  9. I can pinpoint the exact moment Chris realized it



    This was exactly what I was hoping it would be ^.^



    One of the brilliant things about GH is how encompassing it is in its ability to draw in the player.  There are enough themes that most people could latch onto one of the hooks, and be drawn along for the ride. 

    For me it was how each member of the family was growing isolated from one another, for different reasons. That actually had a lot of similarities to my family when I was in high school for some similar, and some very different, reasons.


    Oddly enough I had (and currently have) a similar relationship with my family. But I guess with one theme being so standout I naturally gravitated towards it.

  10. I drank a little and tried playing L4D2 with some friends. But they couldn't all install it properly, so we ended up playing DOTA 2.
    My first time playing DOTA 2. And I was intoxicated. 


    So much self loathing.

  11. Ending is fantastic so far. I've been playing for a bit, but I think there is a little less content than I was hoping for. Either way, thanks for the rec. Laco

    Also: I hadn't seen it mentioned so I thought I should bring it up... Osmos is absolutely incredible.