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Posts posted by jmbossy

  1. Hot seat, like, fighters?

    My friends and I play fighters a little too intensely. The focus required seems like it could be a buzzkill.

    Maybe if I had an ouya I could play towerfall.

  2. Sweet. Thanks guys =D. I'm not a huge fan of runners (though I guess tiny wings is something of a runner) but ending, Dungelot, and A ride look great. Hopefully one will fill my requirements.

  3. I'm new to drinking (legally, any ways) so I have yet to drink and game (which I believe requires appropriate Verbiage if some one can be at all creative).

    What games are the best to (insert verbiage)???

    I don't think my usual stable of indie games will be at all enhanced by a decreased IQ.

  4. My three or so year old nephew watches some weird show with an Alphabet Pig (?) And a bunch of word related super heroes. Point being the Pig sings the alphabet in a different melody for no appearent reason. I asked my sister (his mother) and she says she thinks someone holds the rights to the traditional alphabet melody (ie Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and so they can't use it on TV. Pretty sure that shit is public domain but I'm too lazy to investigate.

    Edit: Did some googling... The pig is named "Alpha-Pig". Here is the bastardized alphabet he sings.

  5. Just got an android (I know/ not "iOS") and I've been looking for anything to play. I plan on picking up S&S and The Room now that I have a decent sized screen, but I can't find any bus stop/ on the toilet games outside of ninjump and doodle jump (both of which I've already played to death on my last phone)

    Any suggestions for simple 'pick up and play' games potentially available on Android?

  6. I played the first time with someone who wore a white cloak (which i guess means he's played way more than most people). I still had an enchanting time, our relationship seemed more mentor/apprentice than partners at the end. I felt dependent on his knowledge. And at the end, he drew a heart in the sand and I giggled like a massive baby.


    A pretty amazing experience.

  7. It's hard to objectively evaluate something when you have such a strong emotional connection to it. It's like trying to find flaws in the people you love.

    That being said, I don't believe in traditional 'reviews'. I spent a little time writing for a site where they continually 'suggested' I write more qualitative reviews. I prefer to just outline my experience and discuss who I think would share that experience, or where differences in opinion could arise.


    That being said, I fucking loved this game.

  8. Not 100% whether or not this fits into the "random thought" theme, but I recently thought back to something that happened to me in high school and wanted to share it.


    So I am a fat guy (by which I mean, I eat shitty food), and I had never peeled my own orange at this point. I was in the 11th grade (sophomore?) and was sitting next to a cute friend of mine. She had two mandarin oranges on her desk and graciously offered me one. The teacher was handing out tests and was standing at our shared desk discussing my friend's mark. I took the mandarin and, assuming it to work like a hand fruit, bit directly into it, skin and all. The juice from the orange squirted across the desk into the teachers and my friend's faces. It was their immediate realization the fat kid had never once eaten an orange.


    I hate mandarins now.

  9. So I just finished Gone Home.


    I didn't know anything about the story going into it, so as I slowly discovered Sam's secret I began to actually tear up (not something many video games have done before) as my older sister is also gay. I didn't expect to have such an emotional connection to the story. As Sam discussed their happier moments I grinned ear to ear thinking of my sis. And as I found the note in the greenhouse that said "This is where we'll do it" I felt my heart plummet. Climbing the ladder to the attic I began to gag, and nearly puked with fear that i'd find Sam and/or Lonnie dead. When I listened to the last journal i felt all the pressure lift and felt a relief I hadn't in a long time.


    It'd be hard to 'review' this game having such a relation to the story, but I absolutely loved my time with it. Thanks guys, for the recommendation, and thanks to Fullbright for the experience ^.^

  10. No story spoilers here

    The game has a setting that fits into the horror genre and the beginning creates an atmosphere like seems like it's going to be a scary game, but there's nothing that's going to jump out of a dark corner and attack you.  I mentioned one moment that made me jump a little, which is in a secret passage.  There's a little wooden cross sitting on a beam and when you approach it, the light bulb in the passage goes out.  That's probably the "scariest" moment in the whole game.



    Thanks man. I'll start playing tonight :D

  11. Here are some major spoilers if you're looking for direction



     The knight in the tower only opens a shortcut to Undead Berg. Though the knight does have an awesome drop.

    The door in the gardens leads to a boss you need to open the boss fight in New londo. The boss fight in new londo opens the yellow fog in anor londo, demon ruins (under quelaag) and the catacombs (don't even bother continuing until after finishing new londo)


    The hydra is pretty skippable, unless you have the DLC, in which case, you need to beat new londo first to get an item in Anor Londo to access it.

    The hollow in blighttown can be skipped without much loss, except for a covenant and a miniboss. 


    Fairly complex.

    EDIT: Spoilter tags